Links between the finite element domain and the electric circuit


The coupling field-circuit is carried out by the intermediary of the stranded coil conductors and/or solid conductors.

These conductors are represented twice:·

  • once in the electric circuit:
    • components of stranded coil conductor type
    • components of solid conductor type
  • once in the finite elements domain (FE):
    • regions of coil conductor type
    • regions of solid conductor type

The user must link the regions of the finite elements field (FE) to the corresponding components in the electric circuit.

The links, presented in the table below, are of two types:

  • plurivocal for the coil conductors ( 1): several regions can be linked to a component (reciprocal is not true)

  • univocal for the solid conductors ( 2): every region is linked to a component and reciprocally

FE domain Electric circuit
Face regions FE coupling component
coil conductor (1) stranded coil conductor
solid conductor (2) solid conductor

Information relating to the regions/components associations is stored with the regions.

To check the regions/components associations, it is enough to edit the desired regions using the Edit array command and to verify which components are linked to the regions.