tblITableEditor Draw

Redraws the table editor.


tblITableEditor_handle Draw


HyperWorks Tcl Query


This command is used to redraw the table editor/client. The Set commands of the table client generally set the value/property, but do not update the user interface(UI). The Draw command is typically used to update the UI. This can also be used as and when you feel that the data displayed in the interface is out of sync with the back end data.


set t [hw::GetT]
set activetableHandle [hwi GetActiveClientHandle ch$t]
set ruleid [$activetableHandle AddRule]
set ruleHandle [$activetableHandle GetRuleHandle rh$ruleid $ruleid]
$ruleHandle SetCellList "A1 A2 B1 B2"
$ruleHandle SetBackgroundColor 3
$ruleHandle SetTextColor 0
$ruleHandle SetValue 10
$ruleHandle SetOperator ">"
$ruleHandle ReleaseHandle
$activetableHandle Draw
set ruleids [$activetableHandle GetRuleIdsActingOnCell "A2"]
puts "Rule ids: $ruleids act on cell A2"
$activetableHandle ReleaseHandle


Returns success(0) or an error code.