I/O Options EntryUsed to request output of modal effective mass, modal participation factors, and modal effective mass fractions in Normal Modes Analysis.
MEFFMASS (type, format, GRID=gid, output) = option
Argument | Options | Description |
type | <COMP, PROP, SET=ID, blank> |
format | <PUNCH, NOPUNCH, OPTI, HG, blank> |
gid | <Grid ID> |
output | <SUMMARY, PARTFAC, MEFFM, MEFFW, FRACSUM, ALL> | Requests output of:
option | <YES,NO> |
- Output from MEFFMASS is only supported for Normal Modes Analysis.
- PARAM,EFFMAS,YES is also available for similar outputs of the specified matrices above for Normal Modes Analysis. PARAM,EFFMAS,YES does not provide the output for Rigid Body Mass matrix, Modal Effective Mass matrix in weight units, or grid-based selection.
- Compared to PARAM,EFFMASS,YES, the MEFFMASS I/O Options Entry provides additional output control and can be used in place of PARAM,EFFMASS,YES if the output is to be fine-tuned or desired only for particular grids.
- With the MEFFW option, the modal effective mass is divided by PARAM,WTMASS.
- Multiple subcases can have their own MEFFMASS definitions.
- The following example demonstrates usage of the SET =
ID option along with MEFFSET. In
this case, output is available for each HyperMesh set name (‘set01’, ‘set02’ and so
. . . MEFFMASS(SET=1001,SUMMARY,PARTFAC,OPTI)=YES BEGIN BULK MEFFSET,1001, +,102, 103, 104 $HMSET 101 11 "set01" 18 $HMSETTYPE 101 "regular" 18 SET 101 ELEM PROP + 1 $HMSET 102 11 "set02" 18 $HMSETTYPE 102 "regular" 18 SET 102 ELEM PROP + 2 $HMSET 103 11 "set03" 18 $HMSETTYPE 103 "regular" 18 SET 103 ELEM PROP + 3 . . .
- When SET = ID is used, the output header for each set uses the HyperMesh set name by default. When the set name is not specified in the input file, the set ID is specified.
- If multiple types are specified in the same MEFFMASS entry, the last one will be used. For example, if MEFFMASS (COMP, PROP, SET = 101) is specified, then type of SET = ID will be used.
- For detailed information regarding how the matrices are calculated, refer to PARAM, EFFMAS.