Templex Expression |
numcurves() is used for plotting export templates and for plotting notes.
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Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Extensions are programs integrated with HyperWorks to enhance or extend the user experience.
Altair Binary Format (ABF) is the standard binary format read by the program. A library called abflib allows you to create files in ABF.
A generic ASCII reader is now available which allows you to bring custom results directly into HyperView. The Altair ASCII format is useful for reading the results of any in-house or propriety codes which are saved in a generic format.
Batch mode allows you perform a series of operations outside the program interface.
External resources can be registered in preference files, session files, or Templex files. If an external resource is registered in a program session, it is automatically registered in the session file when the session is saved.
The HyperWorks Desktop scripting interface is a set of Tcl/Tk commands that follow a simple and consistent syntax.
Translators are utilities that are run from the command line of the operating system to convert various types of files into different formats.
XML commands in the Result Math Module.
Record playback workflows in HyperView.
Templex is a general purpose text and numeric processor which generates output text based on guidelines defined in a template.
Mathematical functions and operators, including syntax, operators and specific information about each function.
The mathematical functions accept arguments of different data types.
The standard mathematical order of operations is followed when an expression is evaluated.
Overview of functions and operators.
List of operators.
List of standard functions.
Absolute value.
The total area between the curve and the independent axis regardless of sign.
Changes the reference to a file from absolute (root directory) to relative. The relative path will be the difference between path_1 and path_2.
Trigonometric arccosine function.
Akima spline interpolation function.
Returns the akimaderivative values for a given new x vector.
Creates an empty vector or matrix.
ASCII value.
Amplitude Spectral Density function, which supports blocks, windows, overlap, and averages.
Trigonometric arcsine function.
Trigonometric arctangent function.
Trigonometric arctangent (quadrant dependent) function.
ASCII to integer converter.
Average deviation from the mean.
Batch digital filter.
Polyfit plus batch digital filter. batchpolyfit fits a polynomial to the data and subtracts that polynomial from the data, leaving only the residuals. It batch filters the residuals, then adds the polynomial back in.
Creates bins for the probability density function, pdf.
Blackman windowing function.
The imaginary component of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) calculated using blocking.
The magnitude of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) calculated using blocking.
The phase angle of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) calculated using blocking.
The real component of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) calculated using blocking.
Imaginary component of a Frequency Response Function (FRF) calculated using blocking.
The magnitude of a Frequency Response Function (FRF) calculated using blocking.
Phase angle of a Frequency Response Function (FRF) calculated using blocking.
Real component of a Frequency Response Function (FRF) calculated using blocking.
Concatenation function.
Attach vectors function.
Returns the cumulative probability that a real-valued random variable x with a given continuous distribution will be found to have a value less than or equal to x.
Returns the maximum value of the referenced cells.
Calculates the mean value of the referenced cells.
Returns the minimum value of the referenced cells.
Returns a vector of all referenced cell values of type scalar. This can be used to draw curves in HyperGraph based on cell values.
Calculates the rms (the square root of the arithmetic mean of the squares) of the referenced cells.
Calculates the rss (square root of the arithmetic sum of the squares) of the referenced cells.
Calculates the sum of the referenced cells.
Center of the area under a curve.
Returns the corresponding ASCII character for a given number.
Closest integer function.
Coherence function.
Converts string to integer value.
Returns the correlation coefficient of the given curve vectors.
Trigonometric cosine function.
Hyperbolic cosine function.
Inserts a carriage return character.
Curve Envelope Templex function, which allows you to create a minimum and maximum envelope across given set of curves.
Returns the label of a curve being exported.
Length of a segmented path along a curve.
Multiplies multiple curves which have overlapping x vectors.
Adds multiple curves which have overlapping x vectors.
Creates a new x vector from the x vectors of multiple curves in the range between the maximum of all minima and the minimum of all maxima. All curves must have an overlapping x range. The returned vector contains only the points of the vector which has the most points in this range.
Returns the X vector of a curve being exported or a curve in the current plot.
Returns the Y vector of a curve being exported or a curve in the current plot.
System date function.
Acoustic A-weighting function.
Acoustic B-weighting function.
Acoustic C-weighting function.
Acoustic U-weighting function.
Cross correlation function using discrete Fourier Transforms (dFT).
The difference between the first and last points of a vector.
Curve derivative function.
Matrix determinant function.
Calculates the deviation metric for dynamic stiffness, loss angle curves.
Frequency vector function.
Imaginary component of a discrete Fourier Transform (dFT) function.
Magnitude of a discrete Fourier Transform (dFT) function.
Phase angle of a discrete Fourier Transform (dFT) function.
Real component of a discrete Fourier Transform (dFT) function.
Convert degrees to radians.
Imaginary eigenvalues of a matrix.
Real eigenvalues of a matrix.
Imaginary eigenvectors of a matrix.
Real eigenvectors of a matrix.
Evaluates the contents of a string as an expression.
Exponential function.
Exponential least-squares curve fit function.
Cross correlation function using Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT).
Imaginary component of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) function.
Magnitude of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) function. FFTMag performs a frequency analysis on a single curve's data and produces an output that indicates the magnitude of the frequency content of the input file.
Phase angle of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) function.
Real component of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) function.
Closes an open file.
Tests whether a file exists.
Locates a string in an open file.
Returns information about a file.
Opens a file for reading or writing.
Passes a source string through the Templex parser.
Magnitude folding function.
Locks the value of the specified variable.
Frequency vector function.
Imaginary component of a Frequency Response Function (FRF) function.
Magnitude of a Frequency Response Function (FRF) function.
Phase angle of a Frequency Response Function (FRF) function.
Real component of a Frequency Response Function (FRF) function.
Returns the value of an environment variable.
Returns the value of a vector at the same index of a specified value in a corresponding vector.
Gets a value corresponding to a name for a particular data channel.
Hamming windowing function.
Hanning windowing function.
Hilbert transform function.
Real component of an inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) function.
Real component of an inverse Fast Fourier Transform (iFFT) function.
Chooses between two values based on a third value.
Index of vector maximum value function.
Index of vector minimum value function.
Integer function.
The integral function.
Returns the standard normal value for a given cumulative (Gaussian) probability.
Matrix inversion function.
Impulse response filter function.
Integer to ASCII converter.
Kaiser-Bessel windowing function.
Linear interpolation function.
Natural logarithm (base e).
Common logarithm (base 10).
Logarithmic interpolation function.
Magnitude function.
Maximum value function.
Maximum index of the vector.
Statistical mean function.
Statistical median of a data set.
Returns a subrange out of a string.
Minimum value function.
For a given set of x values, returns a vector of values that smoothly transitions from (or steps from) one level of y value to another. This function can create a vector that has many steps and can use different forms of interpolating step functions.
The Newton-Raphson method uses an iterative process to approach one root of a function.
Returns a vector of fitted points according to the equation specified.
The element counting function.
The OLC function is able to calculate both the Occupant Load Criteria (OLC) and OLC++. OLC++ combines OLC with the time of maximum deformation (Tv=0) and the sliding mean integral over a window of 25 ms (SM25), as shown in the formulas below.
Parzen windowing function.
Probability density function.
Determines all of the local extreme values of a vector.
Polynomial least squares curve fit function.
Imaginary roots of a polynomial.
Real roots of a polynomial.
Evaluates a given polynomial using specified coefficients and datapoints.
Projects a curve onto a surface or waterfall plot and returns the specified channel’s values of the projection in the specified direction.
Power spectral density function.
Modified power spectral density function.
Random number generator.
Returns a vector from the specified data file.
Returns a vector or matrix of values based on the channel name (string), not on the index. Indices will only be used for specifying the range of the returned vector.
Returns a vector from the specified data file.
Changes the reference to a file from relative to absolute.
The relative displacement (reldisp) math function allows you to transform vector results from time history or animation result files according to a coordinate system defined by three nodes from the same result file.
Takes a vector and returns a vector containing the indices of the points from the input vector, which are non-duplicate points (for successive points).
Replaces one substring with another.
Creates a vector of resampled response values.
Creates a vector of resampled revolution values.
Creates a vector of resampled time values.
Returns a vector or matrix of values at a given timestep.
Root mean square of a vector.
The rrs (Random Response Spectrum) is a standard mathematical function that is commonly used in random load analyses for space systems. The rrs is defined as the rms response of a 1-DOF system as a function of its natural frequency for a given damping ratio.
Convert radians to degrees.
SAE class filter.
Returns a vector with four values: combined metric, SG combined metric, magnitude, and phase difference.
Calculates the area between the curve and the independent axis according to sign.
Trigonometric sine function.
Hyperbolic sine function.
Computes the dimensions of an expression.
Skewness of a distribution.
Sliding mean integral filter. Smooths the curve by moving a sliding window over the curve and calculating the mean value. This is done by calculating the area of the sliding window regardless of whether or not there are points at the window boundary, and divides this area by the window size.
Sorts arrays based on a key.
Cubic spline interpolation function.
Shock response system standard mathematical function that is commonly used in space systems, with acceleration time history as the base input.
Algebraic square root function.
Creates a vector of frequency values for use in a short time waterfall plot.
Creates a vector of short time Fourier transform outputs.
Creates a vector of order values for use in a short time waterfall plot.
Searches forward for a character within a string starting at the beginning of an array.
Generates a structure for a string array of a specified size.
Returns the length of the string.
Searches backward for a character within a string starting at the end of the string
Creates a vector of unevenly spaced times that segment an input time vector for use in a short time resampled waterfall plot.
Creates a vector of unevenly spaced times that segment an input time vector for use in a short time resampled waterfall plot.
Searches for a substring within a string starting at the beginning of the array.
Creates a vector of unevenly spaced times that segment an input time vector for use in a short time waterfall plot.
Creates a vector of evenly spaced times that segment an input time vector for use in a short time waterfall plot.
Vector subrange extractor.
The algebraic sum function.
Removes spikes from a curve.
Returns an ID string identifying the system on which Templex is being run.
Passes a Unix command to a shell for execution and returns the result.
Trigonometric tangent function.
Hyperbolic tangent function.
Executes a Tcl statement or an array of statements.
Executes a Tcl script file (or list of script files).
Retrieve the value of a Tcl variable as a string.
Unlocks the values of the specified variable.
System time function.
Returns the elapsed time.
Converts a string to lowercase.
Converts a string to uppercase.
Returns the type of variable and identifies it as scalar, vector, or a string.
Describes the spread of distribution.
Creates a vector of variable time Discrete Fourier transform outputs.
Creates a vector of frequency values for use in a variable time waterfall plot.
Creates a vector of frequency values for use in a variable time waterfall plot.
Creates a vector of unevenly spaced times that segment an input time vector for use in a variable time waterfall plot.
Creates a vector of evenly spaced times that segment an input time vector for use in a variable time waterfall plot.
Welch windowing function.
Weighted Integrated Factor returns a vector with four values: peak, peak time, wifac, and total.
The number of sign reversals in a vector.
List of external functions.
Overview of Fast Fourier Transform, phenomena, windowing, Filtering Frequency Response, functions, blocking, and Hilbert Transform.
The Script and Model Library is a database of freely accessible scripts and models posted by users and Altair engineers.
Overview of functions and operators.
Mathematical functions and operators, including syntax, operators and specific information about each function.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
List of standard functions.
Templex Expression |
numcurves() is used for plotting export templates and for plotting notes.
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