SEA Excitations

An excitation is generated from an input load. An excitation acts on an SEA subsystem or junction, whereas an input load acts on a SEAM element or connection.

Figure 1. SEA Excitations Ribbon
SEAM calculates subsystem power inputs at each frequency band based on the input load specifications.

Figure 2. Create Seam Excitations Entity Editor
Enter a unique name.
Enter a unique ID.
Input Load
Power input to the model from vibration and acoustic sources.
Config type
A predefined type which describes the general form of the Input Load. The Input Load type is chosen from the Config drop-down menu.
Note: The Input Load type determines the Input Load parameters, so the Input button remains inactive until an Input Load type is selected.
Power Input
The power into an element is directly specified. Use the Power Input type when simple power transfer functions are desired or when detailed calculations of input power have been performed outside of SEAM. This type is particularly useful when power input has been measured during a test.
The reverberant vibration or sound pressure level is specified directly at an element. SEAM calculates the required input power to achieve the specified response.
Applied Load
This includes point forces, displacements, velocities, or accelerations specified at an element or a connection. Use the Applied Load type to simulate shaker tests or other compact excitation sources. SEAM uses the subsystem impedances to calculate input power for applied loads.
Subsystem on which the load is applied.
Subsystem Type
Subsystem type forces on which the load is applied.