Spatial Renumbering
Renumber elements and nodes based on spatial sorting.
- From the アセンブリ ribbon, click the arrow next to the Renumber tool, then select Spatial Renumber.
- Select a sorting schema from the drop-down on the ガイドバー.
- Select a list of nodes or elements to renumber.
Use the マイクロダイアログ to define relevant options.
Option Description Spatial - Click and select a
The global system may be used.
- Define the ordered list of axes to consider to sort the
selection (primary/secondary/tertiary axes).
Arrows will show the starting location and directions for renumbering.
- Define the start ID.
- Define a tolerance and ID increment for each axis.
The ID schema is continuous across directions.
Rectangular grid Using this method, you can renumber a rectangular regular array of elements or quads in two perpendicular directions in a user-defined coordinate system (Cartesian or cylindrical).
The steps are the same as the spatial method, but in this case a local coordinate system must be used to match the primary numbering directions and the mesh is expected to be a rectangular pattern of quads. You must define 3 different increments.Adjacent Using the adjacent method, renumbering is based on element/node connectivity directions instead of system directions. This method works only with quadrilateral elements (without any triangular elements) and should have a mapped (regular) pattern.
- Enter the Start ID.
- Click Options on the ガイドバー.
- Select a starting node or element.
- Select an element/node for the primary, secondary, and
tertiary directions and define their ID increments.
These should be connected to the starting element.
- Click and select a
On the ガイドバー, click one of the following:
- - 適用し、ツールを開いたままにする
- - 適用し、ツールを閉じる
- – 適用せずにツールを終了する
トレランスは、番号を付け替えるため、節点 / 要素を正しい順序でグループ化するのに使用されます。