tblIRule GetOperator

Returns the comparison operator used to compare the reference value with the actual value in the cell.


tblIRule_handle GetOperator


HyperWorks Tcl Query


This command returns the comparison operator used to compare the reference value with the actual value in the cell. Returns the comparison operator or an empty string. One of the following values will be returned: "=" , ">" , ">=" ,"<" , "<=" or "".


set t [hw::GetT]
set activetableHandle [hwi GetActiveClientHandle ch$t]
set ruleid [ch$t AddRule]
set ruleHandle [$activetableHandle GetRuleHandle rh$ruleid $ruleid]
$ruleHandle SetCellList "A1 A2 B1 B2"
$ruleHandle SetBackgroundColor 3
$ruleHandle SetTextColor 0
$ruleHandle SetValue 10
$ruleHandle SetOperator ">"
puts "Rule Id: $ruleid will use operator [$ruleHandle GetValue] to compare the reference value with the actual value in the cell."
$ruleHandle ReleaseHandle


Not Applicable.