New Keywords in 2022
New and modified features in Radioss.
New Starter Keywords
- /EBCS/NRF - New boundary condition option generalized for all ALE material laws
- /EOS/IDEAL-GAS-VT - Ideal gas equation of state (volume – temperature)
- /EOS/TABULATED - Tabulated equation of state
- /FAIL/GENE1 - For element deletion from maximum pressure, minimum principal strain, equivalent plastic strain, volumetric strain, minimum pressure, maximum principal strain, equivalent stress, shear strain, threshold stress, temperature or time
- /FAIL/ORTHBIQUAD - Orthotropic strain-based failure model
- /FAIL/RTCL - Failure model based on RTCL formulation
- /FAIL/SAHRAEI - Failure model from MIT for battery material failure
- /FAIL/TAB2 - Advanced failure model allows the plastic strain at failure to be defined as a function of stress triaxiality, strain rate, Lode angle, element size, and temperature
- /INIBRI/EREF - Option to initialize solid element with total or small strain formulation
- /LOAD/PRESSURE - Pressure load on a surface for 3D surface
- /MAT/LAW114 (SPR_SEATBELT) - 1D seatbelt spring material set
- /MAT/LAW117 - Mixed mode with linear softening
- /MAT/LAW119 (SH_SEATBELT) - Material law for 2D seatbelt models (beta version)
- /MAT/LAW120 (TAPO) - A non-associated elasto-plastic model for polymer adhesives
- /MAT/LAW121 (PLAS_RATE) - Elastic-plastic material with specific strain rate dependency
- /MAT/LAW200 (MDS) - Multiscale Designer material law
- /NONLOCAL/MAT - Non-local method, initially in /FAIL/GURSON, is extended to all failure models based on plastic strain by adding this new option in the material law
- /PROP/TYPE27 (SPR_BDAMP) - Damper spring property with one translational DOF
- /RETRACTOR/SPRING - 1D retractor for seatbelt
- /SENSOR/NIC_NIJ - Sensors based on Neck Injury Criteria (NIC)
- /SENSOR/TEMP - Sensor activated when the temperature is reached
- /SENSOR/VEL - Sensor based on node velocity
- /SLIPRING/SHELL - Slipring for 2D seatbelt models (beta version)
- /SLIPRING/SPRING - 1D slipring for seatbelt elements
- /TH/RETRACTOR - Time history output for the retractor element (/RETRACTOR)
- /TH/SLIPRING - Time history output for the slipring element (/SLIPRING)
- /TH/TRIA - Time History output for the /TRIA element
Modified Starter Keywords
- /ALE/MAT and /EULER/MAT - Removed Flrd flag
- /DFS/WAV_SHA - Added new option, VDET
- /EOS/COMPACTION - Added new option, Iform
- /EOS/TABULATED - Created a new EOS to translate *EOS_TABULATED
- /FAIL/ALTER - Added new failure model based on Phd Thesis of Christopher Brokmann
- /FAIL/GURSON - Added parameter for automatic non-local length computation
- /INIBRI/EREF - Added new option Nsrot
- /INIBRI/STRA_F and /INIBRI/STRA_FGLO - Added new fields nptr, npts, nptt, and nlay
- /INIBRI/STRS_F and /INIBRI/STRS_FGLO - Added new fields nptr, npts, nptt, nlay and grbric_ID
- /INTER/SUB - Added feature to scale the damping value function of time with user input function
- /INTER/TYPE25 - Added new option Inacti= -1 to model the pressfit behavior between 2 solid components. Initial intersection is removed smoothly from the beginning of the contact activation time.
- /LOAD/PBLAST - New Abaqus with ground reflexion and Mach front
- /INTER/TYPE24 - Added new parameter
Etc to input plastic tangent
The HBP parameter is now correctly evaluated by Radioss and a warning message is displayed in case of negative values.
- /MADYMO/EXFEM - Possible to define up to 10 parts per lines
- /MAT/LAW24 (CONC) - Added new parameter Etc to input plastic tangent
- /MAT/LAW33 (FOAM_PLAS) - Added new parameter, Ka=2 and to replicate unloading of *MAT063
- /MAT/LAW34 (BOLTZMAN) - Material compatible with shell (/SHELL and /SH3N) elements, beam elements (/BEAM) and truss elements (/TRUSS)
- /MAT/LAW35 (FOAM_VISC) - Added new strain rate filtering
- /MAT/LAW43 (HILL_TAB) - Added new strain-rate filtering parameters, Fcut and Fsmooth
- /MAT/LAW51 (MULTIMAT) - Volumetric viscosity is removed from the input Iform=12
- /MAT/LAW57 (BARLAT3) - Added strain rate filtering
- /MAT/LAW78 - Added new parameters, and
- /MAT/LAW80 - Enhanced with new developments in hot stamping/press hardening to better predict the martensite volume fraction
- /MAT/LAW83 - Added option, Icomp = 1
- /MAT/LAW87 (BARLAT2000) - Added new hardening formulation based on Chaboche & Rousselier formulation and Hansel formulation
- /MAT/LAW90 - Added new exponent Alpha for the unloading behavior
- /MONVOL/FVMBAG1 and /MONVOL/FVMBAG2 - Added new option, Iswitch=2
- /PROP/TYPE9 (SH_ORTH), and /PROP/TYPE10 (SH_COMP) - Added new skew_ID and IP flags
- /PROP/TYPE9 (SH_ORTH) - Added new option IP = 24
- /PROP/TYPE16 (SH_FABR) - Added new parameter dn for the numerical damping of QEPH element
- /PROP/TYPE26 (SPR_TAB) - Added new minimum failure displacement, Dmax
- /SENSOR/ENERGY - Added new feature to activate the sensor with the total energy and new feature to activate the sensor when the internal and kinetic energy is constant for a defined time value.
- /TH/BRIC - Variable yield scale factor from failure surface k for the concrete material (/MAT/LAW24) is output with the variable VK in the time history.
- /TH/BRIC and /TH/SHEL - Added new variables NL_PLAS and NL_PLSR (the /NONLOCAL/MAT option)
- /TH/QUAD and /TH/SHEL - Added new outputs for 2D solid element to display material velocity, speed of sound & Mach number in the time history file.
- /TH/SPRING - Added new output LENGTH to get the total length of the spring element
- /VISC/PRONY - Added new viscous model defined by time relaxation curve or Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). Radioss automatically fits the viscous parameters (prony series values).
New Engine Keywords
- /ALE/MUSCL/OFF - Disable MUSCL scheme
- /ANIM/BRICK/NL_EPSD and /ANIM/SHELL/NL_EPSD - Added new output for the non-local plastic strain rate
- /ANIM/BRICK/NL_EPSP and /ANIM/SHELL/NL_EPSP - Added new output for the non-local plastic strain
- /ANIM/VECT/PCONT2 and /ANIM/NODA/PCONT2 - Added new output option to display contact pressure for tied contact
- /DTTSH - Added option to have a higher time step (almost the same as a shell's) for thick shells (/PROP/TYPE20, /PROP/TYPE21, /PROP/TYPE22) taking into account only the “in plane” surface
- /H3D/*/ENTHV - Added new H3D output volumic enthalpy for solid and SPH element
- /H3D/*/ENTHM - Added new H3D output massic enthalpy for solid and SPH element
- /H3D/*/ENTH - Added new H3D output to display enthalpy in the solid and SPH element
- /H3D/*/EINTV - Added new H3D output for solid and SPH material
- /H3D/*/EINTM - Added new H3D output massic internal energy for solid and SPH element
- /H3D/NODA/DIS/TMAX and /H3D/NODA/VEL/TMAX - Added new output for the maximum displacement value over time
- /H3D/NODA/GPS/TMAX - Added mean nodal stress tensor corresponding to the maximum principal stress (P1) or minimum principal stress (P3) over time
- /H3D/NODA/GPSTRAIN/TMAX - Added mean nodal strain tensor corresponding to the maximum principal strain (P1) and minimum principal strain (P3) over time
- /H3D/SHELL/DAMA/TMAX and /H3D/SOLID/DAMA/TMAX - Added new output for the maximum value of damage over time and integration points
- /H3D/SHELL/ENER/TMAX and /H3D/SOLID/ENER/TMAX - Added new output for the maximum value of specific energy over time
- /H3D/SHELL/NL_EPSD and /H3D/SOLID/NL_EPSD - Added new output for the non-local plastic strain rate
- /H3D/SHELL/NL_EPSP and /H3D/SOLID/NL_EPSP - Added new output for the non-local plastic strain
- /H3D/SHELL/SIGEQ/TMAX and /H3D/SOLID/SIGEQ/TMAX - Added new output for the maximum value of equivalent stress over time
- /H3D/SHELL/VONM/TMAX and /H3D/SOLID/VONM/TMAX - Added new output for the maximum value of von Mises stress over time
- /H3D/SHELL/TENS/STRAIN/TMAX - Added new output for the strain tensor corresponding to the maximum principal strain (P1) and minimum principal strain (P3) over time and integration points
- /H3D/SHELL/TENS/STRESS/TMAX - Added new output for the stress tensor corresponding to the maximum principal stress (P1) and minimum principal stress (P3) over time and integration points
- /H3D/SOLID/TENS/STRAIN/TMAX - Added new output for the strain tensor corresponding to the maximum principal strain (P1) or minimum principal strain (P3) over time and integration points
- /H3D/SOLID/TENS/STRESS/TMAX - Added new output for the stress tensor corresponding to the maximum principal stress (P1) or minimum principal stress (P3) over time and integration points
- /H3D/QUAD/GROUP, /H3D/SHELL/GROUP, /H3D/SOLID/GROUP, /H3D/SPH/GROUP, /H3D/SPRING/GROUP and /H3D/TRUSS/GROUP - Added new output to display the element group used in the solver
- /H3D/RBE2/SINGLE_PART - Display all RBE2 in a single part
- /H3D/RBE3/SINGLE_PART - Display all RBE3 in a single part
- /H3D/RBODY/SINGLE_PART - Display all rigid bodies in a single part
- /H3D/SHELL/MDS/* and /H3D/SOLID/MDS/* - Added new .h3d output for the MDS material law
- /H3D/SHELL/PEXT and /H3D/SOLID/PEXT - Added new output to display the pressure imposed by the options /PLOAD, /LOAD/PFLUID, /LOAD/PBLAST and /BEM/DAA
- /H3D/SOLID/THIC - Added new output option to display average thickness of thick shell element
- /H3D/SOLID/THIN - Added new output option to display % thinning of thick shell element
- /H3D/SHELL/TENS/BSTRESS - Backstress tensors for shell elements can be output in .h3d file for /MAT/LAW36 (1), /MAT/LAW78 (3) and /MAT/LAW87 (1 to 4)
- /H3D/SOLID/TENS/BSTRESS - Backstress tensors for solid elements can be output in .h3d file for /MAT/LAW36 (1) and /MAT/LAW78 (3)
- /H3D/RBE2/SINGLE_PART - Added new option in the native H3D output to display only 1 component for all RBE2s
- /H3D/RBE3/SINGLE_PART - Added new option in the native H3D output to display only 1 component for all RBE3s
- /H3D/RBODY/SINGLE_PART - Added new option in the native H3D output to display only 1 component for all RBODYs
- /INIV/AXIS/Keyword3/2 - Initialize rotational velocity about an axis and translational velocity on a node set
- /INIV/ROT/Keyword3/2 - Initialize rotational velocity in the specified direction X, Y or Z on a node set
- /INIV/TRA/Keyword3/2 - Initialize translational velocity in the specified direction X, Y or Z on a node set
- /MASS/RESET - Added option to reset the mass added in the previous run due to nodal or contact time step treatment at the beginning of the run
- /STATE/BRICK/EREF - Added new option to output reference state for solid element with total or small strain formulation
- /STATE/SHELL/THICK - Writes shell thickness values to the state file
Modified Engine Keywords
- /DT/FVMBAG/2 - Added new time step for the Finite Volume Airbags
- /IMPL/QSTAT/MRIGM - Added new option to set 3 reference nodes for the rigid body mode computation
- /IMPL/SOLVER - Only PCG and MUMPS implicit solvers are kept in Radioss. The other ones are removed. MUMPS solver is now the default solver
- /INIV/AXIS/Keyword3/2, /INIV/ROT/Keyword3/2, and /INIV/TRA/Keyword3/2 - Added new option to define initial velocity on a node set defined in the model
- /MAT/LAW24 (CONC) - Parameter Hbp is now correctly evaluated by Radioss and a warning message is displayed in case of negative values
- /STOP/LSENSOR - Added new flag to output state file with LS-DYNA format (.dynain)
New LS-DYNA Keywords
- *AIRBAG_ADIABATIC_GAS_MODEL_ID - Defines a one-chambered airbag filed by adiabatic gas
- *AIRBAG_LOAD_CURVE_ID - Defines a one-chambered airbag with pressure specified as function of time
- *CONTACT_ERODING_NODES_TO_SURFACE - Define nodes to surface contact interface
- *CONTACT_FORCE_TRANSDUCER_PENALTY - Accumulates output for contact forces
- *CONTACT_NODES_TO_SURFACE - Define nodes to surface contact interface
- *DEFINE_TRANSFORMATION - Defines a node and entities transformation(s) used in *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM
- *ELEMENT_SEATBELT - Defines a 1D seat belt element
- *INCLUDE - Defines an include file with transformation
- *INTEGRATION_SHELL - User-defined through the thickness integration rules for the composite shell element
- *LOAD_GRAVITY_PART - Defines gravity load applied to a part or to a set of parts
- *LOAD_SHELL - Defines pressure load on a single shell element or on a set of shell elements
- *MAT_063 (CRUSHABLE_FOAM) - Defines a crushable foam material with optional tension cutoff and elastic unloading
- *MAT_077_H (HYPERELASTIC_RUBBER) - Defines an isotropic, hyperelastic, viscous, and incompressible material specified from uniaxial experimental data
- *MAT_138 (COHESIVE_MIXED_MODE) - Expresses a constitutive relation of ductile adhesive materials in 2 modes for normal and tangential directions
- *MAT_B01 (SEATBELT) - Defines a 1D seatbelt material
- *SECTION_SEATBELT - Defines finite element property of seatbelt elements
Modified LS-DYNA Keywords
- *CONSTRAINED_NODAL_RIGID_BODY - Added availability to set NSID=0
- *DATABASE_BINARY_INTFOR - Option FILE is accounted for
- *INITIAL_VELOCITY - Exempted nodes are accounted for
- *SECTION_BEAM - Predefined sections SECTION_08 and SECTION_11 defined with truss section (ELFORM=3) and simplified version, ELFORM=4 are now supported
- *SET_SEGMENT - Added option GENERAL