

Objective function to optimize欄では、目的関数に適用する演算を選択する必要があります。これは、提供されるPredefined Operationの簡単なリストで定義するか、Composeで定義されたカスタム関数で定義できます。



表 1. 事前定義されたすべての演算をまとめた表
応答の平均(AVG) A V G ( y 1 ,   y 2 ,   ,   y n ) =   i = 1 n y i n
応答の絶対値の平均(AVGABS) A V G A B S ( y 1 ,   y 2 ,   ,   y n ) =   i = 1 n | y i | n
応答の二乗平均平方根の値(RMS) R M S ( y 1 ,   y 2 ,   ,   y n ) =   i = 1 n y i 2 n
Sum of squares of responsesの平方根(RSS) R S S ( y 1 ,   y 2 ,   ,   y n ) =   i = 1 n y i 2
Sum of squares of responses(SSQ) S S Q ( y 1 ,   y 2 ,   ,   y n ) =   i = 1 n y i 2
応答の合計(SUM) S U M ( y 1 ,   y 2 ,   ,   y n ) =   i = 1 n y i
応答の絶対値の合計(SUMABS) S U M A B S ( y 1 ,   y 2 ,   ,   y n ) =   i = 1 n | y i |



%%% Objective function %%%

function [rresp, dresp, udata] = Obj_Func(iparam, rparam, nparam, iresp, rresp, dresp, nresp, isens, udata)
%   iparam - vector of ints
%   rparam - vector of doubles
%   nparam - size of input vector
%   iresp - vector of ints
%   rresp - output parameter (vector of ints)
%   dresp - output parameter (matrix of MxN dimension)
%   nresp - size of output vector
%   isens - sensitivity flag
%   udata - userdata 

Torque = rparam(1:nparam);                   % This variable contains all the values of the reponses for all the time steps,
                                             % In this function, it contains the torque  for each time step over an electrical period

Tr = mean(Torque)                            % Custom function based on the response previouly defined in Flux, computation of the torque ripple

rresp(1) = Tr                                % The mean value of the torque is used as an objective function       


%%% Constraint function %%%

%%% Lower and upper bounds of the constraint function are setted Flux

function [rresp, dresp, udata] = Cons(iparam, rparam, nparam, iresp, rresp, dresp, nresp, isens, udata)
%   iparam - vector of ints
%   rparam - vector of doubles
%   nparam - size of input vector
%   iresp - vector of ints
%   rresp - output parameter (vector of ints)
%   dresp - output parameter (matrix of MxN dimension)
%   nresp - size of output vector
%   isens - sensitivity flag
%   udata - userdata 

Torque = rparam(1:nparam);                                       % This variable contains all the values of the reponses for all the time steps,
                                                                 % In this function, it contains the torque  for each time step over an electrical period

Tr = ( ( max(Torque) - min(Torque) ) / mean(Torque) ) *100       % Custom function based on the response previouly defined in Flux, computation of the torque ripple rate

rresp(1) = Tr

