
Adjusts part and part assembly related behaviors based on certain aspects and policies.


*ME_CoreBehaviorAdjust options


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Adjusts part and part assembly related behaviors based on certain aspects and policies.


The string containing all the aspects and their policy values.
Every occurrence has an associated base prototype. A single prototype may provide the base for multiple occurrences (e.g. a prototype of a wheel might have four occurrences in a vehicle). Once automatic splitting is enabled, any modification that may happen in an occurrence will cause it to be separated (split) from its original prototype to a new prototype of its own, containing all the modifications made. In the wheel/vehicle example, changes made to the front left wheel will cause it to be separated in a different prototype, while all the rest of the wheels remain based on the original prototype, thus having now two prototypes instead of just one. Possible values are:
yes - Enable automatic splitting.
no - Disable automatic slitting (default).
Defines the availability of various actions that operate on parts and part assemblies. Possible values are:
default - Allows all actions.
TC - TeamCenter policy. Prevents renaming, re-parenting and deleting.
TC_lite - TeamCenter lite policy. Prevents renaming and re-parenting.


To set the allowable actions policy to TC lite:

*ME_CoreBehaviorAdjust "allowable_actions_policy=TC_lite"


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History


2019 - Added new aspect allow_automatic_occurrence_splitting.