Displays the legend header. To remove the header, deselect the check
box. To enter a new header, highlight the existing text, type in a new
header and click Apply.
Click the font button,
, to change the font style and size.
Displays the title of the legend. The title reflects the settings used
to generate the contour and cannot be changed.
Click the font button to change the font style and size.
Click on a color to select a new color from the color palette.
Click on the value to set a user-defined value. The number is displayed
in bold face style to indicate the custom setting.
To reset the number, click on the number and erase all digits. The
legend values between two custom settings are linearly
Displays the maximum and minimum legend values. Deselect the option to
remove the minimum and maximum values from the display.
Click the font button to change the font style and size.
Local minimum/Local maximum
Displays the local minimum and local maximum of a particular time step
or simulation. The local maximum and minimum are displayed in
parentheses next to the global maximum and minimum. This option is
available only in transient mode with a static legend.
Displays the legend footer. To remove the footer, deselect the check
box. To enter a new footer, highlight the existing text, type in a new
header and click Apply.
Click the font button to change the font style and size.