I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry Used to request applied load vector output temperature load output, and applied power output for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively.
It can also be used to request applied charge output for Structural Analysis with piezoelectric materials. For more information, refer to Piezoelectric Analysis in the User Guide.
OLOAD (format_list,type,spc, SUBSYS, NLOUT) = option
Argument | Options | Description |
format | <H3D, OPTI, PUNCH, OP2, HDF5 , blank> |
type | <SPARSE, ALL> Default (OPTI) = SPARSE Default (H3D, PUNCH, OP2) = ALL |
spc | <NOSPC, SPC> | Only supported for Linear Static and Nonlinear Static Analysis. It
will be ignored, if specified in other subcase types.
SUBSYS | <SUBSYS_ID> No default |
ID of the subsystem. When used along a subsystem definition, this option generates an individual result file for each subsystem with results for that subsystem only. For more information, refer to the SET Bulk Data Entry. |
NLOUT | <NLOUT_ID> No default |
ID of the NLOUT Bulk Data Entry. For more information, refer to Comment 3 in the NLOUT Bulk Data Entry. |
option | <YES, ALL,
SID> Default = ALL |
- When OLOAD command is not present, loads are not output.
- Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry; these should be comma separated. If a format is not specified, this output control applies to all formats defined by the OUTPUT command, for which the result is available.
- Multiple instances of this card are allowed. If instances are conflicting, the last instance dominates.
- For optimization, the frequency of output to a given format is
controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT.
In previous versions of OptiStruct, a combination of the I/O Options FORMAT and RESULTS were used; this method is still supported, but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats.
- Applied Temperature Loads are output in conjunction with the applied load vectors, if OLOAD I/O Options Entry is specified. The temperature loads are output in H3D format. The results are displayed under the "Applied Temperature(s)" label in HyperView.
- The SPARSE output type is only available when the OPTI output format is used.
- format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (.op2 file). The HDF5 output is printed to a .h5 binary results file. For details of the supported analysis types and elements when the .h5 output format is requested, refer to the .h5 file.
- Applied Power output is available only for Steady-State Heat Transfer Analysis in H3D and PUNCH files only.
- Incremental temperature field output for Nonlinear Analysis is available in H3D files only.
- In case of electrical analysis, OLOAD can be used to output applied nodal current results. Currently, results are available only in the .h3d format.