An object is anything that can be selected in CADFEKO.
The following objects are derived (specialisations) from the Object object:
- AbstractAntennaArray
- AbstractMeshEdge
- AbstractMeshTriangleFace
- AbstractMeshWire
- AnisotropicDielectricCollection
- Application
- BaseFieldReceivingAntenna
- CFXModelImportSettings
- CFXModelImporter
- CableConnector
- CableConnectorCollection
- CableConnectorPin
- CableConnectorPinCollection
- CableCrossSection
- CableCrossSectionCollection
- CableGeneralNetwork
- CableHarness
- CableHarnessCollection
- CableInstance
- CableInstanceCollection
- CablePath
- CablePathCollection
- CablePathTerminal
- CableProbe
- CableProbeCollection
- CableSchematicCurrentProbe
- CableSchematicVoltageProbe
- CableShield
- CableShieldCollection
- CableSignal
- CableSignalCollection
- CableSpiceNetwork
- Cables
- Capacitor
- CharacterisedSurfaceCollection
- CharacteristicModes
- CollectionOf_DomainEntity
- CollectionOf_Mesh
- ComplexLoad
- ComponentLaunchOptions
- Currents
- CurrentsCollection
- Cutplane
- CutplaneCollection
- DielectricCollection
- ErrorEstimation
- ErrorEstimationCollection
- Exporter
- FDTDBoundaryConditions
- FaceCollection
- FarField
- FarFieldCollection
- FarFieldReceivingAntennaCollection
- FieldData
- FieldDataCollection
- FillHoleSettings
- Find
- Frequency
- Geometry
- GeometryExporter
- GeometryGroup
- GeometryGroupCollection
- GeometryImporter
- GeometryRebuild
- GeometryRepair
- Ground
- GroundPlane
- ImpedanceSheetCollection
- Importer
- Inductor
- LaunchResult
- Launcher
- LayeredDielectricCollection
- LibraryMedium
- Load
- LoadCollection
- MainWindow
- MdiArea
- MdiSubWindow
- Media
- MediaLibrary
- Medium
- Mesh
- MeshCurvilinearTriangleFaceCollection
- MeshCylinder
- MeshCylinderCollection
- MeshExporter
- MeshFind
- MeshImporter
- MeshInfo
- MeshPlate
- MeshPlateCollection
- MeshRefinementRule
- MeshRefinementRuleCollection
- MeshRegion
- MeshSegment
- MeshSegmentCurvilinearWireCollection
- MeshSegmentWireCollection
- MeshSettings
- MeshSettingsCollection
- MeshTetrahedronRegionCollection
- MeshTriangleFaceCollection
- Mesher
- MessageWindow
- MetalCollection
- Model
- ModelAttributes
- ModelContents
- ModelDecomposition
- ModelDecompositionCollection
- ModelDefinitions
- ModelMeshInfo
- ModelSymmetry
- NamedPoint
- NamedPointCollection
- NearField
- NearFieldCollection
- NearFieldReceivingAntennaCollection
- Net
- NetCollection
- Network
- NetworkCollection
- NumericalGreensFunction
- OperatorCollection
- Optimisation
- OptimisationGoalCollection
- OptimisationGoalObjective
- OptimisationMask
- OptimisationMaskCollection
- OptimisationOperator
- OptimisationParameters
- OptimisationSearch
- OptimisationSearchAdvancedSettings
- OptimisationSearchCollection
- PeriodicBoundary
- Port
- PortCollection
- Power
- ProtectedModel
- ProtectedModels
- RegionCollection
- RemoveSmallFeaturesSettings
- RepairAndSewFacesSettings
- RepairEdgesSettings
- RepairPartsSettings
- Resistor
- SARCollection
- SParameter
- Schematic
- SchematicViewWindow
- SimplifyPartRepresentationSettings
- SimulationMeshInfo
- SolutionConfiguration
- SolutionConfigurationCollection
- SolutionSettings
- SolverSettings
- Source
- SourceCollection
- SphericalModeReceivingAntennaCollection
- Terminal
- TerminalCollection
- TopologyEntity
- TopologyEntityCollectionOf_Edge
- Transform
- TransformCollection
- Transformer
- TransmissionReflection
- TransmissionReflectionCollection
- UnprotectedInformation
- Variable
- VariableCollection
- Version
- ViewXt
- ViewXtWindow
- VoltageControlledVoltageSource
- VoxelSettings
- WindscreenCollection
- WorkSurface
- WorkSurfaceCollection
- Workplane
- WorkplaneCollection
Usage locations
The Object object can be accessed from the following locations:
- Properties
- Schematic object has property SchematicItems.
- SParameterOptimisationGoal object has property FocusSource.
- Methods
- Object object has method Duplicate().
- VariableCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- NamedPointCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- TransformCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- WorkplaneCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CutplaneCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- MdiArea collection has method Duplicate().
- AnisotropicDielectricCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CharacterisedSurfaceCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- DielectricCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- ImpedanceSheetCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- LayeredDielectricCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- MetalCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- WindscreenCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CollectionOf_DomainEntity collection has method Item(number).
- CollectionOf_DomainEntity collection has method Item(string).
- CollectionOf_DomainEntity collection has method Duplicate().
- CableSchematicComponentCollection collection has method Item(number).
- CableSchematicComponentCollection collection has method Item(string).
- CableSchematicComponentCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- NetCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CableConnectorCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CableConnectorPinCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CableCrossSectionCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CableHarnessCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CableInstanceCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CablePathCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CableProbeCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CableShieldCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CollectionOf_Mesh collection has method Duplicate().
- MeshCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- MeshCurvilinearTriangleFaceCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- MeshCylinderCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- MeshPlateCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- MeshRefinementRuleCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- MeshSegmentCurvilinearWireCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- MeshSegmentWireCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- MeshTetrahedronRegionCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- MeshTriangleFaceCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- OperatorCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- GeometryCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- GeometryGroup collection has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- GeometryGroup collection has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- GeometryGroup collection has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- GeometryGroup collection has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- GeometryGroup collection has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- GeometryGroup collection has method Duplicate().
- WorkSurfaceCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- GeometryGroupCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- FieldDataCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- MeshSettingsCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CurrentsCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- ErrorEstimationCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- FarFieldCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- FarFieldReceivingAntennaCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- LoadCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- ModelDecompositionCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- NearFieldCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- NearFieldReceivingAntennaCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- NetworkCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- PortCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- SARCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- SolutionConfigurationCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- SourceCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- SphericalModeReceivingAntennaCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- TransmissionReflectionCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- OptimisationGoalCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- OptimisationMaskCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- OptimisationSearchCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- ProtectedModels collection has method Duplicate().
- MediaLibrary collection has method Duplicate().
- Model object has method Duplicate().
- TerminalCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- CableSignalCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- TopologyEntityCollectionOf_Edge collection has method Duplicate().
- EdgeCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- WireCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- FaceCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- RegionCollection collection has method Duplicate().
- Variable object has method Duplicate().
- Transform object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Transform object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Transform object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Transform object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Transform object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Transform object has method Duplicate().
- Align object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Align object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Align object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Align object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Align object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Align object has method Duplicate().
- Mirror object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Mirror object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Mirror object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Mirror object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Mirror object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Mirror object has method Duplicate().
- Rotate object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Rotate object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Rotate object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Rotate object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Rotate object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Rotate object has method Duplicate().
- Scale object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Scale object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Scale object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Scale object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Scale object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Scale object has method Duplicate().
- Translate object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Translate object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Translate object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Translate object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Translate object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Translate object has method Duplicate().
- ModelAttributes object has method Duplicate().
- NamedPoint object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- NamedPoint object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- NamedPoint object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- NamedPoint object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- NamedPoint object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- NamedPoint object has method Duplicate().
- Workplane object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Workplane object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Workplane object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Workplane object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Workplane object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Workplane object has method Duplicate().
- AbstractAntennaArray object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- AbstractAntennaArray object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- AbstractAntennaArray object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- AbstractAntennaArray object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- AbstractAntennaArray object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- AbstractAntennaArray object has method Duplicate().
- CylindricalAntennaArray object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- CylindricalAntennaArray object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- CylindricalAntennaArray object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- CylindricalAntennaArray object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- CylindricalAntennaArray object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- CylindricalAntennaArray object has method Duplicate().
- LinearPlanarArray object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- LinearPlanarArray object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- LinearPlanarArray object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- LinearPlanarArray object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- LinearPlanarArray object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- LinearPlanarArray object has method Duplicate().
- CustomAntennaArray object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- CustomAntennaArray object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- CustomAntennaArray object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- CustomAntennaArray object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- CustomAntennaArray object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- CustomAntennaArray object has method Duplicate().
- Cutplane object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Cutplane object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Cutplane object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Cutplane object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Cutplane object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Cutplane object has method Duplicate().
- MdiSubWindow object has method Duplicate().
- Application object has method Load(string).
- Application object has method NewProject().
- Application object has method Duplicate().
- MainWindow object has method Duplicate().
- ViewXt object has method Duplicate().
- ViewXtWindow object has method Duplicate().
- MessageWindow object has method Duplicate().
- Version object has method Duplicate().
- Medium object has method Duplicate().
- CharacterisedSurface object has method Duplicate().
- DefaultMedium object has method Duplicate().
- Dielectric object has method Duplicate().
- FreeSpace object has method Duplicate().
- GroundPlaneMedium object has method Duplicate().
- Zero object has method Duplicate().
- DielectricBoundaryMedium object has method Duplicate().
- ImpedanceSheet object has method Duplicate().
- LayeredDielectric object has method Duplicate().
- LayeredAnisotropicDielectric object has method Duplicate().
- LayeredIsotropicDielectric object has method Duplicate().
- Metal object has method Duplicate().
- PerfectElectricConductor object has method Duplicate().
- PerfectMagneticConductor object has method Duplicate().
- Windscreen object has method Duplicate().
- Media object has method Duplicate().
- Capacitor object has method Duplicate().
- Ground object has method Duplicate().
- Net object has method Duplicate().
- Resistor object has method Duplicate().
- Schematic object has method Duplicate().
- Terminal object has method Duplicate().
- CableCrossSection object has method Duplicate().
- CableBundleCrossSection object has method Duplicate().
- CableCoaxialCrossSection object has method Duplicate().
- CableNonConductingElementCrossSection object has method Duplicate().
- CableRibbonCrossSection object has method Duplicate().
- CableSingleConductorCrossSection object has method Duplicate().
- CableTwistedPairCrossSection object has method Duplicate().
- CableConnector object has method Duplicate().
- CableConnectorPin object has method Duplicate().
- CableGeneralNetwork object has method Duplicate().
- CableHarness object has method Duplicate().
- CableInstance object has method Duplicate().
- CablePath object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- CablePath object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- CablePath object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- CablePath object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- CablePath object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- CablePath object has method Duplicate().
- CablePathTerminal object has method Duplicate().
- CableProbe object has method Duplicate().
- Cables object has method Duplicate().
- CableSchematicCurrentProbe object has method Duplicate().
- CableSchematicVoltageProbe object has method Duplicate().
- CableShield object has method Duplicate().
- CableSignal object has method Duplicate().
- CableSpiceNetwork object has method Duplicate().
- ComplexLoad object has method Duplicate().
- Inductor object has method Duplicate().
- Transformer object has method Duplicate().
- VoltageControlledVoltageSource object has method Duplicate().
- SchematicViewWindow object has method Duplicate().
- KBL object has method Duplicate().
- ComponentLaunchOptions object has method Duplicate().
- Launcher object has method Duplicate().
- AbstractMeshEdge object has method Duplicate().
- AbstractMeshTriangleFace object has method Duplicate().
- MeshCurvilinearTriangleFace object has method Duplicate().
- MeshTriangleFace object has method Duplicate().
- AbstractMeshWire object has method Duplicate().
- MeshCurvilinearWire object has method Duplicate().
- MeshCurvilinearSegmentWire object has method Duplicate().
- MeshWire object has method Duplicate().
- MeshSegmentWire object has method Duplicate().
- MeshCylinder object has method Duplicate().
- MeshPlate object has method Duplicate().
- MeshRegion object has method Duplicate().
- MeshTetrahedronRegion object has method Duplicate().
- MeshRefinementRule object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- MeshRefinementRule object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- MeshRefinementRule object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- MeshRefinementRule object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- MeshRefinementRule object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- MeshRefinementRule object has method Duplicate().
- AdaptiveRefinement object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- AdaptiveRefinement object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- AdaptiveRefinement object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- AdaptiveRefinement object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- AdaptiveRefinement object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- AdaptiveRefinement object has method Duplicate().
- PointRefinement object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- PointRefinement object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- PointRefinement object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- PointRefinement object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- PointRefinement object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- PointRefinement object has method Duplicate().
- PolylineRefinement object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- PolylineRefinement object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- PolylineRefinement object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- PolylineRefinement object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- PolylineRefinement object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- PolylineRefinement object has method Duplicate().
- Mesh object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Mesh object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Mesh object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Mesh object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Mesh object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Mesh object has method Duplicate().
- MeshFind object has method Duplicate().
- MeshSegment object has method Duplicate().
- Geometry object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Geometry object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Geometry object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Geometry object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Geometry object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Geometry object has method Duplicate().
- AnalyticalCurve object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- AnalyticalCurve object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- AnalyticalCurve object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- AnalyticalCurve object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- AnalyticalCurve object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- AnalyticalCurve object has method Duplicate().
- BezierCurve object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- BezierCurve object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- BezierCurve object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- BezierCurve object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- BezierCurve object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- BezierCurve object has method Duplicate().
- Cone object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Cone object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Cone object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Cone object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Cone object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Cone object has method Duplicate().
- ConstrainedSurface object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- ConstrainedSurface object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- ConstrainedSurface object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- ConstrainedSurface object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- ConstrainedSurface object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- ConstrainedSurface object has method Duplicate().
- Cuboid object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Cuboid object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Cuboid object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Cuboid object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Cuboid object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Cuboid object has method Duplicate().
- Cylinder object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Cylinder object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Cylinder object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Cylinder object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Cylinder object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Cylinder object has method Duplicate().
- Ellipse object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Ellipse object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Ellipse object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Ellipse object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Ellipse object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Ellipse object has method Duplicate().
- EllipticArc object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- EllipticArc object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- EllipticArc object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- EllipticArc object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- EllipticArc object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- EllipticArc object has method Duplicate().
- FittedSpline object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- FittedSpline object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- FittedSpline object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- FittedSpline object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- FittedSpline object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- FittedSpline object has method Duplicate().
- Flare object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Flare object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Flare object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Flare object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Flare object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Flare object has method Duplicate().
- Helix object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Helix object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Helix object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Helix object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Helix object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Helix object has method Duplicate().
- HyperbolicArc object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- HyperbolicArc object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- HyperbolicArc object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- HyperbolicArc object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- HyperbolicArc object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- HyperbolicArc object has method Duplicate().
- ImprintPoints object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- ImprintPoints object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- ImprintPoints object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- ImprintPoints object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- ImprintPoints object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- ImprintPoints object has method Duplicate().
- Intersect object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Intersect object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Intersect object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Intersect object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Intersect object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Intersect object has method Duplicate().
- Loft object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Loft object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Loft object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Loft object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Loft object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Loft object has method Duplicate().
- PathSweep object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- PathSweep object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- PathSweep object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- PathSweep object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- PathSweep object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- PathSweep object has method Duplicate().
- ProjectGeometry object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- ProjectGeometry object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- ProjectGeometry object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- ProjectGeometry object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- ProjectGeometry object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- ProjectGeometry object has method Duplicate().
- RepairAndSewFaces object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- RepairAndSewFaces object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- RepairAndSewFaces object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- RepairAndSewFaces object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- RepairAndSewFaces object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- RepairAndSewFaces object has method Duplicate().
- RepairPart object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- RepairPart object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- RepairPart object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- RepairPart object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- RepairPart object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- RepairPart object has method Duplicate().
- Spin object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Spin object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Spin object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Spin object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Spin object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Spin object has method Duplicate().
- Split object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Split object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Split object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Split object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Split object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Split object has method Duplicate().
- Stitch object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Stitch object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Stitch object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Stitch object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Stitch object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Stitch object has method Duplicate().
- Subtract object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Subtract object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Subtract object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Subtract object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Subtract object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Subtract object has method Duplicate().
- Sweep object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Sweep object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Sweep object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Sweep object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Sweep object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Sweep object has method Duplicate().
- Union object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Union object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Union object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Union object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Union object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Union object has method Duplicate().
- Simplify object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Simplify object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Simplify object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Simplify object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Simplify object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Simplify object has method Duplicate().
- Line object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Line object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Line object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Line object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Line object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Line object has method Duplicate().
- NurbsSurface object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- NurbsSurface object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- NurbsSurface object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- NurbsSurface object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- NurbsSurface object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- NurbsSurface object has method Duplicate().
- ParabolicArc object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- ParabolicArc object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- ParabolicArc object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- ParabolicArc object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- ParabolicArc object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- ParabolicArc object has method Duplicate().
- Paraboloid object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Paraboloid object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Paraboloid object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Paraboloid object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Paraboloid object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Paraboloid object has method Duplicate().
- Polygon object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Polygon object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Polygon object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Polygon object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Polygon object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Polygon object has method Duplicate().
- Polyline object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Polyline object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Polyline object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Polyline object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Polyline object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Polyline object has method Duplicate().
- Primitive object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Primitive object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Primitive object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Primitive object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Primitive object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Primitive object has method Duplicate().
- Rectangle object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Rectangle object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Rectangle object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Rectangle object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Rectangle object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Rectangle object has method Duplicate().
- Sphere object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- Sphere object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- Sphere object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- Sphere object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- Sphere object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- Sphere object has method Duplicate().
- AbstractSurfaceCurve object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- AbstractSurfaceCurve object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- AbstractSurfaceCurve object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- AbstractSurfaceCurve object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- AbstractSurfaceCurve object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- AbstractSurfaceCurve object has method Duplicate().
- SurfaceBezierCurve object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- SurfaceBezierCurve object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- SurfaceBezierCurve object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- SurfaceBezierCurve object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- SurfaceBezierCurve object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- SurfaceBezierCurve object has method Duplicate().
- SurfaceLine object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- SurfaceLine object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- SurfaceLine object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- SurfaceLine object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- SurfaceLine object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- SurfaceLine object has method Duplicate().
- SurfaceRegularLines object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- SurfaceRegularLines object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- SurfaceRegularLines object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- SurfaceRegularLines object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- SurfaceRegularLines object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- SurfaceRegularLines object has method Duplicate().
- TopologyEntity object has method Duplicate().
- Edge object has method Duplicate().
- Face object has method Duplicate().
- Region object has method Duplicate().
- FillHoleSettings object has method Duplicate().
- GeometryExporter object has method Duplicate().
- Find object has method Duplicate().
- GeometryImporter object has method Duplicate().
- GeometryRepair object has method Duplicate().
- GeometryRebuild object has method Duplicate().
- RemoveSmallFeaturesSettings object has method Duplicate().
- RepairAndSewFacesSettings object has method Duplicate().
- RepairEdgesSettings object has method Duplicate().
- RepairPartsSettings object has method Duplicate().
- SimplifyPartRepresentationSettings object has method Duplicate().
- WorkSurface object has method Duplicate().
- FieldData object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- FieldData object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- FieldData object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- FieldData object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- FieldData object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- FieldData object has method Duplicate().
- SolutionCoefficientData object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- SolutionCoefficientData object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- SolutionCoefficientData object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- SolutionCoefficientData object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- SolutionCoefficientData object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- SolutionCoefficientData object has method Duplicate().
- PCBCurrentData object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- PCBCurrentData object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- PCBCurrentData object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- PCBCurrentData object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- PCBCurrentData object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- PCBCurrentData object has method Duplicate().
- SphericalModeDataManuallySpecified object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- SphericalModeDataManuallySpecified object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- SphericalModeDataManuallySpecified object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- SphericalModeDataManuallySpecified object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- SphericalModeDataManuallySpecified object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- SphericalModeDataManuallySpecified object has method Duplicate().
- SphericalModeDataFromFile object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- SphericalModeDataFromFile object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- SphericalModeDataFromFile object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- SphericalModeDataFromFile object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- SphericalModeDataFromFile object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- SphericalModeDataFromFile object has method Duplicate().
- NearFieldDataFullImport object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- NearFieldDataFullImport object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- NearFieldDataFullImport object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- NearFieldDataFullImport object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- NearFieldDataFullImport object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- NearFieldDataFullImport object has method Duplicate().
- NearFieldDataFileStructure object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- NearFieldDataFileStructure object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- NearFieldDataFileStructure object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- NearFieldDataFileStructure object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- NearFieldDataFileStructure object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- NearFieldDataFileStructure object has method Duplicate().
- FarFieldData object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- FarFieldData object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- FarFieldData object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- FarFieldData object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- FarFieldData object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- FarFieldData object has method Duplicate().
- MeshSettings object has method Duplicate().
- LocalMeshSettings object has method Duplicate().
- GlobalMeshSettings object has method Duplicate().
- VoxelSettings object has method Duplicate().
- FDTDBoundaryConditions object has method Duplicate().
- Port object has method Duplicate().
- CablePort object has method Duplicate().
- EdgeMeshPort object has method Duplicate().
- EdgePort object has method Duplicate().
- AbstractFEMLinePort object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- AbstractFEMLinePort object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- AbstractFEMLinePort object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- AbstractFEMLinePort object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- AbstractFEMLinePort object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- AbstractFEMLinePort object has method Duplicate().
- FEMLineMeshPort object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- FEMLineMeshPort object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- FEMLineMeshPort object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- FEMLineMeshPort object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- FEMLineMeshPort object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- FEMLineMeshPort object has method Duplicate().
- FEMLinePort object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- FEMLinePort object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- FEMLinePort object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- FEMLinePort object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- FEMLinePort object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- FEMLinePort object has method Duplicate().
- FEMModalMeshPort object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- FEMModalMeshPort object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- FEMModalMeshPort object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- FEMModalMeshPort object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- FEMModalMeshPort object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- FEMModalMeshPort object has method Duplicate().
- FEMModalPort object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- FEMModalPort object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- FEMModalPort object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- FEMModalPort object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- FEMModalPort object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- FEMModalPort object has method Duplicate().
- AbstractMeshPort object has method Duplicate().
- MicrostripMeshPort object has method Duplicate().
- WireMeshPort object has method Duplicate().
- MicrostripPort object has method Duplicate().
- WaveguideMeshPort object has method Duplicate().
- WaveguidePort object has method Duplicate().
- WirePort object has method Duplicate().
- CharacteristicModes object has method Duplicate().
- SolutionConfiguration object has method Duplicate().
- CharacteristicModesConfiguration object has method Duplicate().
- SParameterConfiguration object has method Duplicate().
- StandardConfiguration object has method Duplicate().
- Currents object has method Duplicate().
- Source object has method Duplicate().
- CurrentSource object has method Duplicate().
- FEMModalSource object has method Duplicate().
- VoltageSource object has method Duplicate().
- WaveguideSource object has method Duplicate().
- AbstractIdealSource object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- AbstractIdealSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- AbstractIdealSource object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- AbstractIdealSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- AbstractIdealSource object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- AbstractIdealSource object has method Duplicate().
- AbstractPointSource object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- AbstractPointSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- AbstractPointSource object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- AbstractPointSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- AbstractPointSource object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- AbstractPointSource object has method Duplicate().
- ElectricDipole object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- ElectricDipole object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- ElectricDipole object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- ElectricDipole object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- ElectricDipole object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- ElectricDipole object has method Duplicate().
- MagneticDipole object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- MagneticDipole object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- MagneticDipole object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- MagneticDipole object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- MagneticDipole object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- MagneticDipole object has method Duplicate().
- ImpressedCurrent object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- ImpressedCurrent object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- ImpressedCurrent object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- ImpressedCurrent object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- ImpressedCurrent object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- ImpressedCurrent object has method Duplicate().
- FarFieldSource object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- FarFieldSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- FarFieldSource object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- FarFieldSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- FarFieldSource object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- FarFieldSource object has method Duplicate().
- NearFieldSource object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- NearFieldSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- NearFieldSource object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- NearFieldSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- NearFieldSource object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- NearFieldSource object has method Duplicate().
- PCBSource object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- PCBSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- PCBSource object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- PCBSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- PCBSource object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- PCBSource object has method Duplicate().
- SolutionCoefficientSource object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- SolutionCoefficientSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- SolutionCoefficientSource object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- SolutionCoefficientSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- SolutionCoefficientSource object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- SolutionCoefficientSource object has method Duplicate().
- SphericalModeSource object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- SphericalModeSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- SphericalModeSource object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- SphericalModeSource object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- SphericalModeSource object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- SphericalModeSource object has method Duplicate().
- PlaneWave object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- PlaneWave object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- PlaneWave object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- PlaneWave object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- PlaneWave object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- PlaneWave object has method Duplicate().
- ErrorEstimation object has method Duplicate().
- FarField object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- FarField object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- FarField object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number, number).
- FarField object has method CopyAndTranslate(Point, Point, number).
- FarField object has method CopyAndMirror(table).
- FarField object has method Duplicate().
- BaseFieldReceivingAntenna object has method CopyAndRotate(table, number).
- BaseFieldReceivingAntenna object has method CopyAndTranslate(table, number).
- BaseFieldReceivingAntenna object has method CopyAndRotate(Point, Vector, number,