
Click to plot responses from the analysis.

Figure 1. NVH Plot Manager

Use the Plot Manager to plot SEAM results. You can plot model results versus a baseline model or overlay plots from different elements or connections within the same model. The plot controls vary depending on the quantity presented.

Plot Manager has three sections:
Results contains the list of responses available from solving the loaded model.
These are subsystems characteristics that you can select to study further. Their organizational structure is:

Figure 2.
After selecting the result type, select a subsystem.
Display results of the analysis in a 2D plot.
The plot section contains the additional options energy flow and table.
Energy Flow
Present the energy flow for a subsystem after running a model. The energy flow into a given subsystem is plotted versus the connected subsystem and is displayed in the SEAM Energy Flow Graph window. A positive value represents energy flow into the subsystem, and a negative value represents energy flow out of the subsystem.

Figure 3. Energy Flow
Save the results of the baseline and compare it against the latest run. By clicking on the baseline, you can view or hide the baseline results in the current plot.
Table View
Provides a spreadsheet view of the SEAM results. This view displays the actual numerical values of the calculated quantities. You can also export the result into a CSV format as shown below.

Figure 4. NVH Plot Manager Table