annotation measure

Create, delete, and edit measures.


annotation measure create <type><label>

annotation measure curve <name>=<value>

annotation measure delete all

annotation measure delete <label>

annotation measure global <name>=<value>

annotation measure <label> argument <name>=<value>

annotation measure rename <label> <new label>


Create a measure.
The type of measure to create. Options include:
  • staticminmax
  • dynamicminmax
  • minimumdistance
  • distancebetween
  • incrementaldistance
  • relativedisplacement
  • trueangle
  • relativeangle
  • anglebetween
  • position
  • nodalcontour
  • elementalcontour
  • nodepath
  • circularradius
  • yawpitchroll
The measure name.
Create curves based on measures.
measure=<label/id measure list>
Select a specific measure(s) or a range of measures to create the curves from. For example:
  • measure=1,4-5,8 (recorded when no measure groups exist)
  • measure="Measure 1","Measure 2","Measure 3" (user-defined in the HWC console when no measure groups exist)
  • measure="i:3 m:3-5,7" or "i:3 m:1,3-5,7" (recorded when measure groups exist)
Preview a curve, or select a destination for the curve.
Displays the curve on the right-side preview plot window.
Selecting multiple measures to preview is possible, if the measure items selected have the same axes types. Otherwise, the following message is displayed within the dialog
Create a new window for the plot.
Select a specific page/window combination. For example, plot="p:2 w:1".
True establishes a link between the selections on the Measure panel and the curve in the HyperGraph window. (Live) is added to the name of the measure item and the curve name to indicate that a live link is established. When a live measure item is deleted, a message is displayed prompting you to keep or delete the curve.
livelink is not available for plot=preview.
True enables the X-axis option. This option is only available for single entity measures such as Position, Relative Displacement, Nodal/Elemental Contour, and Yaw Pitch Roll, and is useful for plotting path measures of discrete selections.
Select the X-axis for the curve (if available).
This option is available only if the singlecurve=true.
Select the Y-axis for the curve.
The available options depend on the group measure type.
Delete a measure.
Select or enter the name of the measure to delete.
Delete all measures.
Define measure display options.
Removes the color from the measure group box and makes it transparent against the window.
Hides the measure group box when the selected entities are not visible on the screen.
Shows the prefixes for the measure readouts (for example, "Value =").
Select the Fixed or Scientific format for the measure labels.
Sets the numeric precision from 0 to 10 decimal points.
Select either Degrees or Radians as the unit format to display the angle.
<label> add
Apply parameters to the measure. <label> is the measure name. Options include:
  • type - <type>
  • tracking - <true/false>
  • resolved system - <system>
  • add - <entitytype> <entity id>
  • edit <item id> <entitytype> <entitytype>
  • remove - <item id> <item id range>
  • display – Display the following attributes:
    • font=<font>
    • fontsize=<fontsize>
    • id=<true/false>
    • name=<true/false>
    • visibility=<true/false>
    • system=<true/false>
    • min=<true/false>
    • max=<true/false>
    • value=<true/false>
    • distance=<true/false>
    • nodepath=<true/false>
    • magnitude=<true/false>
    • x=<true/false>
    • y=<true/false>
    • z=<true/false>
    • trueangle=<true/false>
    • xprojection=<true/false>
    • yprojection=<true/false>
    • zprojection=<true/false>
    • radius=<true/false>
    • ctrx=<true/false>
    • ctry=<true/false>
    • ctrz=<true/false>
Rename a measure.
Select the name of the measure you want to rename.
<new label>
Enter the new name for the measure.


Create a measure of type staticminmax:
annotation measure create Measure Group 3 staticminmax
Apply transparency to a measure group:
annotation measure global Measure Group 3 transparency true
Rename "Measure1" to "Measure2":
annotation measure rename Measure1 Measure2
Create a curve from a measure:
annotation measure curve measure=4 singlecurve=true xaxis=Distance yaxis=X
annotation measure curve measure=4 livelink=true yaxis=Y