Link regions and components: coil conductor


With regard to the coil conductors, the user must carry out the two following operations (without particular order to respect):

  • link a B1 component to the REG_B1 region
  • orient the REG_B1 region (define the input/output terminals)

    (and thus implicitly define REG_B1_INPUT / OUTPUT electric terminals)

To link the regions of the coil conductor type (of FE domain) to the components of the coil conductor type (of the electric circuit) follow the next procedure:

Step Action

In the Physics menu:

  • point on Assign coil conductor components to regions and click on Assign coil conductor components to volume regions
Division of graphic zone in two and visualization of the FE domain in one zone and the electric circuit in the other

Display of the volume regions of coil conductor type in the form of array


In the array *, fill out the zone for each region:

  • Electric component (of stranded coil conductor type)
Note: * See figure below.

Array of coil conductors

The array corresponding to the regions of the coil conductor type is presented in the figure below.

In this array, the zones which allow the visualization of the regions (of coil conductor type) and of the electric components (of stranded coil conductor type) are showed in the figure below.

Orient wires of regions

To orient wires of a region of coil conductor type (i.e. to define its geometric input/output terminals ) follow the next procedure:

Step Action

In the Physics menu:

  • point on Orient wires of coil conductor regions and click on Orient wires to coil conductor regions (…)


In the dialogue box Orient wires …:

  • choose a volume region in the list
  • choose the type of terminals: external/internal
If external terminals If internal terminal (double terminal)
select faces describing the input terminal select faces describing double input/output terminal
the output terminal is automatically identified select the orientation line
Automatic creation of the electric terminals

To check the links follow the next instructions:

To check the links of type … edit … and examine the field …
region component the regions Component
geometric terminals electric terminals the electric terminals Faces of the terminal

To link the non meshed coils (of the FE domain) to the components of stranded coil conductor type (of the electric circuit), follow the next procedure:

Step Action

Select the coils:

  • in the Data tree point on the coils of interest

Activate the command:·

  • open the contextual menu with the right mouse button
  • click on Edit array

Command effect: Display in a table of non meshed coils


In the array * fill out the zone for every coil:

  • Electric component (of stranded conductor type)
Note: * See figure below

Array of non meshed coils

The array corresponding to the non-meshed coils is presented in the figure below.