.hdf5 file

The .hdf5 file is a binary file, containing result data.

Important: This is different from the .h5 (new) file format which contains both the model and result data. Refer to PARAM, HDF5 to switch between the .h5 and .hdf5 formats, or if both formats are desired.

File Creation

The .hdf5 file is created when the HDF5 format is chosen (FORMAT and OUTPUT).

File Contents

The .hdf5 file contains the following results.
Composite ply strain
Ply strain results for composite materials from static analyses, NLSTAT and normal mode analysis.
Output is controlled by the I/O Option CSTRAIN and by the SOUTi field on the PCOMP definition.
Composite ply stress
Ply stress results for composite materials from static analyses, NLSTAT and normal mode analysis.
Output is controlled by the I/O Option CSTRESS and by the SOUTi field on the PCOMP definition.
Displacement results for STATICS, NLSTAT, normal mode and linear buckling analysis.
Output is controlled by the I/O Option DISPLACEMENT.
Element force
Element force results for STATICS, NLSTAT and normal mode analysis.
Output is controlled by the I/O Option FORCE / ELFORCE.
Grid point force
Grid point force results for STATICS, NLSTAT and normal mode analysis.
Output is controlled by the I/O Option GPFORCE.
Applied load
Applied load results for STATICS and NLSTAT analysis.
Output is controlled by the I/O Option OLOAD.
SPC force
Single-point force of constraint results for STATICS, NLSTAT and normal mode analysis.
Output is controlled by the I/O Option SPCFORCE.
MPC force
Multi-point force of constraint results for STATICS, NLSTAT and normal mode analysis.
Output is controlled by the I/O Option MPCFORCE.
Strain results for STATICS, NLSTAT and normal mode analysis.
Output is controlled by the I/O Option STRAIN.
Stress results for STATICS, NLSTAT and normal mode analysis.
Output is controlled by the I/O Option STRESS / ELSTRESS.


  1. This output format is currently supported for the following elements:

    CBEAM, CBAR, CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CTRIA3, CTRIA6, CHEXA, CPENTA, CTETRA, CPYRA (both first and second order are supported for the listed solid elements).

  2. The .hdf5 output format is currently supported for the following analysis types:

    Linear Static, Normal Modes, Linear Buckling (only Displacement results are supported for Linear Buckling).