
Copies entities from one collector to another.


*copymark entity_type mark_id name ?disable_fe_geom_duplicate? ?copy_elems_with_surf?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Copies entities from one collector to another.


Entity type to copy. Any collected entity type (aside from main/secondary elements) is valid.
The ID of the mark containing the entities to copy. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The name of the collector to copy the entities to. The collector type is determined by the entity_type.
Parameter to disable FE geom duplicate option when copying elements. Valid values are 1 and 0 (default). If set to 1, the option fe_geom_dupl in the preferences will be disabled for the command and FE geometry will not be created upon element duplication.
Option to copy elements along with surfaces. Valid values are 1 and 0 (default). If set to 1, we copy elements associated to the original surface are copied and the newly created elements will be associated to the new surfaces.


To copy all elements in comp1 to comp2:
*createmark elems 1 "by collector name" comp1
*copymark elems 1 comp2
To copy all surfaces in surface_mesh component along with elements in comp2:
*createmark surfs 1 "by collector name" surface_mesh
*copymark elems 1 comp2 1 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History

2022.3 – Added new optional arguments disable_fe_geom_duplicate and copy_elems_with_surf.