Manage E-Lines

Use the Manage E-Line tool to review and manage E-Lines.

Before you begin, E-Lines need to be created before starting. If E-Lines are already realized in Create E-Lines, this step is optional.
The Manage E-Lines tool is used to Realize and edit E-Lines. Realize all E-Lines at once or switch to manual mode to realize and edit E-Lines one by one. At realization, the finite element entities at each evaluation point will be created. You can also review and edit all E-Lines in Bulk through the Review Table.
The E-Line Manage workflow is designed to facilitate rapid E-Line realization and editing both for advanced users as well as part time analysts. There are two workflows in this tool:
Realize and Edit
Realize, Review, and update interface parameters for one E-line at a time. Can be used on both realized and unrealized E-Lines.
Review E-Line Table
Review E-Lines to review, edit and update parameters for all E-Lines at a time through a table and map material compatibility data to Squeak lines.

Realize and Edit E-Lines

Review, edit, and update interface parameters for one E-Line at a time.

This can be used on both realized and unrealized E-Lines.
  1. From the Setup group, select Manage E-Line.
    Figure 1.
  2. From the guide bar, make a selection to realize all E-Lines, E-Lines of a specific type, or any unrealized E-Lines.
  3. Manually select an E-Line from the graphic area or use arrows to review and edit one E-line at a time.
  4. Optional: Manually edit or update the parameters if needed.
    Figure 2.
  5. Click .
    Note: Before proceeding to next step, all E-Lines should be realized and the necessary parameters should be updated.
    Unrealized E-Line(s) will be realized and, if they are edited, parameters will be updated. FE-entities representing the E-Line will be created.

Review E-Line Table

Reviewing E-Lines allows you to review, edit, and update parameters for all E-Lines at a time through a table and map material compatibility data to Squeak lines.

From the Setup group, select Manage E-Lines > Review E-Lines.
Figure 3.
Use the Review E-Lines table to:
  • Get an overview of all the E-Lines in model.
  • Edit and update E-Lines parameters for a single or multiple E-Lines (see Manage E-Lines Options).
  • Review and update Gap and Tolerance values for Interfaces or Map Interface Names from imported DTS file.
  • Map Material to Squeak E-lines.
    Figure 4.
Use selection tools to select and highlight specific E-Lines-
  • - Delete E-Lines.

    This removes selected E-Lines from model.

  • - Realize E-Lines.

    When you edit and update a parameter for a realized E-Lines, the line status changes to unrealized. For such changes, you will have to re-realize the updated line.

  • - Renumber E-Lines.
    To renumber selected E-Lines:
    1. Specify an interval.
    2. Click on
    Note: Last four digits of ID is unable to edit and will be set and controlled automatically. Smallest E-Line ID is therefore 10000.
  • Material Mapping

    You can use the existing template materials, import a user defined material database file or connect to Ziegler PEM Material Database. Both contains data referring to pairs of material and their compatibility. These data are obtained by stick-slip testing and are used in evaluation the Squeak simulation (Squeak Evaluation ).

    The idea behind mapping of materials is to incorporate information coming from the material database, without interfering with the cards of existing materials of the model in hand. You need to associate materials of parts at the interfaces you want to study to materials in the database. This is done to assign stick-slip testing results to an E-Line which is then used in post-processing of the E-Lines for squeak evaluation.
    • Map Material using template values:
      1. Assign Main and Secondary material for each squeak E-Line.
        Note: Not all material combinations have a match, some combinations have a non-existent risk of Squeak, Impulse Rate range for these are 100-100.
    • Map Material using user defined Material Compatibility Matrix:
      1. Load Material file using Import (unless already done).
      2. Assign the imported Main and Secondary material for each squeak E-Line by selecting them in table.
    • Map Material when Connected to Ziegler Database:
      1. Connect to Ziegler Database using Import (unless already done).
      2. In Material Mapping tab click .
      3. Select E-line to Map Material.
      4. Select Type, Manufacturer, and Brand for both Main and Secondary Material.
        Figure 5.
      5. Click to map selected material pair to selected E-Lines.
        Figure 6.
  • - Select All
  • - Unselect All
  • - Reverse Selection
  • - Navigate buttons to cycle through and isolate one interface at a time.

Manage E-Lines Options

The following options are available in the Review E-Lines table.

Contains the E-Lines realization status
- Unrealized E-Lines
- Realized E-Lines
- Failed to realize E-Lines. Increasing search distance typically resolves failed E-lines. If this is not the case, use the connector browser for detailed error handling and advanced control to fix problem.
E-Lines ID
A unique ID for each E-Line along with the number of connections for respective E-Lines (last digits).
Defines what type of phenomena to evaluate along the line – rattle or squeak.
Interface Name
Enter a name or assign from imported DTS file (if used) to respective E-Line in model to map the GD&T data.
Gap value for the interface in the specified gap direction. This is defined based on the Gap assignment method.
Design tolerance for gap in the specified gap direction. This is defined based on the Gap Assignment method.
(Impulse Rate)⁻¹ range
Inverse of Impulse Rate range is a measure of the material pair compatibility. This is defined based on the material mapping and only applies to Squeak lines.
Contact Type
Define Contact type for the E-line. This is based on Youngs' modulus value of the Main and Secondary FE material.
Gap Direction
Realization Projection direction that controls creation of the local coordinate systems which determines the Gap direction.
Value for the spacing between two adjacent Evaluation Points on an E-Line.
Search Distance
Value for search / gap tolerance between the selected Main-Secondary component.
Main FE Material
Assigned FE material for main component in the E-Line.
Secondary FE Material
Assigned FE material for secondary component in the E-Line.
Main Material
Mapped Material from Stick-Slip testing for main component in the E-Line.
Secondary Material
Mapped Material from Stick-Slip testing for secondary component in the E-Line.