

In the data tree of Flux the node Solver > Optimization > Responses allows the user to define physical quantity that will be optimized during the optimization process engaged by Flux. The short list of the responses is given below:
Table 1. Table summarizing all the responses available in Flux
Physical quantity to optimize Formula Computation entity
Torque on a mechanical set (virtual works) T m = d W m d θ
  • dWm: variation of the magnetic energy
  • dθ: virtual displacement of the nodes around an axis
On a mechanical set
Torque ripple on a mechanical set (virtual works) T = T m a x   -   T m i n T m e a n * 100
  • Tmax: Maximum value of the torque
  • Tmin: Minimum value of the torque
  • Tmean: Mean value of the torque
On a mechanical set
Force on a face region (virtual works) F x = d W m d x
  • dWm: variation of the magnetic energy
  • dx: virtual displacement of the nodes along an axis
On a face region
Sum of the fluxes of selected coils   φ =   i = 1 n φ i = L   i = 1 n N S i   A z   d S  
  • n : Number of selected coils
  • L : Depth of the domain
  • Nsi : Winding function of the associated coil
  • Az : Magnetic vector potential in Z direction
On one or several coil conductor components
Flux flowing through lines φ = L   ( A z ( n 1 ) - A z ( n 2 ) )
  • L : Depth of the domain
  • Az : Magnetic vector potential in Z direction
  • n1 and n2 the end nodes of the line where the flux is computed
On a line
Volume of 2D faces   On faces
Force computed on a path (Maxwell tensor) F m = L B n 2     B t 2 μ 0   d l
  • L : Depth of the domain
  • Bn : Normal magnetic flux density
  • Bt : Tangential magnetic flux density
  • µ0 : Air magnetic permeability
Based on the Maxwell tensors approach, this method requires a path in a front of a piece of iron (plunger for an actuator, stator tooth ...)
Attention: This method is valuable only along a path in a air or vaccum region.
Torque computed on a path (Maxwell tensor) T m = L p   R   B n   B t μ 0   d l
  • L : Depth of the domain
  • p : Number of periodicities
  • R : Radius of the path
  • Bn : Normal magnetic flux density
  • Bt : Tangential magnetic flux density
  • µ0 : Air magnetic permeability
Based on the Maxwell's tensors, this method requires also a path in the airgap of a rotating machine, this path is automatically computed by Flux.
Torque ripple computed on a path (Maxwell tensor) T = T m a x   -   T m i n T m e a n * 100
  • Tmax: Maximum value of the torque
  • Tmin: Minimum value of the torque
  • Tmean: Mean value of the torque
Based on the torque computation explained above, this method requires also a path in the airgap of a rotating machine, this path is automatically computed by Flux.