FE geometry is topology on top of mesh, meaning CAD and mesh exist as a single entity. The purpose of FE geometry
is to add vertices, edges, surfaces, and solids on FE models which have no CAD geometry.
Open animation files, measure various distances and angles between entities, and use the Results Browser to view the model structure and find, display, and edit entities.
Create and edit user-defined data type expressions, derived load cases, and systems. You can also plot a forming limit
diagram, generate streamlines, track entities during animation, and create and import/export sets of entities.
The list of available operators is controlled by the template file selected when loading a model and result, and it can
be modified by adding or removing <using /> statements in the template.
A result manipulation library that enables user-defined data types to be added to a result, and transitions complex data
manipulation tasks from HyperView to a reusable, modifiable set of libraries that focus solely on result processing tasks.
Use the FLD tool a plot a Forming Limit Diagram (FLD) based on a material Forming Limit Curve (FLC) and the major and
minor strain output results of a forming simulation.
Query entities, create or edit free body diagrams, construct multiple curves and plots from a single result file, and
create and plot stress linearization.
Create and edit user-defined data type expressions, derived load cases, and systems. You can also plot a forming limit
diagram, generate streamlines, track entities during animation, and create and import/export sets of entities.
A result manipulation library that enables user-defined data types to be added to a result, and transitions complex data
manipulation tasks from HyperView to a reusable, modifiable set of libraries that focus solely on result processing tasks.
The Spatial (Beta) library contains functions that deal with minimum distance and
result mapping.
The operators in the spatial library are available
only through XML, and are not available via the Expression Builder.
The minimum distance and
value mapping functionality has been updated since it was first introduced, however it is
still in beta form for testing purposes. These operators may change before they are
Calculation of minimum distance from two node sets (the tire) to an element
set (the bumper fascia) using the NSMinDisance operator with the display
option set to “byall”: Figure 1.
The same operation with the display option set to “bymin”
shows a single vector from each “from” patch to the element set: Figure 2.
The result is a vector that can be plotted directly or contoured.
of values from one model/result to another, can also be performed using
ValueMapToNode. The image below shows both a coarse and fine model: Figure 3.
The model on the left is fine (~37K elements), and shows values mapped to from
the coarse model on the right (~10K elements): Figure 4.
Calculates the minimum distance from nodes to elements.
Maps values from a source model to nodes on a destination model.