
Frictions entities define friction coefficients between parts.


Card Description
*DEFINE_FRICTION Define friction coefficients between parts for use with the contact options.
*DEFINE_FRICTION_ORIENTATION Definition of different coefficients of friction in specific directions, specified using a vector and angles in degree.

Radioss Cards

Card Description
/FRICTION Specific contact friction between groups of parts or two parts.


Card Description
FRICT / Friction modeling definition.

Several friction models are available for use in the sliding interface contacts. A given model type is specified through the IFROPT, standard Coulomb friction (IFROPT= 1) and Velocity-Dependent Friction by Curve model (IFROPT= 3) can be used in the Slipring definition.

FRICT / IFROPT = 1 Standard Coulomb Friction Model.
FRICT / IFROPT = 2 Pressure-Dependent Friction by Curve.
FRICT / IFROPT = 3 Velocity-Dependent Friction by Curve
FRICT / IFROPT = 4 Pressure- and Velocity-Dependent Friction by Curves.
FRICT / IFROPT = 5 Pressure-Dependent Friction by Standard Function 1.
FRICT / IFROPT = 6 Pressure-Dependent Friction by Standard Function 2.
FRICT / IFROPT = 10 Orthotropic Friction.
FRICT / IFROPT = 11 Orthotropic Friction with Arbitrary Orientation.
FRICT / IFROPT = 12 User-Defined Friction Model.
FRICT / IFROPT = 13 Lookup Table Dependent on Pressure, Velocity and Temperature.
FRITAB/ Friction Table Definition.

Directly define the friction per part pair using a friction table.

Samcef Cards

You can define the friction coefficient CF while creating a .MCT through the エンティティエディター or the panel. Also, a provision is given to define a curve that can be linked to the CF. The parameter where the curve is assigned or linked to the CF is called CFNF.