Block Format Keyword Describes mixed mode, strain rate dependent material model with damage and failure.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
/MAT/LAW116/mat_ID/unit_ID | |||||||||
mat_title | |||||||||
Thick | Imass | Idel | Icrit | ||||||
Iorder_I | Ifail_I | ||||||||
Iorder_II | Ifail_II |
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
mat_ID | Material identifier. (Integer, maximum 10 digits) |
unit_ID | Optional unit
identifier. (Integer, maximum 10 digits) |
mat_title | Material title. (Character, maximum 100 characters) |
density. (Real) |
Young’s (stiffness) modulus in
normal direction per unit length. (Real) |
Shear (stiffness) modulus in
tangent direction per unit length. Default = (Real) |
Thick | Reference cohesive
thickness. (Real) |
Imass | Mass calculation flag.
(Integer) |
Idel | Failure flag indicating the number
of integration points to delete the element (between 1 and
4). Default = 1 (Integer) |
Icrit | Yield and damage initiation flag.
(Integer) |
Initial critical energy release
rate for mode I (normal direction). (Real) |
Upper bound of critical energy
release rate. Indicates the strain rate dependency of
. Default = 0.0 (Real) |
Reference (lower bound) strain rate
for GC strain rate dependency. Must be defined if . (Real) |
Shape factor for energy release
rate before failure in mode I. (Real) |
Initial critical energy release
rate for mode II (shear). (Real) |
Upper bound of critical energy
release rate. Indicates the strain rate dependency of
. Default = 0.0 (Real) |
Reference (lower bound) strain rate
for GC strain rate dependency. Must be defined if . (Real) |
Shape factor for energy release
rate before failure in mode II. (Real) |
Static yield stress in mode
I. (Real) |
Strain rate dependent yield stress
term in mode I. (Real) |
Reference (lower bound) strain rate
value for yield stress rate dependency in mode I. Must be defined . (Real) |
Iorder_I | Order of yield stress dependency on
strain rate in mode I.
(Integer) |
Ifail_I | Failure criteria defined by
(Integer) |
Static yield stress in mode
II. (Real) |
Strain rate dependent yield stress
term in mode II. (Real) |
Reference (lower bound) strain rate
value for yield stress rate dependency in mode II. Must be defined if . (Real) |
Iorder_II | Order of yield stress dependency of
strain rate in mode II.
(Integer) |
Ifail_II | Failure criteria defined by
(Integer) |
unit for mat
Mg mm s
# E1 E2 Thick Imass Idel Icrit
3000 1000 0.200 2 1 0
2.000 3.000 1.500 0.7
9.00 0 0 0.4
# SIGA1 SIGB1 SRATE1 Iorder1 Ifail1
33.00 1.500 2.50000E-5 1 2
# SIGA2 SIGB2 SRATE2 Iorder2 Ifail2
26.00 1.300 1.00000E-5 1 2
- The elastic stiffness is
defined with:
Figure 1.Where,- GP
- Plastic energy under constant stress
- GC
- Total energy
- ={I,II}
- The mode I (normal) and mode II (shear)
The shape of the traction separation law is defined with:- Failure criteria
defined by ratio of fracture energy
(1) - Failure criteria
defined by ratio fracture displacements
- The yield stress is defined
- When
(3) - When
(4) Where, ={I,II}, the mode I and mode II.
- When
- The equivalent strain rate
is defined with:
(5) Where,- Normal velocity.
- Shear velocity.
- The rate dependent fracture
energies are defined with:
(6) Where, ={I,II}, the mode I and mode II.
- Yield stress and damage law
Figure 2. - For yield and damage based
on quadratic nominal stress (Icrit=1):
- Mixed-mode yield initiation
displacement is:
(7) Where,- ={I,II}, the mode I and mode II.
- Mixed-mode damage
initiation is:
(8) Where,- ={I,II}, the mode I and mode II.
- Mixed-mode yield initiation
displacement is:
- For yield and damage based
on quadratic nominal stress (Icrit=2).
- Mixed-mode yield initiation
displacement is:If :
(9) If :(10) Where,- Displacement is mode I (normal).
- Displacement is mode II (shear).
- Mixed-mode damage
initiation is:If :
(11) If :(12)
- Mixed-mode yield initiation
displacement is:
- The mixed-mode final damage
is (Icrit=1,2):
(13) Where,- Displacement is mixed mode.
- The plastic strain is
defined as:
- Mode I:
(14) Where, is the value from previous time step.
- Mode II:
The plastic strain is computed for each direction 1 and 2 in the shear plane.(15) (16)
- Mode I:
- Stress value is reduced
linearly from damage initiation to final damage (
(17) The stress reduction is computed in the normal direction as:
If , then .
otherwise, .
For each direction 1 and 2 in the shear plane.(18) (19) - The connection element is deleted when .