Manage E-Points

Use the Manage E-Points tool to modify local system collectors and evaluation points.

For some of the quick risk analysis in order to obtain quick analysis of an E-Line, you may require to modify or reduce the number of evaluation points on E-Lines. Also, there may be cases where you might have to modify the local system collector orientation. Use the Manage E-Points tool to delete connections and rotate Local Coordinate Systems (LCS).

Rotate LCS

Rotate a local coordinate system on an evaluation point.

  1. From Setup group, select Setup > Manage E-Points.
    Figure 1.
    A guide bar opens.
  2. Click to open advanced options.
    Figure 2.
  3. Enter the rotation Angle value.
  4. Select the required LCS from the model.
    Figure 3.
    A microdialog opens.
  5. Enter the required rotation increments or select the values manually.
This rotates the selected LCS at the evaluation point, about the X-axis by the provided rotation angle.

Delete Connection

Delete connection point(s) along an E-Line.

Use the Delete Connection tool to delete connection point(s) along an E-Line. You can delete a single or multiple connection points on an E-Line. Once a connection point is deleted, SnRD automatically renumbers and updates the E-Line with new number of connection points.
  1. From Setup group, select Setup > Manage E-Point.
    Figure 4.
    A guide bar opens.
  2. Select Delete Connection from the guide bar.
  3. Select the CBUSH components from the model.
  4. Click Delete.
This deletes the selected CBUSH, along with the related RBE and LCS components. This also updates the E-Line number with the updated number of connections.