SEA Excitations
An excitation is generated from an input load. An excitation acts on an SEA subsystem or junction, whereas an input load acts on a SEAM element or connection.
SEAM calculates subsystem power inputs at each frequency
band based on the input load specifications.
- Name
- Enter a unique name.
- ID
- Enter a unique ID.
- Input Load
- Power input to the model from vibration and acoustic sources.
- Config type
- A predefined type which describes the general form of the Input Load.
The Input Load type is chosen from the Config drop-down menu.Note: The Input Load type determines the Input Load parameters, so the Input button remains inactive until an Input Load type is selected.
- Subsystem
- Subsystem on which the load is applied.
- Subsystem Type
- Subsystem type forces on which the load is applied.