A cable bundle cross section.
application = cf.Application.getInstance() project = application:Load({FEKO_HOME..[[/shared/Resources/Automation/Cables.cfx]]}) -- Add a cable bundle cross section bundledCables = { project.Definitions.Cables.CrossSections["SingleConductor1"], project.Definitions.Cables.CrossSections["TwistedPair1"] } bundle = project.Definitions.Cables.CrossSections:AddBundle(bundledCables) -- Apply a sheath around the bundle properties = bundle:GetProperties() properties.ShieldType = cf.Enums.CableBundleShieldTypeEnum.SheathInBackgroundMedium properties.InsulationMedium = project.Definitions.Media.Dielectric["Insulation"] bundle:SetProperties(properties)
The CableBundleCrossSection object is derived from the CableCrossSection object.
Usage locations
The CableBundleCrossSection object can be accessed from the following locations:
- Methods
- CableCrossSectionCollection collection has method AddBundle(table).
- CableCrossSectionCollection collection has method AddBundle(List of CableCrossSection).
Property List
- AutoBundleEnabled
- True if the cables must be auto-bundled. (Read/Write boolean)
- AutoCalculateOuterRadius
- True if the outer radius must be automatically calculated. It is available except when 'ShieldType' is 'InBackgroundMedium' . (Read/Write boolean)
- BundledCables
- The internal cables contained in the bundle. (Read/Write CableBundleCableSpecificationList)
- CablePerUnitLengthAccuracy
- Select a higher accuracy when calculating cable per-unit-length parameters. (Read/Write CablePerUnitLengthAccuracyEnum)
- Coated
- True if the shield is coated. (Read/Write boolean)
- CoatingMedium
- The shield coating medium. Only applies if the Coated property is true. (Read/Write Medium)
- CoatingThickness
- The coating thickness. Only applies if the Coated property is true. (Read/Write ParametricExpression)
- InsulationMedium
- The internal insulation medium. It is available except when 'ShieldType' is 'InBackgroundMedium'. (Read/Write Medium)
- Label
- The object label. (Read/Write string)
- MinimumOuterRadius
- The minimum outer radius. (Read only number)
- OuterRadius
- The bundle outer radius. It is available except when 'ShieldType' is 'InBackgroundMedium'. (Read/Write ManuallySpecifiedOrDerivedValue)
- SheathThickness
- The sheath thickness. It is only available when 'ShieldType' is 'SheathInBackgroundMedium' . (Read/Write ParametricExpression)
- Shield
- The shield type around the bundle. It is only available when 'ShieldType' is 'InDielectricWithShield'. (Read/Write CableShield)
- ShieldType
- The shield type. (Read/Write CableBundleShieldTypeEnum)
- TwistDirection
- The cable bundle twist direction. (Read/Write CableBundleTwistDirectionEnum)
- TwistPitchLength
- The cable bundle twist pitch length. It is not available when 'TwistDirection' is 'NoTwist'. (Read/Write ParametricExpression)
- Type
- The object type string. (Read only string)
Method List
- Delete ()
- Deletes the entity.
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicates the entity. (Returns a Object object.)
- GetProperties ()
- Returns a table of properties representing the state of the object. The properties table can be used with the SetProperties method to change multiple properties of the object in one step. (Returns a table object.)
- Rearrange ()
- Rearranges the cables in the bundle.
- Rearrange (seed number)
- Rearranges the cables in the bundle using the given seed.
- SetProperties (properties Object)
- Modifies the state of the object using the provided table of properties. This method is used to modify multiple properties of the object in a single step.
Static Function List
- GetDefaultProperties ()
- Creates a table containing the default settings to create an object. (Returns a table object.)
Property Details
- AutoBundleEnabled
- True if the cables must be auto-bundled.
- Type
- boolean
- Access
- Read/Write
- AutoCalculateOuterRadius
- True if the outer radius must be automatically calculated. It is available except when 'ShieldType' is 'InBackgroundMedium' .
- Type
- boolean
- Access
- Read/Write
- BundledCables
- The internal cables contained in the bundle.
- Type
- CableBundleCableSpecificationList
- Access
- Read/Write
- CablePerUnitLengthAccuracy
- Select a higher accuracy when calculating cable per-unit-length parameters.
- Type
- CablePerUnitLengthAccuracyEnum
- Access
- Read/Write
- Coated
- True if the shield is coated.
- Type
- boolean
- Access
- Read/Write
- CoatingMedium
- The shield coating medium. Only applies if the Coated property is true.
- Type
- Medium
- Access
- Read/Write
- CoatingThickness
- The coating thickness. Only applies if the Coated property is true.
- Type
- ParametricExpression
- Access
- Read/Write
- InsulationMedium
- The internal insulation medium. It is available except when 'ShieldType' is 'InBackgroundMedium'.
- Type
- Medium
- Access
- Read/Write
- Label
- The object label.
- Type
- string
- Access
- Read/Write
- MinimumOuterRadius
- The minimum outer radius.
- Type
- number
- Access
- Read only
- OuterRadius
- The bundle outer radius. It is available except when 'ShieldType' is 'InBackgroundMedium'.
- Type
- ManuallySpecifiedOrDerivedValue
- Access
- Read/Write
- SheathThickness
- The sheath thickness. It is only available when 'ShieldType' is 'SheathInBackgroundMedium' .
- Type
- ParametricExpression
- Access
- Read/Write
- Shield
- The shield type around the bundle. It is only available when 'ShieldType' is 'InDielectricWithShield'.
- Type
- CableShield
- Access
- Read/Write
- ShieldType
- The shield type.
- Type
- CableBundleShieldTypeEnum
- Access
- Read/Write
- TwistDirection
- The cable bundle twist direction.
- Type
- CableBundleTwistDirectionEnum
- Access
- Read/Write
- TwistPitchLength
- The cable bundle twist pitch length. It is not available when 'TwistDirection' is 'NoTwist'.
- Type
- ParametricExpression
- Access
- Read/Write
- Type
- The object type string.
- Type
- string
- Access
- Read only
Method Details
- Delete ()
- Deletes the entity.
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicates the entity.
- Return
- Object
- The new (duplicated) entity.
- GetProperties ()
- Returns a table of properties representing the state of the object. The properties table can be used with the SetProperties method to change multiple properties of the object in one step.
- Return
- table
- A table defining the properties.
- Rearrange ()
- Rearranges the cables in the bundle.
- Rearrange (seed number)
- Rearranges the cables in the bundle using the given seed.
- Input Parameters
- seed(number)
- The seed to use to perform the random rearrange.
- SetProperties (properties Object)
- Modifies the state of the object using the provided table of properties. This method is used to modify multiple properties of the object in a single step.
- Input Parameters
- properties(Object)
- A table of properties defining the new state of the object.
Static Function Details
- GetDefaultProperties ()
- Creates a table containing the default settings to create an object.
- Return
- table
- A table containing the default properties.