Plotting and Viewing the Report – AutoTire

For each tire event, a report is generated. These reports are automatically created using templates. You can also create your own templates for reports or plot the signals/outputs in HyperGraph.

Like any other report in MotionView, these can also be accessed from: Analysis > View Report, after the event is exported and executed in MotionSolve.

Figure 1. Plotting Reports

Lateral Slip Test

The lateral slip test reports have the following pages:
  1. Animation
  2. Raw signals from the event
  3. Cross plots of: Lateral Force and Aligning Moments vs Slip angles for various vertical loads and camber angles as specified in the event.

Figure 2. Lateral Slip Test - Cross Plots

Longitudinal Slip Test

The longitudinal slip test reports have the following pages:
  1. Animation
  2. Raw signals from the event
  3. Cross plots of: Longitudinal Force and Longitudinal Slip for various vertical loads as specified in the event.

Figure 3. Longitudinal Slip Test - Cross Plots

Combined Slip Test

The combined slip test reports have the following pages:
  1. Animation
  2. Tire Forces
  3. Slip Values - Lateral and Longitudinal
  4. Cross Plot: Longitudinal Force vs Longitudinal Slip
  5. Cross Plot: Lateral Force vs Longitudinal Force and Normalize Plots

Figure 4. Combined Slip Test - Cross Plots

Vertical Load Test

The vertical load test reports have the following pages:
  1. Animation
  2. Raw signals from the event
  3. Cross plots of: Tire Contact Patch Force [Z] vs Wheel Center displacement.

Figure 5. Vertical Load Test - Cross Plots