OptiStruct is a proven, modern structural solver with comprehensive, accurate and scalable solutions for linear and nonlinear
analyses across statics and dynamics, vibrations, acoustics, fatigue, heat transfer, and multiphysics disciplines.
Descriptions for individual I/O Option Entries can be accessed by selecting from the links for each entry, listed
below in groups according to their purpose and alphabetically on the I/O Options section page.
Descriptions for individual Subcase Information Entries can be accessed by selecting from the links for each entry,
listed below in groups according to their purpose and alphabetically on the Subcase Information Section page.
Bulk Data Entry Defines acceleration loads to all grids in the model. These loads can either be constant or vary in a particular direction
over sections of the model.
Bulk Data Entry Defines static acceleration loads at a specific SET of GRID points in the model. Additionally, scale factors for varying
direction acceleration loads can be defined using tabular data.
Bulk Data Entry Specifies an aerodynamic control surface as a member of the set of aerodynamic extra points. The forces associated
with this controller will be derived from rigid rotation of the aerodynamic model about the hinge line(s).
Bulk Data Entry Indicates the beginning of data that is used to describe a specific entity (or entities) for inclusion in a model.
The BEGIN entry is used in conjunction with the END entry to define the data required for a specific entity.
Bulk Data Entry Defines an aerodynamic macro element (panel) in terms of two leading edge locations and side chords. This is used
for Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) and Doublet Lattice Method (DLM) in subsonic aeroelastic analysis.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a current density on the face of solid elements (HEXA, PENTA, TETRA, PYRA) or on the side of shell elements
(TRIA3, TRIA6, QUAD4, QUAD8), in Electrical analysis.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar spring element of the structural model without reference to a property entry. The corresponding properties
on this entry are not affected by translational and rotational stiffness limits specified using PARAM,ELASSTIF.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar spring element that is connected only to scalar points without reference to a property entry. The
corresponding properties on this entry are not affected by translational and rotational stiffness limits specified
Bulk Data Entry Defines the CMS (Component Mode Synthesis) method, frequency upper limit, number of modes, and starting SPOINT ID to be used in a CMS solution.
Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for stabilization control of contact (S2S and N2S) and gap elements (CGAP/CGAPG). This entry is supported with nonlinear static and nonlinear transient analysis types for both small and
large displacement cases.
Bulk Data Entry Define equivalence for degrees of freedom of grid points of two sections of the same model (Format 2) or different
parts in a Parts and Instances Model (Format 1) within a specified tolerance.
Bulk Data Entry Defines Free convection via automatic generation of free convection entries. This entry also supports subcase-dependent
free convection.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a cylindrical coordinate system using three grid points. The first point is the origin, the second lies on the Z-axis, and the third lies in the X-Z plane.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a rectangular coordinate system using three grid points. The first point is the origin, the second lies on the Z-axis, and the third lies in the X-Z plane.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a spherical coordinate system using three grid points. The first point is the origin, the second lies on the Z-axis, and the third lies in the X-Z plane.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a rectangular coordinate system using three grid points. The first point is the origin, the second lies on the X-axis, and the third lies in the X-Y plane.
Bulk Data Entry CTRIAR entry is equivalent to CTRIA3. Unlike other Nastran codes, a 6 degrees-of-freedom per node formulation is used for all shell elements.
Bulk Data Entry Define real, discrete design variable values for discrete variable optimization or to define relative rotor spin rates
in rotor dynamics.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the time delay term in the equations of the dynamic loading function. DELAY is used in conjunction with RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1, and TLOAD2 entries.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a link between a DIM# field on a PBARL or PBEAML property and either the thickness on a PSEC definition or the y or z coordinate on a GRIDS definition; it is used in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections.
Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for filling a space with lattice-based unit cells. The presence of this entry also activates the
creation of unit cells to fill the target volume.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a link of one design variable to one or more other design variables defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and the constants defined on the DTABLE card.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a dynamic loading condition for frequency response problems as a linear combination of load sets defined via
RLOAD1 and RLOAD2 entries, or for transient problems as a linear combination of load sets defined via TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 entries, or acoustic source ACSRCE entries.
Bulk Data Entry Defines direct input matrices related to grid points. The matrix is defined by a single header entry and one or more
column entries. A column entry is required for each column with non-zero elements.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the phase lead term in the equation of the dynamic loading function. DPHASE is used in conjunction with RLOAD1 and RLOAD2 entries.
Bulk Data Entry Used in the Bulk Data section to report responses, defined by DRESP1, DRESP2 and DRESP3 cards, to the output file, which are not constrained or used as the objective function, as defined by the optimization
Bulk Data Entry A response or a set of responses that are the result of a design analysis iteration. These responses can
be used as a design objective or as design constraints.
Bulk Data Entry Relates design variables to an analysis model element property using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and constants defined on a DTABLE card.
Bulk Data Entry Relates a design variable to an analysis model loading using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and the constants defined on the DTABLE card.
Bulk Data Entry Relates a design variable to properties of MBD entities using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and the constants defined on the DTABLE card.
Bulk Data Entry Relates design variables to an analysis model material property using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and constants defined on a DTABLE card.
Bulk Data Entry Relates a design variable to an analysis model property using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and the constants defined on the DTABLE card.
Bulk Data Entry The END Bulk Data Entry indicates the end of data that is used to describe a specific entity (or entities) for inclusion
in a model. The END entry is used in conjunction with the BEGIN entry to define the data required for a specific entity.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a combined time step selection set as a union of selected time steps defined via ESLTIME entries for Geometric Nonlinear ESLM optimization or a Multibody Dynamics ESLM optimization.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of frequencies to be used in the solution of frequency response problems by specification of a starting
frequency, frequency increment, and the number of increments desired.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of frequencies to be used in the solution of frequency response problems by specification of a starting
frequency, final frequency, and the number of logarithmic increments desired.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of frequencies for the modal method of frequency response analysis by specifying the number of frequencies
between modal frequencies.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of frequencies for the modal method of frequency response analysis by specifying the amount of "spread"
around each modal frequency and the number of equally spaced frequencies within the spread.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of frequencies for the modal method of frequency response analysis by specification of a frequency range
and fractions of the natural frequencies within that range.
Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters that control connectivity and configuration checks for gap elements (CGAP and CGAPG). Most of these parameters also affect contact elements that are automatically created on CONTACT interfaces - see individual descriptions for details.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the stiffness, flexibility, mass, viscous damping, or structural damping of a general element connected to
an arbitrary number of grids.
Bulk Data Entry Defines equivalence for all degrees of freedom of grid points of two different subsets of without any requirement
that these two subsets are closely located to one another.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the gravity vectors for use in determining gravity loading for the static structural model. It can also be used
to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude "A") of dynamic loads in RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1, TLOAD2 and NLOAD1 Bulk Data Entries for dynamic solution sequences.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the location of a geometric grid point of the structural model, the directions of its displacement, and its permanent
single-point constraints or permanent zero electric potential.
Bulk Data Entry The INSTNCE Bulk Data Entry can be used to define the location of a part in the global structure. Each INSTNCE entry should reference a unique part name.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a static load as a linear combination of load sets defined via FORCE, MOMENT, FORCE1, MOMENT1, PLOAD, PLOAD1, PLOAD2, PLOAD4, RFORCE, DAREA, ACCEL, ACCEL1, ACCEL2, GRAV and LOADADD entries.
Bulk Data Entry The LOCATE Bulk Data Entry can be used to define the location of a part in the global structure. Each LOCATE entry should reference a unique part name. LOCATE Bulk Data Entries are activated in each subcase by the LOCATE Subcase Entry.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, and orthotropic materials used by the CTAXI, CTRIAX6, and CQAXI axisymmetric elements, and CTPSTN and CQPSTN plane strain elements.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, and orthotropic materials for solid elements
in terms of engineering constants.
Bulk Data Entry Defines material properties and parameters through an interface to AltairMultiscale Designer® allowing you to include a much wider range of different material models.
Bulk Data Entry Defines options for user-defined input of frequency ranges used to define bands in adaptive meshing for acoustic Adaptive
Perfectly Matched Layer (APML) analysis.
Bulk Data Entry Used to define properties of a virtual fluid mass. A virtual fluid mass mimics the mass effect of an incompressible
inviscid fluid in contact with a structure.
Bulk Data Entry To input a table of Mach number (M) and reduced frequency (K) pairs for aerodynamic matrix calculation, in unsteady
aerodynamic analysis.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a multibody as a linear combination of load sets defined via GRAV, MBFRC, MBFRCC, MBFRCE, MBMNT, MBMNTC, MBMNTE, MBSFRC, MBSFRCC, MBSFRCE, MBSMNT, MBSMNTC, and MBSMNTE.
Bulk Data Entry Defines an integrated load monitor point at a point (x,y,z) in a user-defined coordinate system. The integrated loads
about this point over the associated loads will be computed and printed to the .monpnt file.
Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for energy variables printout for implicit nonlinear static, implicit nonlinear transient analyses,
and explicit dynamic analysis.
Bulk Data Entry Defines properties for CAERO1 panels. This is used for Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) and Doublet Lattice Method (DLM) in subsonic aeroelastic analysis.
Bulk Data Entry Defines up to four sets of grid points or elements as panels for panel participation output for a frequency response
analysis of a coupled fluid-structural model.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the various nominal property values for a generalized spring-damper-mass
structural element. This property is not affected by translational and rotational stiffness
limits specified using PARAM, BUSHSTIF.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the external function to be called to calculate time and temperature-dependent free-convection coefficient
in a convection element.
Bulk Data Entry Defines criteria used for the automatic identification of loading frequencies at which result peaks occur. Other result
output may then be requested at these "peak" loading frequencies. This feature is only supported for frequency
response solution sequences.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the frequency dependent property values for a PELAS Bulk Data Entry. It can also be used to define a nonlinear spring for Nonlinear Analysis via the TKNID field.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a connection between opposite edges/faces of the structure. This entry is used to apply Periodic Boundary
Conditions to the model.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the thickness, material, blank holder, binder and Forming Limit Curve references for a shell property in a
one-step stamping simulation.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a static pressure load on a triangular or quadrilateral element. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude "A") of dynamic loads in RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 Bulk Data Entries.
Bulk Data Entry Defines concentrated, uniformly distributed, or linearly distributed applied loads to the CBAR or CBEAM elements or a SET of such elements at user-chosen points along the axis.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a static surface traction on the CQAXI, CTAXI and CTRIAX6 axisymmetric elements. The PLOADX1 entry can be defined as follower loads in Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of nonlinear hyperelastic solid elements, referenced by CHEXA, CPENTA, and CTETRA Bulk Data Entries. The MATHE hyperelastic material can be referenced to define corresponding material properties.
Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters that control initial loading conditions on pretension sections for 1D and 3D bolt pre-tensioning.
These parameters also control the printing of diagnostic information about pretension sections.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the external function called to calculate time and temperature-dependent rate of volumetric heat addition
in a conduction element.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a rigid body whose independent degrees-of-freedom are specified at a single grid point and whose dependent degrees-of-freedom
are specified at an arbitrary number of grid points.
Bulk Data Entry Geometrically maps parts (for example, elements and grids) from one location to another. This entry allows you to
define mapping as MOVE (translation), ROTATE, MIRROR, or MATCH (as an arbitrary transformation which matches grids from one group to similar grids in another group).
Bulk Data Entry Defines a static loading condition due to a centrifugal force field. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude "A") of dynamic loads in RLOAD1, RLOAD2 , TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 Bulk Data Entries.
Bulk Data Entry Includes data required to perform Rotor Dynamics analysis in Modal Frequency Response Analysis and/or Modal Complex
Eigenvalue Analysis. The RGYRO Bulk Data Entry is referenced by a corresponding RGYRO Subcase Information Entry in a specific subcase.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the relative spin rates between rotors and rotor damping parameters during a rotor dynamic analysis in Static,
Modal Complex Eigenvalue or Frequency Response solution sequences.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a partitioned superelement relocation by listing three noncolinear grids in the superelement and three corresponding
grids not belonging to the superelement.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of grids, elements, design variables, MBD entities, mode numbers, frequencies or times for reference
by other input definitions.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a surface spline for interpolating motion and forces for aeroelastic problems on aerodynamic geometries defined
by regular arrays of aerodynamic points.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a beam spline for interpolating motion and/or forces for aeroelastic problems on aerodynamic geometries defined
by regular arrays of aerodynamic points.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a tabular function for use in generating frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads. Also contains
parametric data for use with the table.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a tabular function for use in generating frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads. Also contains
parametric data for use with the table.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the coefficients of a power series for use in generating frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads.
Also contains parametric data for use with the table.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a tabular function for use in generating temperature-dependent material properties. Also contains parametric
data for use with the table.
Bulk Data Entry Defines a tabular function for use in generating temperature-dependent material properties. Also contains parametric
data for use with the table.
Bulk Data Entry Defines coefficients of a power series for use in generating temperature-dependent material properties. Also contains
parametric data for use with the table.
Bulk Data Entry Defines temperature field for shell elements (as a combination of reference plane temperature and linear thermal gradient
through thickness) for determination of thermal loading, temperature-dependent material properties and stress
Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for mapping the grid temperature field from either an external file or an internal heat transfer
subcase to either Nonlinear Static Analysis or Nonlinear Transient Analysis. The mapping is over time-domain only.
The mapping is over time-domain only.
Bulk Data Entry Defines values for the initial conditions of variables used in Structural Transient Analysis and Explicit Analysis.
Both displacement and velocity values may be specified at independent degrees-of-freedom.
Bulk Data Entry Defines the unbalanced rotating load during a rotor dynamic analysis in Modal Frequency Response, Linear Direct Transient
or Small Displacement Nonlinear Direct Transient solution sequences. The unbalanced load is specified in a
cylindrical system where the rotor rotation axis is the Z-axis.
In order to prevent analyses from being carried out on badly discretized models, an element quality check
is incorporated into the pre-processing phase.
In order to prevent analyses from being carried out on models with poor material definitions, a material property
check is incorporated into the pre-processing phase. The material property check is controlled by the CHECKMAT parameter (see the PARAM input format).
The OptiStruct Example Guide is a collection of solved examples for various solution sequences and optimization types and provides
you with examples of the real-world applications and capabilities of OptiStruct.
ACCEL Bulk Data Entry Defines acceleration loads to all grids in the model. These loads can either be constant or vary in a particular direction over sections of the model.
ACCEL1 Bulk Data Entry Defines static acceleration loads at specific GRID points in the model.
ACCEL2 Bulk Data Entry Defines static acceleration loads at a specific SET of GRID points in the model. Additionally, scale factors for varying direction acceleration loads can be defined using tabular data.
ACCLR Bulk Data Entry Defines accelerometer for geometric nonlinear analysis.
ACMODL Bulk Data Entry Defines model parameters for the fluid-structure interface.
ACSRCE Bulk Data Entry Defines acoustic source as a function of power versus frequency.
AECOMP Bulk Data Entry Defines a component for use in monitoring point definition or external splines.
AECOMPL Bulk Data Entry Defines a component for use in monitoring point definition or external splines.
AEFACT Bulk Data Entry Defines real numbers for Aeroelastic Analysis.
AELINK Bulk Data Entry Defines relationships between on among AESTAT and AESURF entries.
AELIST Bulk Data Entry Defines a list of aerodynamic box IDs.
AERO Bulk Data Entry Defines basic parameters for dynamic aeroelasticity.
AEROS Bulk Data Entry Defines basic parameters for static aeroelasticity.
AESTAT Bulk Data Entry Specifies rigid body motions to be used as trim variables in static aeroelasticity.
AESURF Bulk Data Entry Specifies an aerodynamic control surface as a member of the set of aerodynamic extra points. The forces associated with this controller will be derived from rigid rotation of the aerodynamic model about the hinge line(s).
ASET Bulk Data Entry Defines the boundary degrees-of-freedom of a superelement assembly for matrix reduction.
ASET1 Bulk Data Entry Defines the boundary degrees-of-freedom of a superelement assembly for matrix reduction.
BASELIN Bulk Data Entry Corrects the acceleration record to avoid displacement shift.
BEGIN Bulk Data Entry Indicates the beginning of data that is used to describe a specific entity (or entities) for inclusion in a model. The BEGIN entry is used in conjunction with the END entry to define the data required for a specific entity.
BLKHDF Bulk Data Entry Defines the blank holder force in a one-step stamping simulation.
BMFACE Bulk Data Entry Defines quad or tria faces that are in turn used to define a barrier to limit the total deformation for free-shape design regions.
BNDFIX Bulk Data Entry Defines the degrees-of-freedom to be fixed during DMIG generation using CMSMETH card.
BNDFIX1 Bulk Data Entry Defines the fixed (B-set) degrees-of-freedom to be fixed during DMIG generation using CMSMETH card.
BNDFRE1 Bulk Data Entry Defines the free (C-set) degrees-of-freedom to be fixed during DMIG generation using CMSMETH card.
BNDFREE Bulk Data Entry Defines the degrees-of-freedom to be fixed during DMIG generation using CMSMETH card.
BORE Bulk Data Entry Defines the surface, coordinate system, and parameters required to request Bore Deformation output for Static Analysis Subcases.
BSET Bulk Data Entry Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly.
BSET1 Bulk Data Entry Fixed Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly.
CAABSF Bulk Data Entry Defines the frequency-dependent fluid acoustic absorber element in coupled fluid-structural analysis.
CACINF3 Bulk Data Entry Defines an Acoustic Infinite Element with a triangular base.
CACINF4 Bulk Data Entry Defines an Acoustic Infinite Element with a quadrilateral base.
CACONV Bulk Data Entry Defines an interface for forced convection heat transfer using CAFLUID.
CACPML3 Bulk Data Entry Defines an acoustic Adaptive Perfectly Matched Layer (APML) element with a triangular base.
CACPML4 Bulk Data Entry Defines an acoustic Adaptive Perfectly Matched Layer (APML) element with a quadrilateral base.
CAERO1 Bulk Data Entry Defines an aerodynamic macro element (panel) in terms of two leading edge locations and side chords. This is used for Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) and Doublet Lattice Method (DLM) in subsonic aeroelastic analysis.
CAFLUID Bulk Data Entry Defines a 1D element that can conduct heat and transmit fluid between its two primary nodes.
CBAR Bulk Data Entry Defines a simple beam element (BAR) of the structural model.
CBEAM Bulk Data Entry Defines a beam element (BEAM) of the structural model.
CBUSH Bulk Data Entry Defines a generalized spring-damper structural element.
CBUSH1D Bulk Data Entry Defines a one-dimensional spring-damper structural element.
CDAMP1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar damper element.
CDAMP2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar damper element without reference to a property entry.
CDAMP3 Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar damper element that is connected only to scalar points.
CDAMP4 Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar damper element that is connected only to scalar points and is without reference to a material or property entry.
CDENST4 Bulk Data Entry Defines a current density on the face of solid elements (HEXA, PENTA, TETRA, PYRA) or on the side of shell elements (TRIA3, TRIA6, QUAD4, QUAD8), in Electrical analysis.
CDSMETH Bulk Data Entry Can be used in the component dynamic synthesis method for generating component dynamic matrices at each loading frequency.
CELAS1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar spring element of the structural model.
CELAS2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar spring element of the structural model without reference to a property entry.
CELAS2F Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar spring element of the structural model without reference to a property entry. The corresponding properties on this entry are not affected by translational and rotational stiffness limits specified using PARAM,ELASSTIF.
CELAS3 Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar spring element that connects only to scalar points.
CELAS4 Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar spring element that is connected only to scalar points without reference to a property entry.
CELAS4F Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar spring element that is connected only to scalar points without reference to a property entry. The corresponding properties on this entry are not affected by translational and rotational stiffness limits specified using PARAM,ELASSTIF.
CELL Bulk Data Entry Defines a unit cell comprised of lattice entities which can be used for space filling via the DLATTICE entry.
CFAST Bulk Data Entry Define a fastener with material orientation connecting two shell surfaces.
CGAP Bulk Data Entry Defines a gap or friction element.
CGAPG Bulk Data Entry Defines a node-to-obstacle gap element. The obstacle may be an element face or a patch of nodes.
CGASK6 Bulk Data Entry Defines the connections of the GASK6 solid gasket element.
CGASK8 Bulk Data Entry Defines the connections of the GASK8 solid gasket element.
CGASK12 Bulk Data Entry Defines the connections of the GASK12 solid gasket element.
CGASK16 Bulk Data Entry Defines the connections of the GASK16 solid gasket element.
CHACAB Bulk Data Entry Defines the acoustic absorber element in coupled fluid-structural analysis.
CHARGE Bulk Data Entry Defines a point electric charge at a grid or a set of grids.
CHBDYE Bulk Data Entry Defines a surface element for application of thermal boundary condition.
CHEXA Bulk Data Entry Defines the connections of the HEXA solid element.
CHGAREA Bulk Data Entry Defines the charge density on faces of CHEXA, CPENTA, CTETRA, or CPYRA solid elements.
CHGVOL Bulk Data Entry Defines the charge density on a volume of CHEXA, CPENTA, CTETRA, or CPYRA solid elements.
CIFHEX Bulk Data Entry Defines the connections of the cohesive element.
CIFPEN Bulk Data Entry Defines the connections of the cohesive element.
CLRNC Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for clearance and threaded bolts geometry.
CMASS1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar mass element.
CMASS2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar mass element without reference to a property entry.
CMASS3 Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar mass element that is connected only to scalar points.
CMASS4 Bulk Data Entry Defines a scalar mass element that is connected only to scalar points, without reference to a property entry.
CMBEAM Bulk Data Entry Defines a beam element for multibody dynamics solution sequence without reference to a property entry.
CMBEAMM Bulk Data Entry Defines a beam element for multibody dynamic solution sequence without reference to a property entry based on markers.
CMBUSH Bulk Data Entry Defines a bushing element without reference to a property entry.
CMBUSHC Bulk Data Entry Defines a bushing element without reference to a property entry.
CMBUSHE Bulk Data Entry Defines a bushing element without reference to a property entry.
CMBUSHM Bulk Data Entry Defines a bushing element without reference to a property entry based on markers.
CMBUSHT Bulk Data Entry Defines a bushing element without reference to a property entry.
CMSMETH Bulk Data Entry Defines the CMS (Component Mode Synthesis) method, frequency upper limit, number of modes, and starting SPOINT ID to be used in a CMS solution.
CMSPDP Bulk Data Entry Defines a spring damper element without reference to a property entry for multibody solution sequence.
CMSPDPC Bulk Data Entry Defines a spring damper element without reference to a property entry for multibody solution sequence.
CMSPDPE Bulk Data Entry Defines a spring damper element without reference to a property entry for multibody solution sequence.
CMSPDPM Bulk Data Entry Defines a spring damper element without reference to a property entry for multibody solution sequence based on marker.
CMSPDPT Bulk Data Entry Defines a spring damper element without reference to a property entry for multibody solution sequence.
CNTITF Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for contact (S2S and N2S) interference.
CNTLCK Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for the contact (S2S and N2S) lock in the preloaded Linear Analysis subcase.
CNTSTB Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for stabilization control of contact (S2S and N2S) and gap elements (CGAP/CGAPG). This entry is supported with nonlinear static and nonlinear transient analysis types for both small and large displacement cases.
Allows referencing a combined free convection definition via multiple CONVG Bulk Data Entries.
CONM1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a 6x6 mass matrix at a geometric grid point.
CONM2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a concentrated mass at a grid point of the structural model.
CONNECT Bulk Data Entry Define equivalence for degrees of freedom of grid points of two sections of the same model (Format 2) or different parts in a Parts and Instances Model (Format 1) within a specified tolerance.
CONROD Bulk Data Entry Defines a rod element without reference to a property entry.
CONTACT Bulk Data Entry Defines a contact interface.
CONTPRM Bulk Data Entry Defines the default properties of all contacts and sets parameters that affect all contacts.
CONV Bulk Data Entry Defines a free convection boundary condition for heat transfer analysis through connection to a surface element (CHBDYE card).
CONVG Bulk Data Entry Defines Free convection via automatic generation of free convection entries. This entry also supports subcase-dependent free convection.
CORD1C Bulk Data Entry Defines a cylindrical coordinate system using three grid points. The first point is the origin, the second lies on the Z-axis, and the third lies in the X-Z plane.
CORD1R Bulk Data Entry Defines a rectangular coordinate system using three grid points. The first point is the origin, the second lies on the Z-axis, and the third lies in the X-Z plane.
CORD1S Bulk Data Entry Defines a spherical coordinate system using three grid points. The first point is the origin, the second lies on the Z-axis, and the third lies in the X-Z plane.
CORD2C Bulk Data Entry Defines a cylindrical coordinate system using three grid points specified with respect to a reference coordinate system.
CORD2R Bulk Data Entry Defines a rectangular coordinate system by using three grid points.
CORD2S Bulk Data Entry Defines a spherical coordinate system three grid points.
CORD3R Bulk Data Entry Defines a rectangular coordinate system using three grid points. The first point is the origin, the second lies on the X-axis, and the third lies in the X-Y plane.
CORD4R Bulk Data Entry Defines a rectangular coordinate system using three grid points specified with respect to the basic coordinate system.
COUPLER Bulk Data Entry Defines a coupler connecting two or three joints.
CPENTA Bulk Data Entry Defines the connections of the CPENTA element.
CPYRA Bulk Data Entry Defines the connections of the PYRA solid element.
CQAXI Bulk Data Entry Defines an axisymmetric quadrilateral cross-section ring element.
CQPSTN Bulk Data Entry Defines a plane strain quadrilateral element in x-z or x-y plane.
CQUAD4 Bulk Data Entry Defines a quadrilateral plate element (QUAD4) of the structural model. This element uses a 6 degree-of-freedom per node formulation.
CQUAD8 Bulk Data Entry Defines a curved quadrilateral shell element with eight grid points.
CQUADR Bulk Data Entry Equivalent to CQUAD4. Unlike other Nastran codes, a 6 degree-of-freedom per node formulation is used for all shell elements.
CROD Bulk Data Entry Defines a tension-compression-torsion element (ROD) of the structural model.
CSEAM Bulk Data Entry Defines a seam weld connecting two shell surfaces.
CSEC2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a two-noded element used in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections.
CSEC3 Bulk Data Entry Defines a 1st order, three-noded element used in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections.
CSEC4 Bulk Data Entry Defines a 1st order, four-noded element used in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections.
CSEC6 Bulk Data Entry Defines a planar, 2nd order, six-noded element used in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections.
CSEC8 Bulk Data Entry Defines a planar 2nd order, eight-noded element used in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections.
CSET Bulk Data Entry Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly.
CSET1 Bulk Data Entry Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly.
CSHEAR Bulk Data Entry Defines a shear panel element.
CSUPEXT Bulk Data Entry Defines the Exterior grid points for One-Step Superelement Analysis.
CTAXI Bulk Data Entry Defines an axisymmetric triangular cross-section ring element.
CTETRA Bulk Data Entry Defines the connections of the CTETRA element.
CTPSTN Bulk Data Entry Defines a plane strain triangular element in x-z or x-y plane.
CTRIA3 Bulk Data Entry Defines a triangular plate element (TRIA3) of the structural model. This element uses a 6 degree-of-freedom per node formulation.
CTRIA6 Bulk Data Entry Defines a curved triangular shell element with six grid points.
CTRIAR Bulk Data Entry CTRIAR entry is equivalent to CTRIA3. Unlike other Nastran codes, a 6 degrees-of-freedom per node formulation is used for all shell elements.
CTRIAX6 Bulk Data Entry Defines an axisymmetric triangular cross-section ring element.
CTUBE Bulk Data Entry Defines a tension-compression-torsion element (TUBE) of the structural model.
CURRENT Bulk Data Entry Defines a static point current at a grid or a set of grids, by specifying a vector, in Electrical analysis.
CVISC Bulk Data Entry Defines a viscous damper element.
CWELD Bulk Data Entry Defines a weld or fastener connecting two surface patches or points.
CYAX Bulk Data Entry Used to list the grids that lie on the axis of symmetry, in cyclic symmetry analysis.
CYJOIN Bulk Data Entry Defines points on one of the boundaries that connect to adjacent segments in cyclic symmetry analysis.
CYSYM Bulk Data Entry Specifies the number of segments, in a cyclic symmetry analysis.
DAREA Bulk Data Entry Defines scale (area) factors for dynamic loads. DAREA is used in conjunction with RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1, and TLOAD2 entries.
DCOMP Bulk Data Entry Defines manufacturing constraints for composite sizing optimization.
DCONADD Bulk Data Entry Creates a combination of several DCONSTR sets that can be referenced by a subcase.
DCONSTR Bulk Data Entry Defines design constraint upper and lower bounds where response is defined by DRESP1, DRESP2, and DRESP3 cards.
DDVAL Bulk Data Entry Define real, discrete design variable values for discrete variable optimization or to define relative rotor spin rates in rotor dynamics.
DEFORM Bulk Data Entry Defines enforced axial deformation for one-dimensional elements for use in statics problems.
DELAY Bulk Data Entry Defines the time delay term in the equations of the dynamic loading function. DELAY is used in conjunction with RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1, and TLOAD2 entries.
DEQATN Bulk Data Entry Specifies one or more equations for use in optimization.
DESVARG Bulk Data Entry Defines an override for design variable settings.
DGLOBAL Bulk Data Entry Defines input parameters required for the Global Search Option (GSO).
DIM Bulk Data Entry Defines a link between a DIM# field on a PBARL or PBEAML property and either the thickness on a PSEC definition or the y or z coordinate on a GRIDS definition; it is used in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections.
DIVERG Bulk Data Entry Specifies the number of Divergence pressures and Mach numbers for a static aeroelastic divergence analysis.
DLATTICE Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for filling a space with lattice-based unit cells. The presence of this entry also activates the creation of unit cells to fill the target volume.
DLINK Bulk Data Entry Defines a link between one design variable and one or more other design variables.
DLINK1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a link between one design variable and one or more other design variables.
DLINK2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a link of one design variable to one or more other design variables defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and the constants defined on the DTABLE card.
DLOAD Bulk Data Entry Defines a dynamic loading condition for frequency response problems as a linear combination of load sets defined via RLOAD1 and RLOAD2 entries, or for transient problems as a linear combination of load sets defined via TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 entries, or acoustic source ACSRCE entries.
DMGEVO Bulk Data Entry Defines the damage evolution.
DMGINI Bulk Data Entry Defines the damage initiation criteria.
DMI Bulk Data Entry Defines matrix (real) data blocks for Aeroelastic Analysis.
DMIG Bulk Data Entry Defines direct input matrices related to grid points. The matrix is defined by a single header entry and one or more column entries. A column entry is required for each column with non-zero elements.
DMIGMOD Bulk Data Entry Defines changes in the contents of a super element from H3DDMIG input.
DMIGROT Bulk Data Entry Controls rotation and other specifications for a matrix entered using DMIG entry.
DOBJREF Bulk Data Entry Defines a response and its reference values for a minmax (maxmin) optimization problem.
DOPTPRM Bulk Data Entry Defines design optimization parameters by overriding the defaults.
DPHASE Bulk Data Entry Defines the phase lead term in the equation of the dynamic loading function. DPHASE is used in conjunction with RLOAD1 and RLOAD2 entries.
DRAPE Bulk Data Entry Defines the draping data for plies used in ply-based composite definition.
DREPADD Bulk Data Entry Creates a combination of several DREPORT sets that can be referenced by a subcase.
DREPORT Bulk Data Entry Used in the Bulk Data section to report responses, defined by DRESP1, DRESP2 and DRESP3 cards, to the output file, which are not constrained or used as the objective function, as defined by the optimization problem.
DRESP1 Bulk Data Entry A response or a set of responses that are the result of a design analysis iteration. These responses can be used as a design objective or as design constraints.
DRESP2 Bulk Data Entry When a desired response is not directly available from OptiStruct, it may be calculated using DRESP2.
DRESP3 Bulk Data Entry The DRESP3 card identifies the external function to be called and defines the parameters to be transferred to that function.
DSCREEN Bulk Data Entry Defines design response screening data.
DSHAPE Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for classic and grid-based free-shape design variables.
DSHUFFLE Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for the generation of composite shuffling design variables.
DSIZE Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for the generation of free-size design variables.
DSYSID Bulk Data Entry Defines responses and their target values for a system identification problem.
DTABLE Bulk Data Entry List of constants to be used in functions defined by DEQATN.
DTI,SPECSEL Bulk Data Entry Correlates spectra lines specified on TABLED1 entries with damping values.
DTI,UNITS Bulk Data Entry Defines units for multibody, component mode synthesis (flexible-body preparation), and Explicit Dynamic Analysis sequences.
DTPG Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for the generation of topography design variables.
DTPL Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for the generation of topology design variables.
DVCREL1 Bulk Data Entry Relates Design Variables to Analysis Model Element Properties
DVCREL2 Bulk Data Entry Relates design variables to an analysis model element property using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and constants defined on a DTABLE card.
DVGRID Bulk Data Entry Defines the relationship between a design variable and a grid point location.
DVLREL1 Bulk Data Entry Linearly relates a design variable to an analysis model element.
DVLREL2 Bulk Data Entry Relates a design variable to an analysis model loading using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and the constants defined on the DTABLE card.
DVMBRL1 Bulk Data Entry Linearly relates a design variable to properties of an MBD entity using the equation:
DVMBRL2 Bulk Data Entry Relates a design variable to properties of MBD entities using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and the constants defined on the DTABLE card.
DVMREL1 Bulk Data Entry Linearly relates a design variable to an analysis model material property using the equation:
DVMREL2 Bulk Data Entry Relates design variables to an analysis model material property using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and constants defined on a DTABLE card.
DVPREL1 Bulk Data Entry Relates Design Variables to Analysis Model Properties
DVPREL2 Bulk Data Entry Relates a design variable to an analysis model property using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and the constants defined on the DTABLE card.
EDGEBH Bulk Data Entry Defines geometry and restraining force per unit length for an edge blank holder in a one-step stamping simulation.
EDRAWB Bulk Data Entry Defines location and restraining force per unit length for a draw bead in a one-step stamping simulation.
EIGC Bulk Data Entry Defines data required to perform complex eigenvalue analysis.
EIGRA Bulk Data Entry Defines the data required to perform real eigenvalue analysis with the Automated Multi-Level Sub-structuring technique.
EIGRD Bulk Data Entry Defines data required to perform eigenvalue extraction using the Lapack-based dense solver.
EIGRL Bulk Data Entry Defines data required to perform real eigenvalue analysis (vibration or buckling) with the Lanczos method.
EL2MAT Bulk Data Entry Used to assign material ID to elements.
EL2PROP Bulk Data Entry Used to assign property ID to elements in DMIG.
ELEMQUAL Bulk Data Entry Resets the default values of the warning and error bound limits for element quality check.
ELIST Bulk Data Entry Specifies damp shell elements for a fluid volume. ELIST entries are referenced by the MFLUID entry.
END Bulk Data Entry The END Bulk Data Entry indicates the end of data that is used to describe a specific entity (or entities) for inclusion in a model. The END entry is used in conjunction with the BEGIN entry to define the data required for a specific entity.
ERPPNL Bulk Data Entry Defines one or more sets of elements as panels for equivalent radiated power output for a frequency response analysis.
ESLTADD Bulk Data Entry Defines a combined time step selection set as a union of selected time steps defined via ESLTIME entries for Geometric Nonlinear ESLM optimization or a Multibody Dynamics ESLM optimization.
ESLTIME Bulk Data Entry Defines time step selection control for geometric nonlinear response ESL Optimization and Multibody dynamics ESLM optimization.
EXTRN Bulk Data Entry Defines boundary connections for an external superelement.
FATDEF Bulk Data Entry Defines elements or grids, and associated fatigue properties, for consideration in a fatigue analysis.
FATEVNT Bulk Data Entry Defines loading events for Fatigue Analysis.
FATLOAD Bulk Data Entry Defines fatigue loading parameters.
FATPARM Bulk Data Entry Used to define parameters required for a Fatigue Analysis.
FATSDR Bulk Data Entry Defines the solder joint for consideration in solder fatigue analysis.
FATSEAM Bulk Data Entry Used to define parameters and property identification data for Seam Weld Fatigue Analysis.
FATSEQ Bulk Data Entry Defines a loading sequence for a Fatigue Analysis.
FLDATA Bulk Data Entry Defines a forming limit curve as a table of minor and major strain values in a one-step stamping simulation.
FLFACT Bulk Data Entry Used to specify the aerodynamic factors in aerodynamic flutter analysis.
FLLWER Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for the calculation follower loads in large displacement nonlinear analysis.
FLUTTER Bulk Data Entry Used to specify the parameters required for aerodynamic flutter analysis.
FORCE Bulk Data Entry Defines a static force at a grid point or a SET of grid points by specifying a vector.
FORCE1 Bulk Data Entry Used to define a static force by specification of a value and two grid points that determine the direction.
FORCE2 Bulk Data Entry Used to define a static force by specification of a value and four grid points that determine the direction.
FREQ Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of frequencies to be used in the solution of frequency response problems.
FREQ1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of frequencies to be used in the solution of frequency response problems by specification of a starting frequency, frequency increment, and the number of increments desired.
FREQ2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of frequencies to be used in the solution of frequency response problems by specification of a starting frequency, final frequency, and the number of logarithmic increments desired.
FREQ3 Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of frequencies for the modal method of frequency response analysis by specifying the number of frequencies between modal frequencies.
FREQ4 Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of frequencies for the modal method of frequency response analysis by specifying the amount of "spread" around each modal frequency and the number of equally spaced frequencies within the spread.
FREQ5 Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of frequencies for the modal method of frequency response analysis by specification of a frequency range and fractions of the natural frequencies within that range.
FSI Bulk Data Entry Defines the settings for Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis with AcuSolve.
GAPPRM Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters that control connectivity and configuration checks for gap elements (CGAP and CGAPG). Most of these parameters also affect contact elements that are automatically created on CONTACT interfaces - see individual descriptions for details.
GENEL Bulk Data Entry Defines the stiffness, flexibility, mass, viscous damping, or structural damping of a general element connected to an arbitrary number of grids.
GMATCH Bulk Data Entry Defines equivalence for all degrees of freedom of grid points of two different subsets of without any requirement that these two subsets are closely located to one another.
GRAV Bulk Data Entry Defines the gravity vectors for use in determining gravity loading for the static structural model. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude "A") of dynamic loads in RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1, TLOAD2 and NLOAD1 Bulk Data Entries for dynamic solution sequences.
GRDSET Bulk Data Entry Defines default options for fields 3, 7, and 8 of all GRID entries.
GRID Bulk Data Entry Defines the location of a geometric grid point of the structural model, the directions of its displacement, and its permanent single-point constraints or permanent zero electric potential.
GRIDS Bulk Data Entry Defines a grid point on the y-z plane, using cartesian coordinates, for use in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections.
GROUND Bulk Data Entry Defines a ground body out of a list of finite element properties, elements, and grid points.
HOURGLS Bulk Data Entry Defines hourglass control parameters to reduce spurious zero-energy modes in elements with reduced integration.
HYBDAMP Bulk Data Entry Defines the application of modal damping to the residual structure in a Direct Transient or Frequency Response analysis.
IMPERF Bulk Data Entry Define the initial geometric imperfection at the beginning of a nonlinear analysis.
INCLUDE Bulk Data Entry This Bulk Data card is identical to the I/O Options Entry, INCLUDE.
INISTRS Bulk Data Entry Defines initial stress values and settings for elements in nonlinear analysis.
INLTVEL Bulk Data Entry Defines the Inlet velocity for Darcy Flow Analysis.
INSTNCE Bulk Data Entry The INSTNCE Bulk Data Entry can be used to define the location of a part in the global structure. Each INSTNCE entry should reference a unique part name.
INVELB Bulk Data Entry Defines initial velocity in a multibody situation.
INVELJ Bulk Data Entry Defines initial velocity of a joint in a multibody situation.
ISTSADD Bulk Data Entry Defines initial stress condition for nonlinear quasi-static analysis as a union of INISTRS entries.
JOINT Bulk Data Entry Defines a joint for Multibody Dynamics.
JOINTG Bulk Data Entry Defines a joint connection between two grids.
JOINTM Bulk Data Entry Defines a joint using two grids which have a marker card associated with them. Joints are only valid in a multibody solution sequence.
LATPRM Bulk Data Entry Defines the parameters available for Lattice Optimization Control.
LOAD Bulk Data Entry The LOAD is equivalent to the LOADADD.
LOADADD Bulk Data Entry Defines a static load as a linear combination of load sets defined via FORCE, MOMENT, FORCE1, MOMENT1, PLOAD, PLOAD1, PLOAD2, PLOAD4, RFORCE, DAREA, ACCEL, ACCEL1, ACCEL2, GRAV and LOADADD entries.
LOADCYH Bulk Data Entry Used to define the harmonic coefficients of loading, in cyclic symmetry analysis.
LOADCYN Bulk Data Entry Used to define the loading, in cyclic symmetry analysis.
LOADJG Bulk Data Entry Defines loading for joint connector JOINTG Bulk Data Entry.
LOCATE Bulk Data Entry The LOCATE Bulk Data Entry can be used to define the location of a part in the global structure. Each LOCATE entry should reference a unique part name. LOCATE Bulk Data Entries are activated in each subcase by the LOCATE Subcase Entry.
MAP Bulk Data Entry Used to map results to the model (OptiStruct) from other external result files.
MARKER Bulk Data Entry Define a marker by associating a grid and a coordinate system.
MAT1 Bulk Data Entry Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, and isotropic materials.
MAT1EC Bulk Data Entry Defines constant electrical material properties for resistivity and Joule heat fraction in electrical analysis.
MAT1PT Bulk Data Entry Defines isotropic permittivity and damping for dielectric materials.
MAT2 Bulk Data Entry Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, and anisotropic materials for two-dimensional elements.
MAT2EC Bulk Data Entry Defines the electrical material properties for anisotropic materials in electrical analysis.
MAT2PT Bulk Data Entry Defines anisotropic permittivity and damping for dielectric materials
MAT3 Bulk Data Entry Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, and orthotropic materials used by the CTAXI, CTRIAX6, and CQAXI axisymmetric elements, and CTPSTN and CQPSTN plane strain elements.
MAT4 Bulk Data Entry Defines constant thermal material properties for conductivity, density, and heat generation.
MAT5 Bulk Data Entry Defines the thermal material properties for anisotropic materials.
MAT8 Bulk Data Entry Defines the material properties for linear temperature-independent orthotropic material for two-dimensional elements.
MAT9 Bulk Data Entry Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, and anisotropic materials for solid elements.
MAT9OR Bulk Data Entry Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, and orthotropic materials for solid elements in terms of engineering constants.
MAT10 Bulk Data Entry Defines material properties for fluid elements in coupled fluid-structural analysis.
MATF Bulk Data Entry Defines material properties and failure model parameters for Failure criteria calculations.
MATFAT Bulk Data Entry Defines material properties for fatigue analysis.
MATF1 Bulk Data Entry Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT1 entry fields via TABLEDi entries.
MATF2 Bulk Data Entry Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT2 entry fields via TABLEDi entries.
MATF3 Bulk Data Entry Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT3 entry fields via TABLEDi entries.
MATF8 Bulk Data Entry Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT8 entry fields via TABLEDi entries.
MATF9 Bulk Data Entry Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT9 entry fields via TABLEDi entries.
MATF10 Bulk Data Entry Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT10 entry fields via TABLEDi entries.
MATFVE Bulk Data Entry Defines material properties for frequency-dependent viscoelastic materials.
MATHE Bulk Data Entry Defines material properties for nonlinear hyperelastic materials. The Polynomial form is available and various material types 3 can be defined by specifying the corresponding coefficients.
MATHF Bulk Data Entry Defines the material properties in a one-step stamping simulation.
MATMDS Bulk Data Entry Defines material properties and parameters through an interface to AltairMultiscale Designer® allowing you to include a much wider range of different material models.
MATPE1 Bulk Data Entry Defines the material properties for poro-elastic materials.
MATPZO Bulk Data Entry Defines the coupling terms between structural and dielectric materials for defining a piezoelectric coupling.
MATS1 Bulk Data Entry Specifies strain-, rate-, and temperature-dependent material properties for use in applications involving nonlinear materials.
MATT1 Bulk Data Entry Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT1 entry fields via TABLEMi or TABLEG entry.
MATT1EC Bulk Data Entry Defines temperature-dependent material properties for the corresponding MAT1EC Bulk Data Entry fields via TABLEMi or TABLEG entries.
MATT1PT Bulk Data Entry Defines temperature-dependent isotropic permittivity via the TABLEM1-4 or TABLEG Bulk Data Entries for dielectric materials.
MATT2 Bulk Data Entry Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT2 entry fields via TABLEMi or TABLEG entry.
MATT2EC Bulk Data Entry Defines temperature-dependent material properties for the corresponding MAT2EC Bulk Data Entry fields via TABLEMi or TABLEG entries.
MATT2PT Bulk Data Entry Defines temperature-dependent anisotropic permittivity via the TABLEM1-4 or TABLEG Bulk Data Entries for dielectric materials.
MATT3 Bulk Data Entry Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT3 entry fields via TABLEMi or TABLEG entry.
MATT4 Bulk Data Entry Defines temperature-dependent material properties for the corresponding MAT4 Bulk Data Entry fields via TABLEMi or TABLEG entry.
MATT8 Bulk Data Entry Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT8 entry fields via TABLEMi or TABLEG entry.
MATT9 Bulk Data Entry Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT9 entry fields via TABLEMk or TABLEG entry.
MATT9OR Bulk Data Entry Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT9OR entry fields via TABLEMk or TABLEG entry.
MATTHE Bulk Data Entry Defines material properties for temperature-dependent nonlinear hyperelastic materials.
MATTPZO Bulk Data Entry Defines temperature-dependent coupling terms between structural and dielectric materials, for defining a piezoelectric coupling.
MATTVE Bulk Data Entry Defines material properties for temperature-dependent nonlinear viscoelastic materials.
MATTVP Bulk Data Entry Defines temperature-dependent material properties for the corresponding MATVP Bulk Data Entry fields via TABLEMi or TABLEG entry.
MATUSHT Bulk Data Entry Defines thermal material properties and parameters for user-defined thermal material.
MATUSR Bulk Data Entry Defines material properties and parameters for user-defined structural material.
MATVE Bulk Data Entry Defines material properties for nonlinear viscoelastic materials.
MATVP Bulk Data Entry Defines material properties for nonlinear creep materials.
MBACT Bulk Data Entry Defines the entity/set that needs to be activated in the multibody system for the subsequent simulation.
MBCNTDS Bulk Data Entry Defines a Multibody Contact between a set of nodes and a deformable surface.
MBCNTR Bulk Data Entry Defines a Multibody contact between rigid bodies.
MBCRV Bulk Data Entry Specifies the data used to define a curve.
MBCVCV Bulk Data Entry Defines a Curve to Curve Constraint.
MBDCRV Bulk Data Entry Defines an ordered list of grids as a Multibody Deformable Curve.
MBDEACT Bulk Data Entry Defines the entity/set that needs to be deactivated in the multibody system for the subsequent simulation.
MBDSRF Bulk Data Entry Defines a multibody deformable surface.
MBFRC Bulk Data Entry Defines a constant force at a grid point by specifying a vector.
MBFRCC Bulk Data Entry Defines a curve force at a grid point by specifying a vector.
MBFRCE Bulk Data Entry Defines an expression force at a grid point by specifying a vector.
MBLIN Bulk Data Entry Defines the parameters for a multibody system linear analysis.
MBMNT Bulk Data Entry Defines a constant moment at a grid point by specifying a vector.
MBMNTC Bulk Data Entry Defines a curve moment at a grid point by specifying a vector.
MBMNTE Bulk Data Entry Defines an expression moment at a grid point by specifying a vector.
MBPCRV Bulk Data Entry Defines a Multibody Parametric Curve using node sets.
MBPTCV Bulk Data Entry Defines a Point to Parametric Curve Constraint.
MBPTDCV Bulk Data Entry Defines a Point to Deformable Curve Constraint.
MBPTDSF Bulk Data Entry Defines a Point to Deformable Surface Constraint.
MBREQ Bulk Data Entry Defines a multibody as a combination of request sets defined via MBREQE and MBREQM.
MBREQE Bulk Data Entry Defines a multibody solver output request to output the results of a set of expressions.
MBREQM Bulk Data Entry Defines a multibody solver output request to output displacement, velocity, acceleration, or force with respect to markers.
MBSEQ Bulk Data Entry Defines the simulation sequence for the multibody solver.
MBSFRC Bulk Data Entry Defines a constant scalar load on two grid points.
MBSFRCC Bulk Data Entry Defines a curve scalar load on two grid points.
MBSFRCE Bulk Data Entry Defines an expression scalar load on two grid points.
MBSIM Bulk Data Entry Defines the parameters for a multibody simulation.
MBSIMP Bulk Data Entry Defines the simulation parameters for subsequent multibody simulation.
MBSMNT Bulk Data Entry Defines a constant scalar moment on two gird points along the specified vector.
MBSMNTC Bulk Data Entry Defines a curve scalar moment on two grid points along the specified vector.
MBSMNTE Bulk Data Entry Defines an expression scalar moment on two grid points along the specified vector.
MBVAR Bulk Data Entry Defines a multibody solver variable which can be referred to by multiple expressions.
MCIRON Bulk Data Entry Defining the material properties of cast iron material for use in applications involving nonlinear materials.
MCOHE Bulk Data Entry Defines the material properties for potential-based cohesive material models.
MCOHED Bulk Data Entry Defines the material properties for damage-based cohesive material models.
MEFFSET Bulk Data Entry This entry is used to group element sets for which MEFFMASS output is desired in HyperMesh set based format.
MESHF Bulk Data Entry Defines options for user-defined input of frequency ranges used to define bands in adaptive meshing for acoustic Adaptive Perfectly Matched Layer (APML) analysis.
METADATA Bulk Data Entry METADATA indicates the beginning of metadata content that is to be passed to the OUTPUT2 (.op2 file).
MFLUID Bulk Data Entry Used to define properties of a virtual fluid mass. A virtual fluid mass mimics the mass effect of an incompressible inviscid fluid in contact with a structure.
MGASK Bulk Data Entry Defining the material properties for gasket-like materials.
MKAERO1 Bulk Data Entry To input a table of Mach numbers (M) and reduced frequencies (K) for aerodynamic matrix calculation, in unsteady aerodynamic analysis.
MKAERO2 Bulk Data Entry To input a table of Mach number (M) and reduced frequency (K) pairs for aerodynamic matrix calculation, in unsteady aerodynamic analysis.
MLOAD Bulk Data Entry Defines a multibody as a linear combination of load sets defined via GRAV, MBFRC, MBFRCC, MBFRCE, MBMNT, MBMNTC, MBMNTE, MBSFRC, MBSFRCC, MBSFRCE, MBSMNT, MBSMNTC, and MBSMNTE.
MODCHG Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for removing and/or reactivating contact interfaces and/or elements.
MODOUT Bulk Data Entry Options for displacement and energy results, based on eigenvectors from PFMODE modal participation.
MOMENT Bulk Data Entry Defines a static moment at a grid point or a SET of grid points by specifying a vector.
MOMENT1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a static moment by specification of a value and two grid points, which determines the direction.
MOMENT2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a static moment by specification of a value and four grid points, which determines the direction.
MONPNT1 Bulk Data Entry Defines an integrated load monitor point at a point (x,y,z) in a user-defined coordinate system. The integrated loads about this point over the associated loads will be computed and printed to the .monpnt file.
MONPNT2 Bulk Data Entry Define an integrated load monitor point for specific elements and to output results for these elements.
MONPNT3 Bulk Data Entry Sums select Grid Point Forces to a user chosen monitor point.
MONVOL Bulk Data Entry Defines a one-chamber gas filled structure with hybrid input of inflated gas.
MOTION Bulk Data Entry Defines a multibody as a combination of motion sets defined via MOTNJ, MOTNJC, MOTNJE, MOTNG, MOTNGC, and MOTNGE.
MOTNG Bulk Data Entry Defines a constant grid point motion.
MOTNGC Bulk Data Entry Defines a grid point motion versus time by specifying a curve.
MOTNGE Bulk Data Entry Defines a grid point motion through an expression.
MOTNJ Bulk Data Entry Defines a constant joint motion.
MOTNJC Bulk Data Entry Defines a joint motion versus time by specifying a curve.
MOTNJE Bulk Data Entry Defines a joint motion through an expression.
MOTNJG Bulk Data Entry Defines motion for joint connector JOINTG Bulk Data Entry.
MPC Bulk Data Entry The MPC Bulk Data Entry defines a multipoint constraint equation of the form.
MPCADD Bulk Data Entry Defines a multipoint constraint set as a union of multipoint constraint sets defined via MPC entries.
NLADAPT Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for time-stepping and convergence criteria in Nonlinear Analysis.
NLCTRL Bulk Data Entry Uses keywords to define various control parameters for both Nonlinear Static and Nonlinear Transient Analysis.
NLENRG Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for energy variables printout for implicit nonlinear static, implicit nonlinear transient analyses, and explicit dynamic analysis.
NLMON Bulk Data Entry Defines the settings for runtime monitoring of nonlinear analysis.
NLOUT Bulk Data Entry Defines incremental result output parameters for Nonlinear Implicit Analysis (static and transient) and Nonlinear Explicit Analysis.
NLPARM Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for Nonlinear Static Analysis, Nonlinear Transient Analysis, and Nonlinear Heat Transfer Analysis solution control.
NLPCI Bulk Data Entry Define the parameters for arc-length method to solve post-buckling problems in nonlinear static analysis.
NLPRINT Bulk Data Entry Controls the printing of certain information to the _nl.out file for nonlinear analysis.
NLRGAP Bulk Data Entry Defines a nonlinear radial (circular) gap for direct transient response analysis.
NOLIN1 Bulk Data Entry Defines nonlinear transient forcing functions of the form.
NOLIN2 Bulk Data Entry Defines nonlinear transient forcing functions of the form.
NOLIN3 Bulk Data Entry Defines nonlinear transient forcing functions of the form.
NOLIN4 Bulk Data Entry Defines nonlinear transient forcing functions of the form.
NSGE Bulk Data Entry Defines non-structural material damping for a list of elements or properties.
NSGE1 Bulk Data Entry Defines non-structural material damping for a list of elements or properties.
NSGEADD Bulk Data Entry Defines non-structural material damping as the sum of the sets listed.
NSM Bulk Data Entry Defines non-structural mass per unit Length, per unit Area, or per unit Volume for a list of elements or properties.
NSM1 Bulk Data Entry Defines non-structural mass per unit area or per unit length for a list of elements or properties.
NSMADD Bulk Data Entry Defines non-structural mass as the sum of the sets listed.
NSML Bulk Data Entry Defines lumped non-structural mass for a list of elements or properties.
NSML1 Bulk Data Entry Defines lumped non-structural mass for a list of elements or properties.
PAABSF Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of the fluid acoustic absorber element.
PACABS Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of an acoustic absorber element.
PACINF Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of Acoustic Infinite Elements.
PACPML Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of acoustic Adaptive Perfectly Matched Layer (APML) elements.
PAERO1 Bulk Data Entry Defines properties for CAERO1 panels. This is used for Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) and Doublet Lattice Method (DLM) in subsonic aeroelastic analysis.
PAFLUID Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of a 1D CAFLUID heat flow element.
PANEL Bulk Data Entry Defines up to four sets of grid points or elements as panels for panel participation output for a frequency response analysis of a coupled fluid-structural model.
PANELG Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of grid points and/or elements as a generic panel.
PARAM Bulk Data Entry Defines values for parameters used during analysis and optimization.
PAXI Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of axisymmetric elements. Referenced by CTAXI and CQAXI entries.
PBAR Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of a simple beam (bar), which is used to create bar elements via the CBAR entry.
PBARL Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of a simple beam (bar) by cross-sectional dimensions, which is used to create bar elements via the CBAR entry.
PBEAM Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of beam elements defined via the CBEAM entry.
PBEAML Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of a beam element by cross-sectional dimensions that are used to create beam elements via the CBEAM entry.
PBUSH Bulk Data Entry Defines the nominal property values for a generalized spring-damper-mass structural element.
PBUSH1D Bulk Data Entry Defines the linear and nonlinear properties for a one-dimensional spring-and-damper structural element.
PBUSHFX Bulk Data Entry Defines the various nominal property values for a generalized spring-damper-mass structural element. This property is not affected by translational and rotational stiffness limits specified using PARAM, BUSHSTIF.
PBUSHT Bulk Data Entry Defines property values for a generalized spring and damper structural element.
PCOHE Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties for cohesive elements.
PCOMP Bulk Data Entry Defines the structure and properties of an n-ply composite laminate material.
PCOMPG Bulk Data Entry Defines the structure and properties of a composite laminate material, allowing for global ply identification.
PCOMPLS Bulk Data Entry Defines global ply-based composite properties for continuum shell composites.
PCOMPP Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of a composite laminate material used in ply-based composite definition.
PCONT Bulk Data Entry Defines properties of a CONTACT interface.
PCONTEC Bulk Data Entry Defines Contact Electric Coefficient (CEC) for CONTACT elements in electrical analysis.
PCONTHT Bulk Data Entry Defines conductance for CONTACT elements in heat transfer analysis.
PCONV Bulk Data Entry Defines a free convection boundary condition properties.
PCONVLIB Bulk Data Entry Defines the external function to be called to calculate time and temperature-dependent free-convection coefficient in a convection element.
PDAMP Bulk Data Entry Specifies the damping of a scalar damper element using defined CDAMP1 or CDAMP3 entry.
PEAKOUT Bulk Data Entry Defines criteria used for the automatic identification of loading frequencies at which result peaks occur. Other result output may then be requested at these "peak" loading frequencies. This feature is only supported for frequency response solution sequences.
PELAS Bulk Data Entry Used to define the stiffness and stress coefficient of a scalar elastic element (spring) by means of the CELAS1 or CELAS3 entry.
PELASFX Bulk Data Entry Used to define the stiffness and stress coefficient of a scalar elastic element (spring) by means of the CELAS1 or CELAS3 entry.
PELAST Bulk Data Entry Defines the frequency dependent property values for a PELAS Bulk Data Entry. It can also be used to define a nonlinear spring for Nonlinear Analysis via the TKNID field.
PERBC Bulk Data Entry Defines a connection between opposite edges/faces of the structure. This entry is used to apply Periodic Boundary Conditions to the model.
PFAST Bulk Data Entry Define properties of connector (CFAST) elements.
PFAT Bulk Data Entry Defines element properties for fatigue analysis.
PFATSDR Bulk Data Entry Defines properties for solder fatigue analysis.
PFATSMW Bulk Data Entry Defines properties for Seam Weld Fatigue Analysis.
PFATSPW Bulk Data Entry Defines properties for Spot Weld Fatigue Analysis.
PFPATH Bulk Data Entry Defines a one-step transfer path analysis.
PFBODY Bulk Data Entry Defines a flexible body out of a list of finite element properties, elements, and grid points.
PGAP Bulk Data Entry Defines properties of the gap (CGAP or CGAPG) elements.
PGAPEC Bulk Data Entry Defines electrical resistance properties for the gap elements (CGAP or CGAPG) in electrical analysis.
PGAPHT Bulk Data Entry Defines heat transfer conduction properties of the gap (CGAP or CGAPG) elements for heat transfer analysis.
PGASK Bulk Data Entry Defining the properties for solid gasket elements.
PHFSHL Bulk Data Entry Defines the thickness, material, blank holder, binder and Forming Limit Curve references for a shell property in a one-step stamping simulation.
PJOINTG Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties for a joint connection between two grids via the JOINTG Bulk Data Entry.
PLOAD Bulk Data Entry Defines a static pressure load on a triangular or quadrilateral element. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude "A") of dynamic loads in RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 Bulk Data Entries.
PLOAD1 Bulk Data Entry Defines concentrated, uniformly distributed, or linearly distributed applied loads to the CBAR or CBEAM elements or a SET of such elements at user-chosen points along the axis.
PLOAD2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a uniform static pressure load applied to two-dimensional elements, or a SET of such elements.
PLOAD4 Bulk Data Entry Defines a load on a face of a HEXA, PENTA, TETRA, PYRA, TRIA3, TRIA6, QUAD4, or QUAD8 element.
PLOADE1 Bulk Data Entry Defines an in-plane surface traction on the edge of CTPSTN and CQPSTN elements.
PLOADSF Bulk Data Entry Parameters of pressure loads on a surface defined by a SURF Bulk Data Entry or SET Bulk Data Entry.
PLOADX1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a static surface traction on the CQAXI, CTAXI and CTRIAX6 axisymmetric elements. The PLOADX1 entry can be defined as follower loads in Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis.
PLOTEL Bulk Data Entry Defines a one-dimensional dummy element for use in plotting.
PLOTEL3 Bulk Data Entry Defines a three-noded, two-dimensional dummy element for use in plotting.
PLOTEL4 Bulk Data Entry Defines a four-noded, two-dimensional dummy element for use in plotting.
PLSOLID Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of nonlinear hyperelastic solid elements, referenced by CHEXA, CPENTA, and CTETRA Bulk Data Entries. The MATHE hyperelastic material can be referenced to define corresponding material properties.
PLY Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of a ply used in ply-based composite definition.
PMASS Bulk Data Entry Defines the mass value of a scalar mass element (CMASS1 or CMASS3 entry).
PPLANE Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of plane strain elements (CTPSTN and CQPSTN).
PRBODY Bulk Data Entry Defines a rigid body out of a list of finite element properties, elements and grid points.
PRETENS Bulk Data Entry Defines 1D or 3D pre-tensioned bolt section.
PRETPRM Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters that control initial loading conditions on pretension sections for 1D and 3D bolt pre-tensioning. These parameters also control the printing of diagnostic information about pretension sections.
PROD Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of a rod, which is referenced by the CROD entry.
PRSPENE Bulk Data Entry Defines a pressure penetration load which can simulate fluid penetrating through the surfaces on a contact interface.
PSEAM Bulk Data Entry Define properties of connector (CSEAM) elements.
PSEC Bulk Data Entry Defines property information for planar section elements used in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections.
PSHEAR Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of a shear panel.
PSHELL Bulk Data Entry Defines the membrane, bending, transverse shear, and membrane-bending coupling of shell elements.
PSOLID Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of solid elements, referenced by CHEXA, CPENTA, CPYRA and CTETRA Bulk Data Entries.
PSURF Bulk Data Entry Defines properties of a contact surface.
PTADD Bulk Data Entry Defines a pretension load as a linear combination of load sets defined via PTFORCE, PTFORC1, PTADJST and PTADJS1 entries.
PTADJS1 Bulk Data Entry Defines adjustment (additional shortening) on a set of pretension sections.
PTADJST Bulk Data Entry Defines the adjustment (shortening) on a pretension section.
PTFORCE Bulk Data Entry Defines pretensioning force on pretension section.
PTFORC1 Bulk Data Entry Defines pretensioning force on a set of pretension sections.
PTUBE Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of a thin-walled cylindrical tube element, referenced by a CTUBE entry.
PVISC Bulk Data Entry Defines properties of a one-dimensional viscous damping element (CVISC entry).
PWELD Bulk Data Entry Defines properties of connector (CWELD) elements.
QBDY1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a uniform heat flux for CHBDYE elements.
QBDYLIB Bulk Data Entry Defines the external function to be called to calculate time and temperature-dependent Uniform Heat Flux values.
QVOL Bulk Data Entry Defines a rate of volumetric heat addition in a conduction element.
QVOLLIB Bulk Data Entry Defines the external function called to calculate time and temperature-dependent rate of volumetric heat addition in a conduction element.
RADBC Bulk Data Entry Defines the radiation boundary conditions and identifies CHBDYE entries for heat transfer analysis via radiation.
RADM Bulk Data Entry Defines the radiation material properties of a surface element for heat transfer analysis.
RADSND Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of grid points where the sound will be calculated as well as the panels that are generating the sound.
RANDPS Bulk Data Entry Defines load set power spectral density factors for use in random analysis having the frequency dependent form .
RANDT1 Bulk Data Entry Defines time lag constants for use in random analysis autocorrelation function computation.
RBADD Bulk Data Entry Defines a rigid body as a combination of Rigid Bodies (RBODY).
RBAR Bulk Data Entry Defines a rigid bar with six degrees-of-freedom at each end.
RBE1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a rigid body connected to an arbitrary number of grid points.
RBE2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a rigid body whose independent degrees-of-freedom are specified at a single grid point and whose dependent degrees-of-freedom are specified at an arbitrary number of grid points.
RBE2GS Bulk Data Entry Defines a rigid element connecting two grid points which are closest to the grid point referenced by the field GS.
RBE3 Bulk Data Entry Defines the motion at a "reference" grid point as the weighted average of the motions at a set of other grid points.
RBODY Bulk Data Entry Defines a rigid body as a set of elements, grid points.
RCROSS Bulk Data Entry Defines a pair of response quantities for computing the cross-power spectral density functions in random response analysis.
RELOC Bulk Data Entry Geometrically maps parts (for example, elements and grids) from one location to another. This entry allows you to define mapping as MOVE (translation), ROTATE, MIRROR, or MATCH (as an arbitrary transformation which matches grids from one group to similar grids in another group).
RFORCE Bulk Data Entry Defines a static loading condition due to a centrifugal force field. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude "A") of dynamic loads in RLOAD1, RLOAD2 , TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 Bulk Data Entries.
RGYRO Bulk Data Entry Includes data required to perform Rotor Dynamics analysis in Modal Frequency Response Analysis and/or Modal Complex Eigenvalue Analysis. The RGYRO Bulk Data Entry is referenced by a corresponding RGYRO Subcase Information Entry in a specific subcase.
RJOINT Bulk Data Entry Defines a Rigid Joint connection at two coincident grids.
RLOAD1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a frequency-dependent dynamic load of the form: for use in frequency response problems.
RLOAD2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a frequency-dependent dynamic load of the form for use in frequency response problems.
ROTOR Bulk Data Entry 3D Rotor Definition. Specifies list of sets, elements or properties that comprise the rotor 3D model.
ROTORG Bulk Data Entry 1D rotor definition. Specifies grids that determine the Rotor Line model.
RROD Bulk Data Entry Defines a pin-ended rod that is rigid in extension.
RSPEC Bulk Data Entry Specifies directional combination method, modal combination method, excitation direction(s), response spectra and scale factors for Response Spectrum Analysis.
RSPEED Bulk Data Entry Specifies a set of reference rotor speed values for asynchronous analysis in Rotor Dynamics.
RSPINR Bulk Data Entry Defines the relative spin rates between rotors and rotor damping parameters during a rotor dynamic analysis in Static, Modal Complex Eigenvalue or Frequency Response solution sequences.
RSPINT Bulk Data Entry Defines the rotor spin rates and rotor damping parameters with respect to time during a Transient Rotor Dynamics Analysis.
RSPLINE Bulk Data Entry Defines multi-point constraints for the interpolation of displacements at grid points.
RSSCON Bulk Data Entry Defines multi-point constraints to model clamped connections of shell-to-solid elements.
RSSCON1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of constraints for shell-to-solid connection on surfaces.
RVDOF Bulk Data Entry Defines the degrees of freedom where the residual vectors are to be calculated.
RVDOF1 Bulk Data Entry Defines the degrees of freedom where the residual vectors are to be calculated.
RWALADD Bulk Data Entry Defines a rigid wall set as a union of rigid walls defined via RWALL entries.
SEBULK Bulk Data Entry Defines superelement boundary search options and the type of superelement.
SECONCT Bulk Data Entry Defines grid and scalar point connection procedures for a partitioned superelement.
SECSET Bulk Data Entry Defines free boundary degrees-of-freedom for One-Step Superelement Analysis.
SECSET1 Bulk Data Entry Defines free boundary degrees-of-freedom to be free for use in One-Step Superelement Analysis (Alternate Format).
SECTION Bulk Data Entry Defines a user-defined cross-section based on a specific face of the model.
SELOC Bulk Data Entry Defines a partitioned superelement relocation by listing three noncolinear grids in the superelement and three corresponding grids not belonging to the superelement.
SENSOR Bulk Data Entry Defines different types of sensors. Sensors may be used to activate loads.
SENSRAD Bulk Data Entry Defines a union of several SENSOR entries.
SEQSET Bulk Data Entry Defines the generalized degrees-of-freedom of the superelement for use in One-Step Superelement Analysis.
SEQSET1 Bulk Data Entry Defines the generalized degrees-of-freedom of the superelement for use in One-Step Superelement Analysis (Alternate Format).
SESET Bulk Data Entry Defines the interior grid points for One-Step Superelement Analysis.
SET Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of grids, elements, design variables, MBD entities, mode numbers, frequencies or times for reference by other input definitions.
SET1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a list of structural grid points or element identification numbers.
SET3 Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of grids or elements.
SETREE Bulk Data Entry Defines the Superelement Tree for One-Step Superelement Analysis.
SLOAD Bulk Data Entry Defines concentrated static loads on scalar, grid or fluid points.
SOLVTYP Bulk Data Entry Defines the solver type to be used for static and dynamic analysis.
SPC Bulk Data Entry This entry can be used to define single-point constraints and enforced displacements for structural Analysis.
SPC1 Bulk Data Entry Defines sets of single-point constraints and thermal boundary conditions.
SPCADD Bulk Data Entry Defines a single-point constraint set as a union of single-point constraint sets defined via SPC or SPC1 entries.
SPCD Bulk Data Entry This entry can be used to define enforced displacement value for Static Analysis.
SPCDLIB Bulk Data Entry Defines the external function to be called to calculate time and temperature-dependent SPCD temperature values.
SPCOFF Bulk Data Entry Defines degrees-of-freedom to be excluded from AUTOSPC.
SPCOFF1 Bulk Data Entry Defines degrees-of-freedom to be excluded from AUTOSPC.
SPCP Bulk Data Entry Defines the flow pressure boundary conditions for Darcy Flow Analysis.
SPLINE1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a surface spline for interpolating motion and forces for aeroelastic problems on aerodynamic geometries defined by regular arrays of aerodynamic points.
SPLINE2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a beam spline for interpolating motion and/or forces for aeroelastic problems on aerodynamic geometries defined by regular arrays of aerodynamic points.
SPLINE4 Bulk Data Entry Defines a curved surface spline for interpolating motion and forces for aeroelastic problems on aerodynamic geometries.
STACK Bulk Data Entry Defines the stacking information and stacking sequence for ply-based composite definition.
SUPORT Bulk Data Entry Defines determinate reaction degrees-of-freedom in a free body.
SUPORT1 Bulk Data Entry Defines determinate reaction degrees-of-freedom in a free body.
SURF Bulk Data Entry Defines a face of a shell or solid (3D solid, axisymmetric solid, or plane-strain solid) element as part of a surface.
SWLDPRM Bulk Data Entry Defines values of parameters used during the CWELD and CSEAM connectivity search.
TABDMP1 Bulk Data Entry Defines modal damping as a tabular function of natural frequency.
TABDMP2 Bulk Data Entry Defines modal damping as a tabular function of mode index.
TABFAT Bulk Data Entry Defines y values of each point on the loading time history.
TABLED1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a tabular function for use in generating frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads.
TABLED2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a tabular function for use in generating frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads. Also contains parametric data for use with the table.
TABLED3 Bulk Data Entry Defines a tabular function for use in generating frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads. Also contains parametric data for use with the table.
TABLED4 Bulk Data Entry Defines the coefficients of a power series for use in generating frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads. Also contains parametric data for use with the table.
TABLEG Bulk Data Entry Defines a general tabular function for use in supported reference entries.
TABLEM1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a tabular function for use in generating temperature-dependent material properties.
TABLEM2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a tabular function for use in generating temperature-dependent material properties. Also contains parametric data for use with the table.
TABLEM3 Bulk Data Entry Defines a tabular function for use in generating temperature-dependent material properties. Also contains parametric data for use with the table.
TABLEM4 Bulk Data Entry Defines coefficients of a power series for use in generating temperature-dependent material properties. Also contains parametric data for use with the table.
TABLEMD Bulk Data Entry Defines a multi-dimensional tabular function which identifies single or multiple X-values for a single Y-value.
TABLES1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a tabular function for material and friction property.
TABLEST Bulk Data Entry Specifies the material property tables for elasto-plastic, temperature-dependent materials.
TABRND1 Bulk Data Entry Defines power spectral density as a tabular function of frequency for use in random analysis. Referenced on the RANDPS entry.
TEMP Bulk Data Entry Defines temperature at grid points or a SET of grid points for determination of thermal loading and stress recovery.
TEMPADD Bulk Data Entry Defines a temperature set as a union of temperature sets defined via the TEMP or TEMPD Bulk Data Entries.
TEMPD Bulk Data Entry Defines a temperature value for all grid points of the structural model that have not been given a temperature on a TEMP entry.
TEMPP1 Bulk Data Entry Defines temperature field for shell elements (as a combination of reference plane temperature and linear thermal gradient through thickness) for determination of thermal loading, temperature-dependent material properties and stress recovery.
TEMPT Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for mapping the grid temperature field from either an external file or an internal heat transfer subcase to either Nonlinear Static Analysis or Nonlinear Transient Analysis. The mapping is over time-domain only. The mapping is over time-domain only.
THIST Bulk Data Entry Defines the time history output request for Nonlinear Explicit Analysis.
TIC Bulk Data Entry Defines values for the initial conditions of variables used in Structural Transient Analysis and Explicit Analysis. Both displacement and velocity values may be specified at independent degrees-of-freedom.
TICA Bulk Data Entry Defines the initial velocity on a set of grids along and about an axis.
TLOAD1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a time-dependent dynamic load or enforced motion.
TLOAD2 Bulk Data Entry Defines a time-dependent dynamic excitation or enforced motion.
TRIM Bulk Data Entry Specifies the constraints for aeroelastic trim variables.
TSTEP Bulk Data Entry Defines time step parameters for control and intervals at which a solution will be generated and output in transient analysis.
TSTEPNL Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for Nonlinear Direct Transient Analysis.
TSTEPE Bulk Data Entry Defines time step parameters for control and intervals at which a solution will be generated and output in explicit analysis.
UNBALNC Bulk Data Entry Defines the unbalanced rotating load during a rotor dynamic analysis in Modal Frequency Response, Linear Direct Transient or Small Displacement Nonlinear Direct Transient solution sequences. The unbalanced load is specified in a cylindrical system where the rotor rotation axis is the Z-axis.
USET Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of degrees-of-freedom.
USET1 Bulk Data Entry Defines a set of degrees-of-freedom.
VISCO Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for nonlinear analysis involving time-dependent material behavior.