
Class PointToDeformableSurfaceContact()

PointToDeformableSurfaceContact(parent='MODEL', name='PointToDeformableSurfaceContact_n', 
label='PointToDeformableSurfaceContact_n', active=True, b1=None, origin=None, surf=None, 
force_model='LINEAR', flip_normal=True, radius=0, stiffness=0, damping=0, penalty=0.1, rest_coeff=0)

Creates a contact force between a sphere of radius (r) and a deformable surface.

Keyword Arguments

Argument Data Type Description Default
name String The variable name. PointToDeformableSurfaceContact_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. PointToDeformableSurfaceContact_n, for next available integer n.
parent Object The parent. MODEL
active Boolean Used to activate or deactivate this entity. True
b1 Body The body that the sphere will be attached to. None
origin Point The center of the sphere. None
surf DeformableSurface The deformable surface which will come into contact with the sphere. None
force_model Enum Use LINEAR for the linear algorithm method of contact. Use POISSON for the Poisson method of contact. Use 'USER' for user values. 'LINEAR'
flip_normal Bool Flag to flip the normals of the deformable surface. True
radius Double The radius of the sphere used in the contact. 0
stiffness Double The stiffness used with the linear contact method. 0
damping Double The damping used with the linear contact method. 0
penalty Double The penalty value used with the Poisson contact method. 0.1
rest_coeff Double The restitution coefficient used with the Poisson contact method. 0
usr_sub Function The expression passed to the user dll for normal force value. When using solver expressions, Templex syntax (within ``) is used and all variables are enclosed in braces {} and the rest is treated as literal. 'USER()'
local_funcname String The function/subroutine name for force value when force_model is USER. 'CNFSUB'
use_local_dll Bool Uses a local function instead of default for force if True when force_model is USER. Defaults to False. * local_dll (File) : The path of the local dll for force which has the local_funcname when force_model is USER. ''
local_func_type Enum The type of the user subroutine of force when force_model is USER. One of DLL, PYTHON or MATLAB. 'DLL'


i (Marker) : Defaults to .

Readonly Properties

Argument Data Type Description Default
user Bool Is True when 'force_model' is "USER" else False. False