Default Mode

Generates the model summary report by a pre-defined reporting structure (template file). Default mode provides a quick export to get the model summary.

  1. Open/import an existing HyperMesh model.
  2. From the メニューバー, click Aerospace > Report > Model Summary > Default.
  3. Select the report template file with a pre-defined reporting structure. By default the model summary report template is loaded.
  4. Select the export directory path for the Report File.
  5. Click Preferences to select export and module settings.
    1. Report Master Document: Select a Word document. By default the Altair document is selected.
    2. Element Quality Criteria: Select a quality criteria file for the module.
    3. Numeric Format: Define the numeric format and the precision value to the entire report.
    4. Model Checker Checks Type: Select the checks export type for module model checker summary.
    5. Click OK to save all of your preferences.
  6. Click Export.
    The model summary report with your selected preferences and settings is exported. The progress is shown.

    図 1.
  7. Click Cancel to exit the model summary report.