Bulk Data Entry Used to define parameters required for a Fatigue Analysis.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
UNIT | LENUNIT | ||||||||
PRPLD | CHK | ||||||||
MCORRECT | MC1 | MC2 | MC3 | MC4 | |||||
FOS | FOSTYPE | ||||||||
RNDPDF | PDF1 | PDF2 | PDF3 | ||||||
SWEEP | NF | DF | STSUBID | ||||||
NPLNCRT | NPLN | ||||||||
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
ID | Each
FATPARM card must have a unique ID. The FATPARM Subcase Information
Entry may reference this identifier. No default (Integer > 0) |
TYPE | Fatigue analysis type that is defined. | |
MAXLFAT | Controls the activation of
Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis.
PSEUDO | Flag which activates Pseudo
Damage method for Fatigue Calculations. For additional information, refer to Pseudo Damage Method in the User Guide. |
STRESS | Indicates that parameters are to follow which define how the stress is used in fatigue calculation. | |
COMBINE | The sign on the Signed von
Mises, Signed Tresca, Signed Max Shear is taken from the sign of the
Abs Max Principal value. For Stress Life, combined stress value is used; For Strain Life, combined strain value is used. For
Strain Life, shear strain components are engineering shear
strain (two times tensor shear strain).
UCORRECT | Mean stress correction
method for Uniaxial Fatigue Analysis. 5
15 Valid options for
Valid options for
STRESSU | FE analysis Stress Tensor
Unit. The Unit is necessary because the
SN/EN curve
(MATFAT card) might be defined in different
unit, and FEA stress needs to be converted before looking up the
fatigue life for a given stress level on the SN
curve. 9
PLASTIC | This field is only
applicable for TYPE=EN.
For TYPE=SN, it is not used. For TYPE=EN, NEUBER is the only valid option. |
SURFSTS | Surface stress options.
For Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis, by default, a membrane is created to calculate damage of the free surfaces in the model, and this is visible as an AUTO_SKIN component in the H3D file. |
GRD | Stress gradient effect.
Note: If GRDCD or GRDFKM is
specified, the SURFSTS field is
automatically set to GP for nodal
SCBFKM | Combined Stress to
calculate stress-gradient in FKM stress gradient method.
UNIT | Flag indicating that the
next field defines the unit for length in fatigue analysis. Refer to Unit Systems for more information. |
LENUNIT | Unit of length. Refer to
Unit Systems for more information.
RAINFLOW | Indicates that parameters required for Rainflow counting are to follow. This flag and its related parameters will be used only when the TYPE field is set to SN or EN. | |
RTYPE | Rainflow data type. 1
GATEREL | Relative fraction of
maximum gate range. The reference value is the maximum range
multiplied by GATEREL and used for gating out
small disturbances or "noise" in the time series. Default = 0.2 (0.0 ≤ Real < 1.0) |
PRPLD | Flag that indicates proportional load treatment information is to follow. | |
CHK | Check if the loading is
Proportional Load in Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis. Proportional
loading means that multiaxial loading is in-phase.
For more information, refer to Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis in the User Guide. |
MCORRECT | Flag that indicates Multiaxial Mean Stress Correction information is to follow. | |
MCi | Mean Stress Correction to
be used in Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis. Multiple mean stress
correction models can be specified in the four
MCi fields, the sequence is
irrelevant. Valid options for
Valid options for
CERTNTY | Indicates that parameters that define certainties in fatigue analysis are to follow. This flag and the following parameter will be used only when the TYPE field is set to SN or EN. | |
SURVCERT | Certainty of survival based
on the scatter of the SN curve. 4 Default = 0.5 (0.0 < Real < 1.0) |
SPWLD | Flag indicating that the following parameters are used for spot weld fatigue analysis. | |
METHOD | Spot weld fatigue analysis
UCORRECT | Mean stress correction
indicator for Uniaxial Fatigue Analysis.
SURVCERT | Certainty of
survival. Default = SURVCERT value on CERTNTY continuation line (0.0 < Real < 1.0) |
THCKCORR | Thickness correction
NANGLE | Number of angles to be
examined on the sheet and nugget. Default = 20 (Integer > 0) |
SMWLD | Flag indicating that the following parameters are used for seam weld fatigue analysis. | |
METHOD | Seam weld fatigue analysis
UCORRECT | Mean stress correction
indicator for Uniaxial Fatigue Analysis.
SURVCERT | Certainty of
survival. Default = SURVCERT value on CERTNTY continuation line (0.0 < Real < 1.0) |
THCKCORR | Thickness correction
FOS | Indicates that the following parameters are for Factor of Safety analysis (TYPE=FOS). This flag and following parameter will be used only when the TYPE field is set to FOS. | |
FOSTYPE | Used to select the Factor
of safety analysis type. Default = DANGVAN |
RNDPDF | Indicates Random Response Probability Density Function information is to follow. 12 | |
PDFi | Random Response Probability
Density Functions to be used in Random Response fatigue analysis.
Multiple functions can be specified in the three
PDFi fields, the sequence is irrelevant.
RANDOM | Indicates that parameters for Random Response Fatigue are to follow. This flag and the following parameters will be used only when the LCID field references a Random Response Analysis Subcase. | |
FACSREND | Calculates the upper limit
of the stress range (SREND). 10 Default = 8.0 (Real > 0.0 or blank) |
SREND | Used to directly specify
the upper limit of the stress range. Default = SREND based on FACSREND (Real > 0.0 or blank) |
NBIN | Calculates the width of the
range of stress ranges for which the probability is calculated.
Default = 100 (Integer > 0 or blank) |
DS | Used to directly define the
width of the stress ranges. Default = DS based on NBIN (Real > 0.0 or blank) |
STSUBID | References the subcase ID
of a Static Subcase to account for mean stress correction with any
loading that leads to a mean stress different from zero. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) |
SWEEP | Flag indicating that options for Sweep Fatigue analysis are to follow. 13 | |
NF |
DF | Frequency increment from
first to last frequency of the frequency response subcase. If
DF is defined, NF is
ignored. 14 Default = blank (Real) |
STSUBID | References the subcase ID
of a Static Subcase to account for mean stress correction with any
loading that leads to a mean stress different from zero. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) |
PSEUDO | Flag indicating options for
Pseudo Damage method. For additional information, refer to Pseudo Damage Method in the User Guide. |
NPV | Number of peak-valley pairs
in approximated load histories. For additional information, refer to Pseudo Damage Method in the User Guide. Default = 3 (Integer) |
NOISETHR | Threshold for termination
of an element cluster. An element cluster is allowed to continue
expanding even if positive slopes are encountered between two
elements, as long as the difference in pseudo damage between the two
elements falls below NOISETHR. If the differences
in pseudo damage at the cluster boundary is higher than
NOISETHR, then the cluster expansion is
terminated. For additional information, refer to Pseudo Damage Method in the User Guide. Default = 1.0E-8 (Real > 0.0) |
MXHOTSPOT | Number of hotspot
clusters. Default = 1% of the total number of elements of the entire model, or 2000, whichever is lower (Integer > 0) |
NACTDMG | Number of elements where
the actual damage is calculated in a cluster. Default = 20 (Integer > 0) |
NPLNCRT | Continuation line which indicates that critical plane calculation parameter for Multiaxial fatigue analysis is to follow. | |
NPLN | Number of planes that
damage is assessed on in Multiaxial fatigue analysis. The last two
planes that are assessed are always 45 degrees and 135 degrees
planes. Default = 20 (8 < Integer < 92) |
SOLDER | Continuation line to activate solder fatigue analysis. | |
METHOD | Method for solder fatigue
analysis. 21
No default |
AVG/ELEM | Controls how creep strain
or creep energy density is used in damage calculation.
MCRVS | Continuation line which indicates that the following options are applicable to the definition of multiple SN curves (which are defined via SNTBL continuation on MATFAT). | |
UPEXTPL | Controls the extrapolation
of SN curves.
HGHINTPL | This option is applicable
when multiple Haigh diagrams are defined on MATFAT. This option
controls the interpolation of multiple Haigh diagrams. 24
SFANAL | Flag indicating that Safety Factor Analysis is activated. 22, 23 | |
TGLIFE | This is the target life at
which the Safety Factor (SF) is evaluated. No default (Real) |
SFMETHOD | Quantity to be retained as
constant during the Safety Factor (SF) calculation.
- RTYPE=LOAD is valid when there is only one static load case defined in an event. If the event contains multiple static load cases, RTYPE will automatically be set to STRESS because there will be stress super-positioning among different load cases; doing rainflow counting on load-time history could not deal with it.
- When RTYPE=LOAD, load-time history will be cycle counted using the rainflow cycle counting method. The cycle counting results (load Ranges and Means) will be scaled by combined FEA stress. Doing rainflow counting on load-time is much faster than doing it on stress-time (RTYPE=STRESS), especially when the load-time history is complex and contains a large number of time points, but it is less accurate.
- When RTYPE=STRESS, stress-time history will be cycle counted using the rainflow cycle counting method. The stress-time history has the same length as load-time, while each point of the stress time is the combined stress value where the stress tensor is FEA stress scaled by y point value of the corresponding load-time history.
- Certainty of Survival is based on the scatter of the SN/EN curve. It is used to modify the SN/EN curve according to the standard error parameter (SE) defined in fatigue property of material card (MATFAT). A higher reliability level requires a larger certainty of survival.
- UCORRECT=GERBER2 improves the GERBER method by ignoring the effect of negative mean stress.
- UCORRECT=MORROW2 improves the MORROW method by ignoring the effect of negative mean stress.
- UCORRECT=SODERBE is slightly
different from GOODMAN, the mean stress is normalized by yield
stress instead of ultimate tensile stress.
(1) Where,- Equivalent stress amplitude
- Stress amplitude
- Mean stress
- Yield stress
- The STRESS, RAINFLOW and CERTNTY continuation lines are ignored in a factor of safety analysis (TYPE=FOS).
- If UNITS or
DTI UNITS is present, the default value of
STRESSU is determined by UNITS or
DTI UNITS entry (UNITS entry takes
precedence over DTI UNITS). If UNITS,
DTI UNITS, and STRESSU are not
provided, the default value of STRESSU is
UNITS issued.
Refer to Unit Systems for more information.
- The Upper limit of the stress range is calculated as SREND = 2*RMS Stress*FACSREND. RMS stress is output from Random Response Subcase.
- The width of the stress ranges is calculated as DS=SREND/NBIN.
- Random Response Fatigue analysis is supported for both SN and EN Fatigue Analysis. Multiaxial Fatigue is not currently supported for Random Response Fatigue Analysis. For EN fatigue only, COMBINE=VONMISES is supported.
- For Sine Sweep Fatigue:
- Currently, only von Mises is supported for the COMBINE field.
- Only Uniaxial Fatigue analysis is supported.
- SN and EN for Solid and Shell elements are supported.
- Weld Fatigue is not supported.
- Only one FATLOAD is allowed on a FATEVNT entry
- If Frequency Response results are not available at a frequency calculated based on DF, then the Frequency Response results are interpolated from the nearest two results.
- The UCORRECT field is only applicable for Uniaxial Fatigue Analysis (Static, Transient, Random, and Sine Sweep Fatigue). It is not applicable in Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis. For Multiaxial Fatigue analysis, the MCORRECT continuation line is used for Mean Stress correction methods.
- The units for Elastic Modulus (E) and Rigidity Modulus (G) in the material data are obtained from the stress unit field (STRESSU) in the FATPARM card, in general. In the case of SN fatigue, the units for Elastic Modulus in the material data is obtained from the stress unit field (STRESSU) in the FATPARM card, when the critical distance is activated.
- The SURFSTS=GP option is supported for SN, EN, and FOS Fatigue Analysis and optimization. It is also only supported for solid elements. Optimization is available and RTYPE on DRESP1 can be set to FATIGUE. PTYPE should be PSOLID or ELEM, and ATTA should be FOS.
- When SURFSTS=GP, XELSET and XELEM (if available) options on FATDEF are considered first to exclude any elements from the elements defined via ELSET/PROP continuation lines on FATDEF. Grids are then populated from the remaining elements. Then XGSET and XGRID (if available) on FATDEF are applied to exclude any grids.
- When SURFSTS=GP, and if multiple properties are associated with a single grid, then GPSTRESS of the grid used in Fatigue Analysis is averaged GPSTRESS at the grid. If multiple materials are associated with a node, refer to Surface Damage in the User Guide for more information.
- When TYPE=SOLDER, the METHOD field following SOLDER continuation line should be specified.
- When METHOD is one of SYEDW, SYEDEPS, and DARV, creep material (MATVP) should be used for solder joints in the underlying analysis.
- Safety factor is based on target stress (endurance limit) and is supported for uniaxial and multiaxial stress life (SN) fatigue. Safety factor is the ratio of target stress amplitude to stress amplitude of a cycle found in stress history. The minimum safety factor is reported from all the stress amplitudes during rainflow counting. If the minimum safety factor is greater than 1.0, then the structure is considered safe under the stress history. Safety factor is calculated either with constant mean stress or constant stress ratio.
- The FOS I/O Option Entry should be specified for safety factor output. Safety factor output is also supported for multiple SN curves/Haigh diagram (SNTBL on MATFAT) for SN fatigue.
- Interpolation options for multiple Haigh diagrams via the HGHINTPL flag are supported for metal SN fatigue analysis. Uniaxial and multiaxial SN fatigue are supported. Static, Transient, Random Response, and Sine-Sweep Fatigue Analysis are supported.
- This card is represented as a load collector in HyperMesh.