Block Format Keyword Sets the run name, the version of the input manual, the number of Starter run and input and work unit systems.
This option is required.
Work unit system and Input unit system are used instead of unit system defined previously in: /UNIT/name for input format prior to v10.0.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
/BEGIN | |||||||||
Runname | |||||||||
Invers | |||||||||
Input_mass_unit | Input_length_unit | Input_time_unit | |||||||
Work_mass_unit | Work_length_unit | Work_time_unit |
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
Runname | Run identification
name. (Character, maximum 80 characters) |
Invers | Input version. 8
(Integer) |
Input_mass_unit | Unit system of input for
mass. 7 Default = 1 kg (Real or code) |
Input_length_unit | Unit system of input for
length. 7 Default = 1 m (Real or code) |
Input_time_unit | Unit system of input for
time. 7 Default = 1 s (Real or code) |
Work_mass_unit | Unit system used for the
calculation for mass. 7 Default = 1 kg (Real or code) |
Work_length_unit | Unit system used for the
calculation for length. 7 Default = 1 m (Real or code) |
Work_time_unit | Unit system used for the
calculation for time. 7 Default = 1 s (Real or code) |
Prefix and Associated Multiplying Factor
- Prefix
- Multiplying Factor
- y
- 1.E-24
- z
- 1.E-21
- a
- 1.E-18
- f
- 1.E-15
- p
- 1.E-12
- n
- 1.E-09
- or mu
- 1.E-06
- m
- 1.E-03
- c
- 1.E-02
- d
- 1.E-01
- 1
- da
- 1.E+01
- h
- 1.E+02
- k
- 1.E+03
- M
- 1.E+06
- G
- 1.E+09
- T
- 1.E+12
- P
- 1.E+15
- E
- 1.E+18
- Z
- 1.E+21
- Y
- 1.E+24
- To be taken into account, this option must be written after the mandatory keyword # Radioss Starter.
- The Runname is defined by the first non-blank character. It may have a maximum of 80 characters and a minimum of four characters. The characters "/" and "\" are not allowed.
- The Input unit system defines the unit of the input deck. The work unit system defines which unit has been used during the computation. If the Input unit system is not equal to work unit system, Radioss will convert the input unit system (in Starter file, not in Engine file) to work unit system automatically.
- The Work unit system defines the unit in which the calculation is performed. The output is defined in the work unit system.
- In submodels, Work unit system defined in /BEGIN of a submodel is ignored: the Work unit system defined in the main /BEGIN card is used.
- If an Input unit system is not defined, Input unit system is equal to work unit system.
- Codes defining units of length and time
are given are (example, SI units: kg for mass, m for length, and s for time):
- Code (Mass)
- Value
- yg
- 1.E-27
- zg
- 1.E-24
- ag
- 1.E-21
- fg
- 1.E-18
- pg
- 1.E-15
- ng
- 1.E-12
- or mug
- 1.E-09
- mg
- 1.E-06
- cg
- 1.E-05
- dg
- 1.E-04
- g
- 1.E-03
- dag
- 1.E-02
- hg
- 1.E-01
- kg
- 1
- Mg
- 1.E+03
- Gg
- 1.E+06
- Tg
- 1.E+09
- Pg
- 1.E+12
- Eg
- 1.E+15
- Zg
- 1.E+18
- Yg
- 1.E+21
- Code (Length)
- Value
- ym
- 1.E-24
- zm
- 1.E-21
- am
- 1.E-18
- fm
- 1.E-15
- pm
- 1.E-12
- nm
- 1.E-09
- or mum
- 1.E-06
- mm
- 1.E-03
- cm
- 1.E-02
- dm
- 1.E-01
- m
- 1
- dam
- 1.E+01
- hm
- 1.E+02
- km
- 1.E+03
- Mm
- 1.E+06
- Gm
- 1.E+09
- Tm
- 1.E+12
- Pm
- 1.E+15
- Em
- 1.E+18
- Zm
- 1.E+21
- Ym
- 1.E+24
- Code (Time)
- Value
- ys
- 1.E-24
- zs
- 1.E-21
- as
- 1.E-18
- fs
- 1.E-15
- ps
- 1.E-12
- ns
- 1.E-09
- or mus
- 1.E-06
- ms
- 1.E-03
- cs
- 1.E-02
- ds
- 1.E-01
- s
- 1
- das
- 1.E+01
- hs
- 1.E+02
- ks
- 1.E+03
- Ms
- 1.E+06
- Gs
- 1.E+09
- Ts
- 1.E+12
- Ps
- 1.E+15
- Es
- 1.E+18
- Zs
- 1.E+21
- Ys
- 1.E+24
Radioss does not have a built-in unit system, so it is very important to keep unit consistency in your model.
As an alternative to the unit code, the equivalent value may be input instead.
- Available Inverse
- Invers
- Radioss Version
- 90
- Used from 9.0
- 100
- Used from 10.0
- 110
- Used from 11.0
- 120
- Used from 12.0
- 130
- Used from 13.0
- 140
- Used from 14.0
- 2017
- Used from 2017
- 2018
- Used from 2018
- 2019
- Used from 2019
- 2020
- Used from 2020
- 2021
- Used from 2021
- 2022
- Used from 2022 (current format)
Any supported input format can be used with the latest Radioss version. New features added in a given version are available only with the Invers value of that Radioss version or higher. Input formats previous to those listed in the table are no longer supported. The model format should be updated using HyperWorks.