Isotropic soft material : Iron sheets described by LS model


This model defines a nonlinear B(H) dependence for an isotropic material, from predefined sheets included in the software or from personal materials that the user can import by himself (see : LS model identification with MILS). During solving the behavior of this model is the same as an isotropic spline but in post processing for the computation of iron losses, Flux takes benefit of this dedicated model of dynamic hysteresis (LS model : Iron losses model), for which all the data to compute iron losses in the post-processing are already stored in the material description. The interest of this model is to have an accurate computation of iron losses in post-processing without getting the trouble of convergence and computation time of an hysteresis model during solving.

Software aspects

Before solving :
  • In the menu Physics, click on Materials
  • In the B(H) properties choose : Iron sheets described by LS model
  • The user can choose one of the predefined sheets
  • The user can also import his own materials with its iron losses properties (see : LS model identification with MILS)
  • Assign materials to a Laminated non conducting region
    Note: the thickness of the sheet must be the same in the material and in the region.
The list of the predefined sheets is the next one :
  • M270-35A
  • M330-35A
  • M330-65A
  • M400-50A
  • M600-50A
  • M600-65A
  • M800-50A
  • M800-65A

For more information about electrical steel sheets, see this page : Standards for electrical steel sheets

In post-processing, to compute iron losses :
  • In the menu Computation, click on Computation of iron losses
  • Choose the Computation type
  • Choose the Regions and the computation Interval
  • Select the model Model defined in the material


This model can be only applied on Laminated non conducting region.


Iron losses model

LS model identification with MILS