>>> from hw import mview
>>> # Create bodies for Contact
>>> b1 = mview.Body(name = 'moving', inertia_props_from_graphic = True)
>>> b2 = mview.Body(name = 'static', inertia_props_from_graphic = True)
>>> p1 = mview.Point(z = 50)
>>> # Create graphics for Contact
>>> g1 = mview.Sphere(origin = p1, body = b1, radius = 10)
>>> g2 = mview.Box(itype = 'CENTER', origin = 'P_Global_Origin', body = 'B_Ground')
>>> g2.setValues(lengthx = 50, lengthy = 50, lengthz = 2, align_pt1 = p1)
>>> # Create 3D rigid contact and assign bodies and graphics
>>> con1 = mview.Contact(b1 = b1, b2 = b2)
>>> con1.setValues(ig = [g1], jg = [g2])
>>> # Use Poission as the type of contact
>>> con1.contact_type = 'POISSON'
>>> # Set multiple values at once
>>> con1.setValues(penalty = 1000, rest_coeff = 0.5)
>>> # Get value of an attribute
>>> con1.penalty
>>> # Change the friction type to dynamic only
>>> con1.coulomb_friction = 'DYNAMICS_ONLY'
>>> con1.coulomb_friction
>>> # Assign static and dynamic friction coefficients
>>> con1.mu_static = 0.6
>>> con1.mu_dynamic : 0.3