Building General Entities Test Rig using the Assembly Wizard

In MotionView, models are assembled from libraries of pre-defined systems using the Assembly Wizard. The Assembly Wizard dialog guides you through the assembly process, ensuring that your selections are compatible.
  1. Start MotionView from the installation folder of Altair HyperWorks.
    The MotionView window is displayed.

    Figure 1.
  2. Click Model → Assembly Wizard.

    Figure 2.
    The Assembly Wizard – Model Type window opens.

    Figure 3.
  3. Select the Test Rig radio button and click Next.
    The Assembly wizard – Test Rig Options window opens.

    Figure 4.
  4. Select the Component Test Rig option and click Next.
    The Primary system for the test rig model window opens.

    Figure 5.
  5. Select the required auto entity from the drop-down list and click Next.
  6. Now you have selected all the required systems for the model, click Finish button to complete the assembly process and exit the Assembly Wizard.

    Figure 6.
    Note: Click Attachments button to if you wish to proceed with the Attachment Wizard.
  7. The AutoSpring test rig model build through the Assembly Wizard is displayed in the graphics area.

    Figure 7. AutoSpring Test Rig
  8. The systems you have selected to build the model is displayed in the Project Browser.