FE geometry is topology on top of mesh, meaning CAD and mesh exist as a single entity. The purpose of FE geometry
is to add vertices, edges, surfaces, and solids on FE models which have no CAD geometry.
Create and edit systems, assemblies, and analyses, use wizards to build models quickly, create and edit belt/pullies,
NLFE stabars, and NLFE springs, access the EDEM and Track Builder tools.
Create and edit points, bodies, lines (curve graphics), solids (graphics), markers and vectors, edit grounded/ungrounded
bodies, create and edit rigid body groups, configure gravity, and select material properties.
Use the Advanced Joints tool to create and edit a set of special constraints called higher pair joints. Typically, these are constraints
that involve a curve or surface on at least one of the two bodies.
Use the Fields tool to create a compliant connection between two bodies where stiffness or damping in one direction can be a function
of displacement in another direction
Use the Variables tool to create solver variables that can be used to create an algebraic expression of state variables, as well as
other solver variables. This can then be referenced in function expressions throughout the solver input file.
Use the Arrays tool to create solver arrays and set solver array data. Solver array types include X array, Y array, U array, IC
array, Plant Input array, and Plant Output array.
Use the Strings tool to create a solver string and set solver string data. A solver string provides a string that can be accessed
within the model, for example, to pass into a user subroutine.
Learn about how you can leverage Functional Mockup Units (FMUs) to couple your MBS model with external solvers or processes
to perform co-simulation or couple systems.
Use the Diff Equations tool to set solver differential equations. These equations can be used to add additional states to the mechanical
system being modeled.
Create and edit outputs, create and edit templates, run the solver, view reports, access the Load Export utility,
use the Optimization Wizard, open HyperStudy, utilize many pre-processing and post-processing capabilities with regards
to flexible bodies (or flexbodies), run MS/EDEM cosimulation in batch mode, and generate H3D from EDEM.
An FMU (.fmu) is a zipped package that
could contain the binaries and resources needed to solve the model that it represents along
with a model description (.xml) file.
An FMU could be of the type Model
Exchange (ME) or Co-simulation (CS) or both. An ME FMU contains the necessary states and
variables that could be solved by the calling solver. A CS FMU can contain its own solver or
calls another solver. In this case, two solvers co-simulate (one calling solver and other
solving the FMU) to solve the entire model. An FMU may contain both modes ME and CS. In this
case, the Type attribute in the FMU panel will be editable and you can select the mode in
which the FMU is solved.
Check FMU will run the FMU through the FMU compliance checker
as provided by the FMI standard. Along with the information about the contents of the FMU,
the checker verifies the validity of the information and try to execute the FMU. Warnings or
Errors are posted in the resulting dialog.
Note:MotionView runs
the Check FMU on the model containing an FMU during a Check Model|Export Solver Deck|Run
simulation and may flag an error or warning. Figure 1. FMU Compliance Check Log from Check FMU