Export Variability Study

If a variability study is created in the session an additional export option is available to allow for export of a variability study session which can be opened in HyperStudy to run a Stochastics or a DOE study.

  1. Enable the Export Variability Study box.
    Figure 1.
  2. For Study Name, enter a name.
  3. Select the Dynamic Event to run in the study.
  4. Define the number of runs in the Number of Runs field.
    Note: The Number of Runs value is automatically assigned by SnRD based on the number of studies and the number of variables. You can edit this value, but not mandatory.
  5. Select analysis type.
  6. Select an option for Combine All.
  7. Click Export.
    This will export the variability study TPL and XML files along with the OptiStruct solver file to the selected folder.
    Note: Use the open the .xml file in HyperStudy to generate a run database and results required for DOE/Stochastics study.