Bulk Data Entry Defines the time history output request for Nonlinear Explicit Analysis.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
THIST | SID | DTTH | FILE | ||||||
LABEL | TH_group_name |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
ENTRY | ID | CID | VAR1 | VAR2 | VAR3 | VAR4 | VAR5 | ||
VAR6 | VAR7 | etc. |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
ENTRY | ID | VAR1 | VAR2 | VAR3 | VAR4 | VAR5 | VAR6 | ||
VAR7 | VAR8 | etc. |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
VAR6 | VAR7 | etc. |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
THIST | 10 | 100 | |||||||
LABEL | groupA | ||||||||
GRID | 101 | 0 | DEF | SPCFX | SPCFY | SPCFZ | |||
SOLID | 102 | DEF | |||||||
CONTACT | 501 | FNX | FTX | FNY |
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
entry identifier number. This does not need to be unique. No default (Integer > 0) |
DTTH | Frequency of the time
history output.
Default = 100 (Integer > 0 or Real > 0.0) |
FILE | Suffix for the file name.
A maximum of 4 characters are allowed. This is beneficial with multiple THIST definitions, when specific results are desired in each file. By default, only one _TH.h5 file is generated. For example,
Default = blank (Character) |
LABEL | Label for the time history
file. No default (Character) |
ENTRY | Flag indicating that a
list of identifiers is following. Any number of entries can be
specified under the same THIST entry.
ID | Identifier for each
ENTRY. 4 (Integer > 0) |
CSURF | Flag to indicate output of surface-based data. | |
SRFID | Surface identifier. This is valid only for surface-based data format. No default (Integer > 0) |
CID | Output coordinate
system. This is only applicable for ENTRY = GRID and SHELL. Default = 0 (Basic coordinate system) (Integer) |
VARi | Output data label. 4 No default (Character) |
- The THIST Bulk Data Entry must be referenced using the THIST Subcase Information Entry. It is only applicable for Explicit Dynamic Analysis (ANALYSIS = NLEXPL).
- The time history output is available in a _TH.h5 file HDF5 format file.
- If a THIST entry
has been referenced in the subcase, the global energy results are always
output by default. Even if FILE is defined, the global
energies are written only to the _TH.h5 file and not to
the other _TH<FILE>.h5 files. The global energies
- Output Data Label
- Description and Remarks
- IE
- Global internal energy
- KE
- Global kinetic energy
- Elastic contact energy
- Frictional contact energy
- HE
- Global hourglass energy
- PE
- Global plastic dissipation energy
- Global external forces work
- TE
- Energy sum = IE + KE
- The following table summarizes the
VARi values for different output requests.Note:
- In the below table, if VARi = {character
prior to the parentheses}, then all the results inside the
parenthesis are output. For example, with
- VARi = STRESS outputs time histories of SX1, SY1, SXY1, SX2, SY2, and SXY2.
- VARi = SX1 only outputs time histories of SX1.
- VARi = ALL or blank are supported for all entries and this outputs the result for all the components of an output data label.
Entry ID Output Data Label (VARi) Description and Remarks GRID Grid SET ID DEF (DX, DY, DZ, VX, VY, VZ). All six components of displacement are output D (DX, DY, DZ) Translational displacement components V (VX, VY, VZ) Translational velocity components A (AX, AY, AY) Translational acceleration components DR (DRX, DRY, DRZ) Rotational displacement components VR (VRX, VRY, VRZ) Angular velocity components ARX (ARX, ARY, ARZ) Angular acceleration components SPCF (SPCFX, SPCFY, SPCFZ) SPC force components SPCM (SPCMX, SPCMY, SPCMZ) SPC moment components SHELL Element SET ID DEF (SX1, SY1, SXY1, SX2, SY2, SXY2) Shell element stress at location Z1 and Z2 are output STRESS (SX1, SY1, SXY1, SX2, SY2, SXY2) SX1, SY1, SXY1: shell element stress at location Z1. SX2, SY2, SXY2: shell element stress at location Z2.
STRAIN (EPSX1, EPSY1, EPSXY1, EPSX2, EPSY2, EPSXY2) EPSX1, EPSY1, EPSXY1: shell element strain at location Z1. EPSX2, EPSY2, EPSXY2: shell element strain at location Z2. SOLID Element SET ID DEF (SX, SY, SZ, SXY, SYZ, SZX) All six stress tensor components are output STRESS (SX , SY, SZ, SXY, SYZ, SZX). Stress tensor components STRAIN (EPSX, EPSY, EPSZ, EPSXY, EPSYZ, EPSZX) Strain tensor components CONTACT Contact ID or SRFID (when CSURF flag is added) DEF (FNX, FNY, FNZ, FTX, FTY, FTZ) All contact force components are output FN (FNX, FNY, FNZ) Normal contact force components FT (FTX, FTY, FTZ) Tangential contact force components - In the below table, if VARi = {character
prior to the parentheses}, then all the results inside the
parenthesis are output. For example, with