Aided mesh: définition (structure)


The aided mesh is defined by :

  • the state (activated / inactivated)
  • certain parameters


The aided mesh is activated by default.

When it is activated, the parameters of the "Aided" (specific to the aid) type are assigned to all the free geometric entities of the project. The entities that contain mesh data (instance created and assigned by the user) are not controlled by the aided mesh.


The table below sums up, the various ‘ aided'parameters administered by aided mesh, the mesh tools to which they correspond, the entities on which they are assigned, their type and their value.

Aided Parameters Corresponding tools Impacted geometric entity Type Value
Aided mesh point point discretization point dynamic

(by default)

value synchronized by aid in function of project size
uniform Length of elements
Aided meshline and aided mesh generator
  • linear discretization
  • surface mesh generator (in 3D)
  • line
  • face (in 3D)
absolute deflection
  • in relation with the project size
  • absolute value
Relative deflection 0.0<d<1.0
Aided relax line relaxation line Ø
  • weak (r=0.25)
  • average (r=0.50)
  • strong (r=0.75)
  • user 0.0<r<1.0
Aided relax face face Ø
  • weak (r=0.25)
  • average (r=0.50)
  • strong (r=0.75)
  • user 0.0<r<1.0
Aided relaxvolume volume Ø
  • weak (r=0.25)
  • average (r=0.50)
  • strong (r=0.75)
  • user 0.0<r<1.0
Aided shadowface shading face (3D) Ø
  • weak (s=0.25)
  • average (s=0.50)
  • strong (s=0.75)
  • user 0.0<s<1.0