tblIRule SetTextColor

Sets the text color that should be applied on a cell that passes this rule.


tblIRule_handle SetTextColor color


HyperWorks Tcl Query


To set up conditional formatting of table cells, you must first add a rule. Next, you must get the rule handle and set the relevant parameters on the rule handle. These parameters are used to determine the formatting of the cells that are part of the rule.

One such parameter is the text color that should be applied on a cell that passes this rule. This API helps in setting the same.


The text color. An integer between 0 and 63.


set t [hw::GetT]
set activetableHandle [hwi GetActiveClientHandle ch$t]
set ruleid [ch$t AddRule]
set ruleHandle [$activetableHandle GetRuleHandle rh$ruleid $ruleid]
$ruleHandle SetCellList "A1 A2 B1 B2"
$ruleHandle SetBackgroundColor 3
$ruleHandle SetTextColor 0
puts "Text Color [$ruleHandle GetTextColor] will be applied on cells that pass rule $ruleid "
$ruleHandle SetValue 10
$ruleHandle SetOperator ">"
$ruleHandle ReleaseHandle


Returns success(0) or an error code.