Data Query
The Data Query panel uses vertical cutting surfaces for viewing and plotting non-planer cross sections.

Surfaces can be defined by math expressions, specifying orders, and selecting points on the waterfall plot or 3-D surface plot.
Cut List
- All
- Selects every query in the list
- None
- Deselects all highlighted queries in the list.
- Flip
- Exchanges the currently selected queries for the unselected queries in the list.
- Delete
- Deletes a section query.
- Add
- Adds a new section query.
- Add n...
- Adds a specific number of queries.
- Order
- Passes a query surface through an order.
- Input vector
- XY vector which contains the driving or input vector for the waterfall plot.
- Time vector
- XY vector which defines the time values used to create the waterfall plot.
- Order
- Select the order that you want to query. You can enter the values manually or left-click on an order in the waterfall plot.
- Input vector is in RPM
- Select this option to scale the response curve by 60 to use RPS.
- Apply
- Click Apply to create/update the query surface.
- Equation
- A math equation defining a curve on an XY plane.
- X
- Math expression on the XY plane, along the X axis.
- Y
- Math expression on the XY plane along the Y axis.
- Point List
- Create a curve on the XY plane by picking the X, Y, and Z points.
- X, Y, Z
- Click in the X, Y, and Z fields to enter values.
- Add Row
- Click Add Row to add a row to the table.
- Delete Row
- Select a row and click Delete Row to delete the row from the table.
- Clear Table
- Clear the contents of the table.
- Move Arrows
- Use the up and down arrows to move between rows.
- Layout
- The Layout option allows you to specify how the plotted data is arranged
on a page.
- One plot
- Data is arranged on one plot.
- One plot per cut
- One plot is created for each vertical cutting surface. The Page Layout button is activated when you select this option. Choose a page layout type from the pop-up dialog.
- New plot
- Curves are plotted in a new plot window.
- Create curve
- Creates an XY curve of the 3D plot cross section.