Link regions and components: solid conductor

Solid conductor …

With regard to solid conductors, the user must carry out for each component the following operation:

  • he defines a geometric terminal for each electric terminal of the M2 component (M2_PT002_1, M2_PT001)

Define geometric terminals

To define the geometric terminals (associated with the imported electric terminals) of the regions of solid conductor type follow the next procedure:

Step Action

In the Physics menu:

  • point on Assign terminals to solid conductors and click on Assign terminals to solid conductors 2/N terminals (…)

In the dialogue box Assign terminals …:

  • choose a solid conductor component
  • choose the type of terminals: external / internal
If external terminals If internal terminal
select faces corresponding to the M2_PT002_1 terminal select faces corresponding to the M2_PT002_1 / M2_PT001 double terminal
select faces corresponding to the M2_PT001 terminal select the orientation line
Realization of the electric terminal / geometric terminal link.

To check the links between the electric and geometric terminals follow the next instructions:

Edit the components … to locate the components in the circuit
Edit the electric terminals … to identify the geometric terminals