
Finds all objects which have a property named propertyName and the value for such property is propertyValue.


findobj(propertyName, propertyValue, ...)

findobj(propertyName, propertyValue, '-operator', propertyName, propertyValue)

findobj('-property', propertyName)

findobj(handleList, propertyName, propertyValue, ...)

findobj(handleList, '-depth', depth, ...)

findobj(handleList, 'flat', ...)


Property name. If the property name is following the keyword '-property' then the search will return all objects that have this property.
Type: string
Value of the property.
Type: double | char | logical | struct | cell | integer
Dimension: scalar | vector | matrix
A logical operator that is applied on the pair of properties and values. Valid values are: '-and', '-or', '-xor' and '-not'.
Type: string
Vector of the handles.
Type: double | integer
Dimension: vector
Limits the search to a certain object hierarchy depth. A depth of 0 will limit the search to the objects in the given handleList.
Type: integer
Dimension: scalar
Keyword 'flat' will limit the search to the objects in the given handleList.
Type: integer
Dimension: scalar


Simple findobj example:

findobj('tag', 'user-defined');

Find all objects that have the property 'xdata':

findobj('-property', 'xdata');

Find objects that are colored red or have the marker 'o':

findobj('color', [255 0 0], '-or', 'marker', 'o');

Limit the search to the children of a figure object:

findobj(gcf, '-depth', 1, 'tag', 'user-defined');


To find objects that satisfy multiple property conditions, specify additional propertyName and propertyValue parameters. The search can be limited to a subset of objects and their descendants by passing a handle or a handles list as the first parameter.