*realizeentity - Members


The element configuration for 1D mesh member. For e.g., bar2, rod.
The element type string to 1D mesh member. For e.g., CBAR, CBEAM, CROD.
Flag to use element density for 1D mesh of member. Valid values are:
0 – False
1 – True
The element density to use.
The size of the 1D elements to be created.
The section type string for beam section. Valid values are:
"real" – creates shell or solid beam sections.
"boundingbox" – creates a standard box type beam section equivalent to the bounding box of the real section.
The flag to realize member sections. Valid values are 0 and 1. If set to 1, the member sections, contained in the member, will be realized to create beam section. This newly created beam sections will be assigned to 1D elements created during member realize.
The flag to reuse mesh controls. Valid values are 0 and 1. If set to 1, the meshing inputs for 1D mesh of member will be fetched from the existing mesh control stored within the solver representation that is assigned to the member.
The flag to update dependent member panels. Valid values are: 0 and 1. If set to 1, the dependent member panels will be realized.


To realize member with ID 1 using element density, element configuration as bar2, element type as CBEAM and section type as real:

*realizeentity members id=1 useelemdensity=1 elemdensity=5 elemconfig=bar2
elemtype=CBEAM sectiontype=real realizemembersections=1 reusemeshcontrols=0 updatememberpanels=1

To realize member with id 1 using element size, element configuration as bar2, element type as CBAR and section type as boundingbox:

*realizeentity members id=1 elemsize=40 elemconfig=bar2 elemtype=CBEAM
sectiontype= boundingbox realizemembersections=1 reusemeshcontrols=0

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