An editable mesh object.
application = cf.Application.getInstance() project = application:NewProject() sphere = project.Contents.Geometry:AddSphere(cf.Point(0,0,0),1) project.Contents.SolutionConfigurations.GlobalFrequency.Start = "1e06" project.Mesher:Mesh() sphere:UnlinkMesh() -- Delete the created mesh mesh = project.Contents.Meshes[1] mesh:Delete()
Usage locations
The Mesh object can be accessed from the following locations:
- Properties
- AbstractMeshTriangleFace object has property Part.
- MeshCurvilinearTriangleFace object has property Part.
- MeshTriangleFace object has property Part.
- AbstractMeshWire object has property Part.
- MeshCurvilinearWire object has property Part.
- MeshCurvilinearSegmentWire object has property Part.
- MeshWire object has property Part.
- MeshSegmentWire object has property Part.
- MeshCylinder object has property Part.
- MeshPlate object has property Part.
- MeshRegion object has property Part.
- MeshTetrahedronRegion object has property Part.
- Methods
- CollectionOf_Mesh collection has method Item(number).
- CollectionOf_Mesh collection has method Item(string).
- MeshCollection collection has method Item(number).
- MeshCollection collection has method Item(string).
- Mesh object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Mesh object has method Replace(Mesh).
- MeshFind object has method GetIntersectingMeshes().
- MeshFind object has method GetIntersectingMeshes(List of Mesh).
- Geometry object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- AnalyticalCurve object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- BezierCurve object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Cone object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- ConstrainedSurface object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Cuboid object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Cylinder object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Ellipse object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- EllipticArc object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- FittedSpline object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Flare object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Helix object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- HyperbolicArc object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- ImprintPoints object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Intersect object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Loft object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- PathSweep object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- ProjectGeometry object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- RepairAndSewFaces object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- RepairPart object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Spin object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Split object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Stitch object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Subtract object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Sweep object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Union object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Simplify object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Line object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- NurbsSurface object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- ParabolicArc object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Paraboloid object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Polygon object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Polyline object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Primitive object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Rectangle object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- Sphere object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- AbstractSurfaceCurve object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- SurfaceBezierCurve object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- SurfaceLine object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- SurfaceRegularLines object has method UnlinkMesh(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
- MeshImporter object has method Import(string).
- Mesher object has method UnlinkMeshes(List of Object).
- Mesher object has method UnlinkMeshes(List of Object, UnlinkMeshOptionEnum).
Property List
- BoundingBox
- A box indicating the bounding box of this entity. (Read only Box). (Read only Box)
- Label
- The object label. (Read/Write string)
- LocalMeshSettingsEnabled
- Control if the locally defined mesh settings should be used for the entity. (Read/Write boolean)
- LocalWorkplane
- The source workplane. (Read/Write LocalWorkplane)
- MeshSettings
- The locally defined mesh setting to use. (Read/Write MeshSettings)
- Type
- The object type string. (Read only string)
- Visible
- Specifies whether the geometry must be shown or hidden. (Read/Write boolean)
Collection List
- CurvilinearFaces
- The collection of faces meshed with curvilinear triangles. The faces form part of the mesh model. (MeshCurvilinearTriangleFaceCollection of MeshCurvilinearTriangleFace.)
- CurvilinearWires
- The collection of wires meshed with curvilinear segments. The wires form part of the mesh model. (MeshSegmentCurvilinearWireCollection of MeshCurvilinearWire.)
- Cylinders
- The collection of unmeshed cylinders that form part of the mesh model. (MeshCylinderCollection of MeshCylinder.)
- Faces
- The collection of faces meshed with flat triangles. The faces form part of the mesh model. (MeshTriangleFaceCollection of MeshTriangleFace.)
- Plates
- The collection of unmeshed plates that form part of the mesh model. (MeshPlateCollection of MeshPlate.)
- Transforms
- The collection of transforms on the operator. (TransformCollection of Transform.)
- Wires
- The collection of wires meshed with segments. The wires form part of the mesh model. (MeshSegmentWireCollection of MeshWire.)
Method List
- CopyAndMirror (properties table)
- Apply a copy and mirror using a table defining the properties. (Returns a List of Object object.)
- CopyAndRotate (properties table, count number)
- Apply a copy and rotate using a table defining the properties. (Returns a List of Object object.)
- CopyAndRotate (origin Point, rotationaxis Vector, angle number, count number)
- Copy and rotate the geometry. (Returns a List of Object object.)
- CopyAndTranslate (properties table, count number)
- Apply a copy and translate using a table defining the properties. (Returns a List of Object object.)
- CopyAndTranslate (from Point, to Point, count number)
- Copy and translate the geometry. (Returns a List of Object object.)
- Delete ()
- Deletes the entity.
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicates the entity. (Returns a Object object.)
- GetProperties ()
- Returns a table of properties representing the state of the object. The properties table can be used with the SetProperties method to change multiple properties of the object in one step. (Returns a table object.)
- Replace (replacementMesh Mesh)
- Replace the the mesh with another mesh transferring the properties and ports to the new mesh. (Returns a Mesh object.)
- SetProperties (properties Object)
- Modifies the state of the object using the provided table of properties. This method is used to modify multiple properties of the object in a single step.
- UnlinkMesh (unlinkoption UnlinkMeshOptionEnum)
- Unlinks the geometry's associated simulation mesh. (Returns a Mesh object.)
Static Function List
- GetDefaultProperties ()
- Creates a table containing the default settings to create an object. (Returns a table object.)
Property Details
- BoundingBox
- A box indicating the bounding box of this entity. (Read only Box).
- Type
- Box
- Access
- Read only
- Label
- The object label.
- Type
- string
- Access
- Read/Write
- LocalMeshSettingsEnabled
- Control if the locally defined mesh settings should be used for the entity.
- Type
- boolean
- Access
- Read/Write
- LocalWorkplane
- The source workplane.
- Type
- LocalWorkplane
- Access
- Read/Write
- MeshSettings
- The locally defined mesh setting to use.
- Type
- MeshSettings
- Access
- Read/Write
- Type
- The object type string.
- Type
- string
- Access
- Read only
- Visible
- Specifies whether the geometry must be shown or hidden.
- Type
- boolean
- Access
- Read/Write
Collection Details
- CurvilinearFaces
- The collection of faces meshed with curvilinear triangles. The faces form part of the mesh model.
- CurvilinearWires
- The collection of wires meshed with curvilinear segments. The wires form part of the mesh model.
- Cylinders
- The collection of unmeshed cylinders that form part of the mesh model.
- Faces
- The collection of faces meshed with flat triangles. The faces form part of the mesh model.
- Plates
- The collection of unmeshed plates that form part of the mesh model.
- Type
- MeshPlateCollection
- Transforms
- The collection of transforms on the operator.
- Type
- TransformCollection
- Wires
- The collection of wires meshed with segments. The wires form part of the mesh model.
Method Details
- CopyAndMirror (properties table)
- Apply a copy and mirror using a table defining the properties.
- CopyAndRotate (properties table, count number)
- Apply a copy and rotate using a table defining the properties.
- CopyAndRotate (origin Point, rotationaxis Vector, angle number, count number)
- Copy and rotate the geometry.
- CopyAndTranslate (properties table, count number)
- Apply a copy and translate using a table defining the properties.
- CopyAndTranslate (from Point, to Point, count number)
- Copy and translate the geometry.
- Delete ()
- Deletes the entity.
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicates the entity.
- Return
- Object
- The new (duplicated) entity.
- GetProperties ()
- Returns a table of properties representing the state of the object. The properties table can be used with the SetProperties method to change multiple properties of the object in one step.
- Return
- table
- A table defining the properties.
- Replace (replacementMesh Mesh)
- Replace the the mesh with another mesh transferring the properties and ports to the new mesh.
- SetProperties (properties Object)
- Modifies the state of the object using the provided table of properties. This method is used to modify multiple properties of the object in a single step.
- Input Parameters
- properties(Object)
- A table of properties defining the new state of the object.
- UnlinkMesh (unlinkoption UnlinkMeshOptionEnum)
- Unlinks the geometry's associated simulation mesh.
- Input Parameters
- unlinkoption(UnlinkMeshOptionEnum)
- Mesh ports are created. Solution entities are either keep with their original assignment or reassigned to the new port.
- Return
- Mesh
- The unlinked mesh.
Static Function Details
- GetDefaultProperties ()
- Creates a table containing the default settings to create an object.
- Return
- table
- A table containing the default properties.