Manage the Legend Display
From the Plot tools, click the Contour tool.
Figure 1.
From the Contour panel, under Legend threshold, activate the
Max check box and enter the value to be assigned to
the highest color in the contour plot.
The new value is also changed in the Values section of the Edit Legend dialog.Note: If a value entered for threshold Max is invalid, it will not be applied and the panel will be updated to reflect the actual state.
Activate the Min check box and enter the value to be
assigned to the lowest color in the contour plot.
The new value is also changed in the Values section of the Edit Legend dialog.Note: If a value entered for threshold Min is invalid, it will not be applied and the panel will be updated to reflect the actual state.
For Multiplier, enter the multiplier for scaling all the
result values.
An additional line will be added to the legend if a multiplier value is entered.
For Offset, enter value that will affect the contour
value, contour min/max, and the legend min/max.
An additional line will be added to the legend if a multiplier value is entered.The offset value option can be useful for:
- Converting temperatures from Kelvin to Celsius
- Converting temperatures from Kelvin to Fahrenheit (by using the offset and multiplier options)
- Calculating factor of safety as (1 – stress/allowableStress) etc.
Note: The multiplier takes effect first, therefore you can perform operations likey=mx + C
on the contour (wherem
is the multiplier andC
is the offset). -
Click the Edit Legend button.
Opens the Edit Legend dialog, where you can change legend properties.