Block Format Keyword This generic spring property can only be used with spring materials /MAT/LAW108 (SPR_GEN) or /MAT/LAW113 (SPR_BEAM) and assigned to a part (/PART).


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
/PROP/TYPE23/prop_ID/unit_ID or /PROP/SPR_MAT/prop_ID/unit_ID
If Imass=1, insert the next line
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Imass   Area Inertia Skew_ID sens_ID Isflag  
If Imass=2, insert the next line
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Imass   Volume Inertia Skew_ID sens_ID Isflag  


Field Contents SI Unit Example
prop_ID Property identifier.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

unit_ID Optional unit identifier.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

prop_title Property title.

(Character, maximum 100 characters)

Imass Input type for the spring mass calculation.
Set to 2.
The mass is calculated using the Area length of the spring element, and density.
=2 (Default)
The mass is calculated using the Volume and density.
Area Cross-section area of the spring element.


[ m 2 ]
Volume Volume of the spring element.


[ m 3 ]

Inertia Spring mass moment of inertia.


[ m 2 kg ] MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aqatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbbG8FasPYRqj0=yi0dXdbba9pGe9xq=JbbG8A8frFve9 Fve9Ff0dmeaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaaqaaaaaaaaa Wdbmaadmaapaqaa8qacaqGTbWaaWbaaSqabeaacaqGYaaaaOGaae4A aiaabEgaaiaawUfacaGLDbaaaaa@3C44@
Skew_ID Skew system identifier.


sens_ID Sensor identifier.


Isflag Sensor flag. 3
Spring element activated when sens_ID activates and cannot be deactivated.
Spring element deactivated when sens_ID activates and cannot be activated.
Spring elements are activated, or deactivated state matches the sensor state and can switch back and forth. The spring initial length ( l 0 MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0=yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr=x fr=xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaamiBamaaBa aaleaacaaIWaaabeaaaaa@37CD@ ) is based the spring length at the activation time.


Example (Spotweld - No Rupture)

units for material and property
                  Mg                  mm                   s
#    Imass                        Volume             Inertia   skew_ID   sens_ID    Isflag     
         2                             1             6.55E-6         0         0         0     
#    Ifail     Ileng    Ifail2
#                 K1                  C1                  A1                  B1                  D1
              100000                   0                   0                   0                   0
# fct_ID11        H1  fct_ID21  fct_ID31  fct_ID41                    delta_min1          delta_max1
         1         1         0         0         0                             0               .5E-1
#                 F1                  E1             Ascale1             Hscale1
                   0                   0                   0                   0
#                 K2                  C2                  A2                  B2                  D2
              500000                   0                   0                   0                   0
# fct_ID12        H2  fct_ID22  fct_ID32  fct_ID42                    delta_min2          delta_max2
         2         1         0         0         0                        -.5E-1               .5E-1
#                 F2                  E2             Ascale2             Hscale2
                   0                   0                   0                   0
#                 K3                  C3                  A3                  B3                  D3
              500000                   0                   0                   0                   0
# fct_ID13        H3  fct_ID23  fct_ID33  fct_ID43                    delta_min3          delta_max3
         2         1         0         0         0                        -.5E-2               .5E-2
#                 F3                  E3             Ascale3             Hscale3
                   0                   0                   0                   0
#                 K4                  C4                  A4                  B4                  D4
             5000000                   0                   0                   0                   0
# fct_ID14        H4  fct_ID24  fct_ID34  fct_ID44                    delta_min4          delta_max4
         0         1         0         0         0                         -.015                .015
#                 F4                  E4             Ascale4             Hscale4
                   0                   0                   0                   0
#                 K5                  C5                  A5                  B5                  D5
             5000000                   0                   0                   0                   0
# fct_ID15        H5  fct_ID25  fct_ID35  fct_ID45                    delta_min5          delta_max5
         0         1         0         0         0                         -.015                .015
#                 F5                  E5             Ascale5             Hscale5
                   0                   0                   0                   0
#                 K6                  C6                  A6                  B6                  D6
             5000000                   0                   0                   0                   0
# fct_ID16        H6  fct_ID26  fct_ID36  fct_ID46                    delta_min6          delta_max6
         0         1         0         0         0                         -.015                .015
#                 F6                  E6             Ascale6             Hscale6
                   0                   0                   0                   0
#                 V0              Omega0               F_cut   Fsmooth
                   0                   0                   0         0
#                  C                   n               alpha                beta
                   0                   0                   0                   0
                   0                   0                   0                   0
                   0                   0                   0                   0
                   0                   0                   0                   0
                   0                   0                   0                   0
                   0                   0                   0                   0
spotweld tensile function                                                                           
#                  X                   Y
              -250.0             -8250.0
               -0.25             -8250.0
                 0.0                 0.0
                0.25              8250.0
               250.0              8250.0
Spotweld shear function                                                                             
#                  X                   Y
              -250.0            -25000.0
               -0.25            -25000.0
                 0.0                 0.0
                0.25             25000.0
               250.0             25000.0


  1. This property can only be used with /MAT/LAW108 (SPR_GEN) and /MAT/LAW113 (SPR_BEAM). When used with these spring materials, the spring behavior is the same as /PROP/TYPE8 (SPR_GENE) or /PROP/TYPE13 (SPR_BEAM), respectively.
  2. Spring coordinate system:
    • When this property is used with /MAT/LAW108 (SPR_GEN):

      The spring local system is defined by a skew coordinate system. The local system can be defined for each element using /SPRING Skew_ID. If Skew_ID is not defined for each element, the local system defined in the /PROP/TYPE23 (SPR_MAT) Skew_ID is used. If a system is not defined in the element or property, then the global system is used.

    • When used with /MAT/LAW113 (SPR_BEAM):

      The spring's X MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbbG8FasPYRqj0=yi0dXdbba9pGe9xq=JbbG8A8frFve9 Fve9Ff0dmeaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaWHybaaaa@373F@ direction is defined using nodes N1 and N2 of the spring.

      If the node of the spring N3 is defined, the spring's Y MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbbG8FasPYRqj0=yi0dXdbba9pGe9xq=JbbG8A8frFve9 Fve9Ff0dmeaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaaceWHzbGbau aaaaa@374C@ direction is defined using nodes N1 and N3 of the spring. N3, N2, and N1 should not be in a line.

      Figure 1.
      • The Z MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbbG8FasPYRqj0=yi0dXdbba9pGe9xq=JbbG8A8frFve9 Fve9Ff0dmeaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaWHAbaaaa@3741@ direction is:(1)
        Z = X Λ Y
      • If node N3 is not defined in the element input, and skew system is defined in the property input, the Z MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbbG8FasPYRqj0=yi0dXdbba9pGe9xq=JbbG8A8frFve9 Fve9Ff0dmeaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaWHAbaaaa@3741@ direction is:(2)
        Z = X Λ Y skew
      • If neither node N3 nor skew system are defined in input, the Z MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbbG8FasPYRqj0=yi0dXdbba9pGe9xq=JbbG8A8frFve9 Fve9Ff0dmeaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaWHAbaaaa@3741@ direction is:(3)
        Z = X Λ Y global
        Except when the spring local X MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbbG8FasPYRqj0=yi0dXdbba9pGe9xq=JbbG8A8frFve9 Fve9Ff0dmeaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaWHAbaaaa@3741@ direction and Y g l o b a l MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aqatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbbG8FasPYRqj0=yi0dXdbba9pGe9xq=JbbG8A8frFve9 Fve9Ff0dmeaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaWHybWaaS baaSqaaiaadEgacaWGSbGaam4BaiaadkgacaWGHbGaamiBaaqabaaa aa@3CFB@ are colinear then:(4)
        Z = X Λ X global
      Finally, Y MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbbG8FasPYRqj0=yi0dXdbba9pGe9xq=JbbG8A8frFve9 Fve9Ff0dmeaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaWHzbaaaa@3740@ direction is found as:(5)
      Y = Z Λ X
  3. Spring activated and/or deactivated by sensor defined in sens_ID and depends on Isflag:
    • If Isflag = 0, the spring element is activated by the sens_ID and cannot be deactivated. The initial length of the spring is based on the spring length at time=0.
    • If Isflag = 1, the spring element is deactivated by the sens_ID and cannot be activated. The initial length of the spring is based on the spring length at time=0.
    • If Isflag = 2, the spring is activated and/or deactivated by sens_ID and can switch activation state multiple times. If sensor is activated, the spring is active; if sensor is deactivated, spring is inactive. The spring initial length, l 0 MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbwvMCKf MBHbqefqvATv2CG4uz3bIuV1wyUbqedmvETj2BSbqefm0B1jxALjhi ov2DaebbnrfifHhDYfgasaacH8srps0lbbf9q8WrFfeuY=Hhbbf9v8 qqaqFr0xc9pk0xbba9q8WqFfea0=yr0RYxir=Jbba9q8aq0=yq=He9 q8qqQ8frFve9Fve9Ff0dmeaacaGacmGadaWaaiqacaabaiaafaaake aacaWGSbWaaSbaaSqaaiaaicdaaeqaaaaa@3AAE@ , is the distance between spring nodes at the time of sensor activation.
  4. Spring elements with sensor activation or deactivation are mainly used in the pretension models.