Define Interface

Use the Define Interface tool to create, import, and edit geometric lines.

The Define Interface tool is used to create, import and edit geometrical lines along the interfaces to evaluate. These lines are required in the E-Line definition stage. Using the Define Interface tool, you can do the following:
  • Create 3D lines
  • Import geometry file
  • Edit 3D lines

Create 3D Lines

Create 3D lines on the component edges.

Using the Define Interface tool, create geometric or 3D lines at the component edges. You can create geometric lines using two methods:
  • Fast create: SnRD automatically creates geometric lines on the edges of the selected components.
  • Manual create: Create 3D lines along the required node path. This requires manual inputs and provides more control over line creation.
  1. From the Setup group, select Define Interface > Create 3D Line.
    Figure 1.
  2. Fast Create geometric lines.
    1. Optional: From the guide bar, click to define feature options and control Geometrical Lines creation.
      Figure 2.
      The available options are:
      • Feature Angle: The maximum angle allowed between the normals of two connected shell elements. When an angle exceeds this value, a geometrical line is created.
      • Break Angle: The angle to determine points at which to split the line into segments.
      • Min: Minimum length of lines which will be created.
      • Max: Maximum length of lines which will be created.
    2. From the guide bar, click .
    Geometric lines are created on the selected component edges.

Manually Create Geometric Lines

Switch to Manual mode, when there is a need to create geometric lines with more precision and control.

  1. From the guide bar, deactivate to create lines manually by nodepath.
  2. Optional: From the guide bar, click to define controlled line creation.
    This creates controlled lines between locations with the possibility of reducing the number of joints and locations that fall outside the path line.
  3. Select a line type using the drop-down menu () on the left of the microdialog.

Import Geometry File

Import a geometry lines definition file.

You can import an external file containing the geometric lines definition. File formats are standard file formats supported by HyperWorks X.
  1. From the Setup group, select Define Interface > Import Geometry File.
    Figure 3.
  2. Browse and select the required file using the file browser window that appears.
    Once the file is opened, the lines in the external files are imported to the session and displayed in the graphics area.