Interactive Mode

Selecting Interactive Mode opens the Report Browser, which is used to create, execute and export document and presentation reports.
  • Preview the pre-defined report template structure in the Report Browser.
  • Modify or create the reporting structure.
  • Add, remove or modify modules in the report.
  • Execute the modules and view outputs.
  • Export the report in a Word document.
  1. Open/import an existing HyperMesh model.
  2. From the メニューバー, click Aerospace > Report > Model Summary > Interactive.

    図 1. . Pre-defined model summary reporting structure with all Aerospace modules included for OptiStruct and Nastran.
  3. To create and export the model summary report using the Interactive Mode, you have the following options:
    1. Run: Run individual or multiple modules in the Report Browser, see a preview of the output of executed modules, and decide the export.
    2. Export: Directly export the report structure as it is using one click.
    Use the コンテキストメニュー to complete these steps.