BP Card

A mesh of surface triangles in the shape of a flat parallelogram can be created with this card. In general, this card is replaced by the PM card. This card should only be used when the user wants to force the very regular meshing that this card produces.

On the Construct tab, in the Surfaces group, click the  Plate (BP) icon.

Figure 1. The BP - Specify a parallelogram dialog.


S1, S2, S3, S4
The points S1 to S4 are the four corner points of the parallelogram. These points should have been defined previously with DP cards.
Specify non-uniform meshing
Normally, a parallelogram is segmented according to the edge length specified with the IP card. When creating small microstrip lines, it may be desirable to use a finer segmentation in one direction. Check this item if a finer segmentation is required in one direction. The mesh sizes are in m and are scaled by the SF card.
Mesh size along sides a and c
Edges S1-S2 and S3-S4
Mesh size along sides b and d
Edges S2-S3 and S4-S1

The points are connected in the order that they appear in the BP card. Thus the user has to ensure that the points describe a parallelogram. If this is not the case, then PREFEKO will abort with the appropriate error message.

The direction of the normal vector of the subdivided triangles is determined by the right hand rule through all corners. This direction is only important when used with physical optics (PO card), dielectrics (ME card), or with the combined field integral equation (CF card).

Example of BP card usage

  • The BP card can be used to create a plate with uniform meshing:

    Figure 2. Example a uniformly meshed parallelogram created with the BP card .
  • The BP card can be used to create a plane with non-uniform meshing:

    Figure 3. Example a non-uniformly meshed parallelogram created with the BP card.