Construction tools: linear repetition

Linear repetition

There are several modes of construction « linear repetition » :

  • linear repetition (vector) : repetition along a vector defined by a delta on the abscissas (Dx) and a delta on the ordinates (Dy) and a number of repetitions.
  • linear repetition (matrix) : equivalent to a linear double repetition (vector) :
    • a first repetition on the abscissas defined by a delta (Dx) and a number of repetitions on the abscissas.
    • a second repetition, including the result of the first one, on the ordinates defined by a delta (Dy) and a number of repetitions on the ordinates.
Linear repetition (vector) Linear repetition (matrix)

Access / Cursor

The different accesses and the personalized cursor for this mode of creation are presented in the following table:

Type Access Cursor
Linear Repetition (vector) By icon:
By menu: Tools → Linear repetition (vector)
Linear repetition (matrix) By icon:
By menu: Tools → Linear repetition (matrix)

Dialog box

After the activation of this mode, a dialog box containing all the necessary fields and options to apply a linear repetition will appear.

  Linear repetition (vector) Linear repetition (matrix)
Graphic selection Permits to get information on the list of entities to be repeated by selecting them graphically*
Dx Delta on the abscissas between the entities of origin and the repeated entities
Dy Delta on the ordinates between the entities of origin and the repeated entities
Number of repetitions The number of repetitions along the vector described by Dx and Dy (set by default at 1)

The number of repetitions on X with a delta Dx (set by default at 1)


The number of repetitions on Y with a delta Dy (set by default at 1)

Connect to origin

Option common to all the modes of construction symmetry and repetitions

(see Construction tools: generalities )

*It is possible to unselect the entities graphically or by using the button Delete.

Selection variant

The selection of the entities to repeat can be done:

  • after the activation of the mode
  • before the activation of the mode → field « Graphic selection » prefilled

Apply a linear repetition (vector)

The process to apply a Linear repetition (vector) is presented in the table below.

Stage Description
1 Activation of the mode
A dialog box is opened
2 Graphic selection of entities to be repeated

The field « Graphic selection » is filled in

The selected entities are highlighted

3 Choice of a value Dx (to enter)
4 Choice of a value Dy (to enter)
5 Choice of a number of repetitions (to enter)

The fields « Dx », « Dy » and « Number of repetitions » are filled

The outline of the resulting entities of the repetition will appear

6 Choice of the option « Connect to origin » : yes or no
7 Validation of the repetition by OK

The dialog box closes.

A VECTOR transformation is created.

The resulting entities of the application of the repetitions are created

The mode of construction is automatically deactivated

Apply a linear repetition (matrix)

The process to apply a Linear repetition (matrix) is presented in the table below.

Stage Description
1 Activation of the mode
A dialog box is opened
2 Graphic selection of entities to be repeated

The field « Graphic selection » is filled in

The selected entities are highlighted in green

3 Choice of a value Dx (to enter)
4 Choice of number of repetitions on X (to enter)

The fields « Dx » and « Number of repetitions on X » are filled in

The outline of the resulting entities of the repetition on X will appear

5 Choice of the value Dy
6 Choice of the number of repetitions on Y (to enter)

The fields « Dy » and « Number of repetitions Y » are filled in

The outline of the resulting entities of the repetitions on Y will appear

7 Choice of the option « Connect to origin » : yes or no
8 Validation of the repetition by OK

The dialog box closes

Two transformations LINEAR_X et LINEAR_Y are created

The resulting entities of the application of the repetitions are created

The mode of construction is automatically deactivated